Title: Christian Police Association of South Africa
1- Christian Police Association of South Africa
2Mandate (Romans 1345)
- For the policeman does not frighten people who
are doing right but those doing evil will always
fear him. So, if you do not want to be afraid,
keep the laws and you will get along well. The
policeman is sent by God to help you, but if you
are doing something wrong, of cause you should be
afraid, for he will have you punished. He is sent
by God for that very purpose (Living Bible)
- Persecution
- Ongoing Wars
- Crime Explosion
- Shortages in Staff and Logistics
- Attacks
- Murder of Police officers
- Unequipped
- Low motivation
- Stress and depression
- Broken spirit
- Police brutality
- Isolation
- Suicides
- Low spirituality
- Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
- The ultimate Peace Officer
- ..restoring and healing broken lives
- transforming cops to real peace officers
- calling them to protect, serve and honour His
people as God ordained guards on the walls of the
- Great awakening among Christian Police Officers
in Africa - The Christian Police Association(CPA) is growing
in many countries as unique fellowship for
Christian officers. - Focus on fellowship, Christian ministry and
spreading the Gospel of Christ within the
criminal justice system and law enforcement in
- To establish the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the
SAPS by providing an organisation for Christian
officers where Christian unity is promoted and an
active contribution is made to the spiritual
revival of our country and our continent
9The Role of the Church
But for this vision of thousands of police
members living for Christ to realize, we as the
body of Christ must first reach out to them with
Gods healing power and love. To be a vessel in
Gods hands, you need to be healed, equipped and
on fire for the Messiah! This is where the church
are needed most - for the spiritual adoption and
nurturing of the SAPS and its members. We need
your help - to adopt a specific member and to
pray for them on a daily base. Firstly for
salvation and secondly for protection.
Our request to you is to please consider
involvement of your church/cell group in taking
hands with us in the CPA and to be part of the
revival process in the SAPS. We aim at the
spiritual restoration and reviving of spiritually
dead police members. We aim at unifying the Body
of Christ within the SAPS. We can however not do
this alone. We desperately need church support,
to reach out and touch and heal the broken lives
of broken police members in the SAPS.
there is a growing need for honest, Christian and
Bible- based intervention within the South
African Police Service. The networking process
between like- minded Christian Police officers in
their workplace, for fellowship and support, as
well as the important partnering with local
churches, has become of utmost importance in the
revival of the Police Service. The dramatic
transformation within the SAPS since 1994, the
change of government and laws, brutal attacks on
and killing of police officers, the
crime-explosion, internal conflicts and many
other challenges, have impacted the spirit and
moral of most police officers in a very negative
way. The Christian Police Association (CPA) of
South Africa The CPA is currently positioning
itself as a dynamic and independent Christ- and
Bible based organization, to, in partnership with
the rest of body of Christ, address the growing
spiritual need within the SAPS. The CPA in SA
was first established in SA in 1920 by Miss
Helena Garatt. During the first decades the work
of the CPA was performed by full time staff and
sponsored by local churches. The government at
the time decided to appoint its own pastors
(chaplains) within the Police Force in 1963. At
that time the CPA was terminated. The chaplaincy
within the SA Police Forces and, after 1994
Police Service, performed an important task and
is still doing so.
12It has become very difficult to operate as a
Christian and Bible- based ministry from within
the system in a secular state. It can no longer
be expected that government must pay for a
Christian ministry and the proclamation of the
gospel of Christ within a secular state. The CPA
revived in 1994 as an independent fellowship and
ever since then, went from strength to strength.
It still supports the work of Christian
chaplains, but is repositioning itself to become
an independent ministry to Police in SA, with the
focus on partnerships with local churches. The
change in strategy became evident with the
restructuring from a fellowship to a ministry and
when the National Executive of the CPA appointed
its first executive director in November 2002.
This appointment was the first step to assure an
independent, supportive police ministry and
vehicle for Christian intervention.
