Title: Chapter 3: User Roles and the Data Model
1Chapter 3 User Roles and the Data Model
- The User Model
- User Roles
- User Functions
- User Views
- The Data Model
- Data Organization
- Data Sharing
- Data Views
2The User Model
User Role Hierarchy
You are automatically assigned to each lesser
Lab Manager
3User roles affect page views
Sequencing Request Pages differ, depending on
your user role.
4User roles determine Finch-Server tasks.
- Administrator-DNA Analysis Facility
- Lab Manager
- Technician-DAF Techs
- Scientist
5The Data Model
How do YOU want to organize your data?
- Projects contain 1 or more Folders, grouped by
- chromosome, region, organism
- grant or other funding mechanism
- researcher
- Folders contain many reads, grouped by
- experiment
- locus, BAC, genetic region
- researcher
6Sharing Data on the Finch-Server
The group you belong to determines which
projects and folders are viewable.
Farmer John
7Folder organization can affect Reports
Compare these BAC libraries for E coli. Content.
Assign reads to folders logically, so that
generated statistics are valuable. Folder
report statistics are calculated from their