Title: Agenda Oct 2004
1Agenda (Oct 2004)
Working group TOF_RPC, Guest house, 1400
Working group TOF_RPC, Guest house, 1400
1630-1730 video Future SPS fixed target program
. . . about 20 people participating . . .
2Material research
F.Guber (INR)
3Rate capability
A. Akindinov (ITEP)
D. Gonzalez (Santiago)
Posphate glass
4Electronics development
K.Koch (GSI)
5Large area coverage
E. Cordier (HD)
6Test facility
F. Dohrmann (FZR)
awaits users
7Modeling of RPC response
A. Mangiarotti (HD)
8TOF wall for CBM
B. Zagreev (ITEP) Matching
G. Stoicea (IFIN) Geometry
Distance to closest hit
Choose different concepts for different polar
angles! Standard material properties sufficient
for 70 of solid angles. Most effective layout
needs to be found!
9Toward the Technical Report
Layout of CBM TOF wall fully unrealistic to
have a CBM - TOF detector concept within 2
month! Collection of available information
possible until Jan. 2005 (task force)
Properties of Pad readout B.
Zagreev narrow multi strips M. Petrovici, A.
Schuettauf wide strips R. Marques, P.
Fonte Material F. Guber Electronics (NN
) Test facilities F. Dohrmann (some of the
quantities like cross talk, full size
efficiency, full size time resolution, double hit
capability, ... might still have to be
INR, ITEP, IHEP Single cell RPC with silicate
glass Dec. 2004 GSI, HD Test of FOPI full
scale prototype (multi-strip RPC)
Nov.2004 Multihit performance of narrow strip
designs Rossendorf prepare testing
facility ready for users Summer
2005 Coimbra HADES single strip
prototype Spring 2005 High rate properties
with non-glass material Temperature dependence
(Limits, ageing,long term stability) ? use
ELBE facility gtSummer 2005 Bucharest High
rate multistrip RPC with Glaverbel glass Beam
test at GSI Spring 2005 Bucharest, ITEP,
HD Simulations - Test of various
scenarios min. 12 month!
TOF system for CBM well under way st ? 80 ps
system resolution not impossible, but really hard
work! Parameter space for RPCs still wide open,
explore all possibilities.