13Provincial Co-ordinator
- Captain Fanie van Vuuren was called by God to
serve him in this position in a full-time
capacity in Gauteng - In equipping Fanie, Godgraciously provided for
ahouse for the van Vuuren - family
- As the post carries no basic salary, Fanie trusts
Gods further provision as he lobbies for
Christian support to carry out his calling
14Personal Profile 1
- Fanie was only the second Police Youth worker in
the country when appointed in the Witwatersrand - He was instrumental in the implementation of the
first Youth Ministry strategy for the policeHe
started a newsletter - New life in Jesus - and
established the Police Coffee Bar at the Rand
Easter Show
- He single-handily organised the March for Jesus
in Hillbrow in 1994
15Police Coffee Bar - Rand Easter Show
16Personal Profile 2
As Youth worker he
- Led daily devotions at police stations
- Established coffee bars at single quarters
- Organised youth camps and gospel concerts
- Planned gospel outreaches
- Visited youth groups atchurches and schools
- Provided protection forinternational
ChristianSpeakers and Artists likeFranklin
Graham andMichael W Smith
17Personal Profile 3
- He attended the 1st CPA congress in 1994(and
every one ever since)
- He served on the National executive of the CPA
from 1995 to 2002 , 2004 to present
- During this time he initiated several National
projects including
and Repentance.
National CPA Congress. Sept 2004. Attendees
18Co-ordinator responsibilities 1
- Establish CPA branches at every Police Station in
Gauteng - Manage CPA projects in the province
- Promote discipleship opportunities
- Market the CPA in thepolice and thecommunity by
recruitingnew members andfriends of the CPA
19Coordinator responsibilities 2
- Liaise with churches and other Christian
organisations - Encourage the attendance of Christian camps,
conferences, concerts and seminars - Address congregations, meetings and youth groups
to lobby prayer and practical support for the
police - Promote the Good News Newsletter and obtain
sponsorships for its distribution
20CPA Projects
- Adopt-a-Station
- Action against Crime
- Police and Fire Games
- Prayer Breakfasts
- Provincial Conference
- Tract distribution
- World Teach
21Adopt-a-Station 1
- A Cell group or family in the local church adopt
a member of the SAPS - They commit to pray for the member on a daily
basis, first for his/her salvation (if not saved)
and secondly for protection. - They build a relationship with the member and
invite him/her to church services/ events
22Adopt-a-Station 2
- They contact the member regularly and
congratulate him/her on their birthdays - They visit the member when he/she is in hospital
- They provide the adopted member with spiritual
and emotional support - The local church supports the member/families by
providing a counselling service
23Action Against Crime
- Churches of different denominations within a
specific geographical area are encouraged to meet
on a monthly basis to pray for the police and
against crime in that area. - These churches undertake to have special services
for the police on an agreed date - Not a CPA project but partnering with CPA
24Police and Fire Games
- Christian athletes are encouraged to participate
in these biannual world games for police. - They are assisted in their efforts to obtain the
necessary financial support - The event is used to spread the gospel of Jesus
Christ to all participants around the world, and
as a base for Bible distribution in
Communist/Muslim countries
Praying with Athlete CPA Outreach World Police
Games 2001 Indianapolis
25Prayer Breakfasts
- Presentations are made to interest groups on the
work of the CPA - These events serve as opportunities for the
community and police members to have fellowship - It provides an opportunity for friends of the
police to minister to them.
26Provincial Conference
- The Provincial Conference takes place on a yearly
basis and all the CPA members in the province are
invited to attend - Members are encouraged to build friendships and
they are empowered by the Holy Spirit through
messages by the guest speakers - Strategic planning on how to reach out to
colleagues takes place
27Tract distribution
- This is a new initiative to produce topic
specific tracts within the police environment - The tracts will be used to spread the gospel in a
way to which the members can relate - The tracts will also be distributed amongst trial
awaiting prisoners, at road blocks and within
certain communities
28World Teach / M L Mandate
- As a registered member of World Teach, a number
of teachings from Dr Bruce Wilkinson will be
presented to police members. - These teachings will empower the members
regarding their marriages, finances and spiritual
blessings. - He also joined the million leaders mandate of
John Maxwell and is in the process of equipping
leaders at various police stations.
29If lead by the Holy Spirit to contribute to this
worthy cause, please fill in the applicable
option on the following slide, copy and paste it
in a new e-mail message and send it to
Call for Support
- I commit to pray for the CPA and its members
- I commit to make a monthly contribution of
R______ to the CPA Gauteng account ABSA
cheque account, branch no 632005 account
number 4046950011, with reference SL van Vuuren
- I commit to make a once off contribution of
R_______ to the CPA Gauteng account ABSA
cheque account, branch no 632005 account
number 4046950011, with reference SL van
- Brothers, pray for us. Greet all the brothers
with a holy kiss. I charge you before the Lord to
have this letter read to all the brothers. The
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you 1
Thessalonians 525 - 28
33(No Transcript)