Title: Fundamental Neutron Physics at the SNS
1Technology RD for the Neutron/Anti-Neutron
Oscillation Experiment at DUSEL Geoff Greene
University of Tennessee Oak Ridge National
Laboratory Nov, 2007
2- The major technical challenges to the vertical
- oscillation experiment do not require advances on
- established engineering practices in most
required - technologies.
- However, considerable study will be required to
allow - the development of a preliminary design and
credible - cost estimate.
- Outstanding issues include
- Reactor and Cold Source Design
- Vacuum system
- Conventional engineering in vertical shaft
3- There are two area in which we must extend the
state - of the art to attain our experimental goals
- 1. Magnetic Shielding
- 2. Neutron Reflection Optics
4Magnetic Shielding
- Neutron-AntiNeutron oscillation is suppressed in
the presence of a magnetic field. - In order to allow a free oscillation for time t,
we must have a magnetic field which satisfies - Where B is the average magnetic field and µn is
the neutron magnetic moment. - For the proposed DUSEL experiment, this implies a
field of Blt10 nT over the neutron flight path. - Such fields are routinely obtained in relatively
small (few m3) volumes, but the large size of the
n-nbar apparatus poses a challenge. - Fields at this level were obtained using a two
layer shield over a flight path of 80m in the
earlier ILL free n-nbar oscillation experiment.
- The inclination of the Earths field at DUSEL is
about 70, so the dominate component of the
magnetic filed is vertical. - An infinitely long cylindrical shield will
saturate and provide no effective shielding. - The vertical component of the field must canceled
using solenoidal windings. - A reliable method for the measurement of the
field in situ must be incorporated into the
experimental methodology.
6Magnetic Shielding Measurements for Neutron spin
rotation experiment at NIST
Photo courtesy W.M.Snow
7Magnetic Shielding for N EDM Experiment at
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute
Photo courtesy W.M.Snow
Photo courtesy A. Serebrov
8Proposed RD
- Identification of scheme for suppression of both
magnetic fields in the presence of the µ-metal - Identification of an assembly, annealing, and
demagnetization strategy - Measurement of the ambient magnetic field at the
proposed location - Preliminary design of mechanical design of the
vertical shield - Analysis of the loss of sensitivity of the
oscillation measurement to residual magnetic
fields - Investigation of materials compatibility for the
vacuum chamber.
Photo Institut Laue Langevin
9Focusing Reflector is Required to Optimize
Neutron Beam Phase Space
10Neutron Reflection from Matter
Neutrons will undergo complete external
reflection from a polished surface for most
materials Ni or 58Ni are particularly useful as
a neutron mirror material For most neutron
beams this means
11Reflectivity of Neutron Mirror
- A Simple Neutron Mirror has Nearly Unit
Reflectivity - Up to a Maximum Critical Angle
Qcritical ? 2x10-3/Å for 58Ni
12A Multilayer can add Psuedo Bragg Peak
13Additional Multilayers add More Peaks
14The Supermirror Extends the Effective
- Commercial Supermirror Neutron Guides
- are Available With m 3 - 4
1000 layers
15Commercial Supermirrors are available with m3.6
number of layers scales as m4
QA Inspection Data for SNS Super Mirror for
Beamline 13
16Neutron Reflectors are Items of Commerce
Guide Installation
Focusing Guide
Photos Swiss Neutronics, LANL, ILL
Guide Manufacturers Catalog
Guide Array in Reactor
- Current neutron guide coatings are optimized for
many reflections - High more important than high critical angle.
- Current guide construction methods are not easily
scalable - DUSEL experiment will require 300-800 m2 of
super mirror guide. - Current world wide capacity is estimated at
500-1000 m2/year - No commercial source in the US.
- Should we purchase guide or fabricate our own
Photo Institut Laue Langevin
18KEK has produced prototype supermirrors with m6
Useful neutron flux scales roughly as m2
Image Courtesy H. Shimizu
19Proposed RD for Mirror Reflector
- Monte Carlo simulations of neutron optics to
determine optimal design for size, shape,
reflectivity, and cost? - Explore in detail possible strategies for super
mirror fabrication - Commercial purchase from existing vendor?
- Development of in-house capability?
- Partnership other institutions?
20End of Presentation