Title: A search of ZZ signal in 3 lepton channel
1A search of ZZ signal in 3 lepton channel
- Reminder of the Analysis status in release 13
(14 TeV) - Validation in release 14 (10 TeV)
- Conclusion and future plans
- Azeddine Kasmi
- Bob Kehoe
- Southern Methodist University
Thanks to H. Ma, M. Aharrouche
- 3 leptons channel has higher acceptance than 4
leptons reconstructed. - The egamma sliding window algorithm does not
cover the forward regions - In this talk, the emphasis is on a cluster based
approach to get the full acceptance - However, background is higher
Medium electron N3e 2 N4e
Number of medium electrons/event
3The fourth lepton
- We tried many algorithms.
- Tau (54) , Egamma (60), EMTopo-Cluster (75)
- Jets C4 (efficiency 93)
- CaloCalTopoCluster_P4 (92).
- Focus on Jet C4 and CaloCalTopoCluster
- Define a variable M_ZBest.
- check the two combinations M13 and M23.
The closest of them to the M_ZPDG is the
M_ZBest - The Z second is from the reconstructed lepton
and the jet candidate or the caloTopocluster
candidate - Use a 2D cut on the two Z peaks
ZZ Zbb Zb
arbitrary units
ZZ Zbb Zb
4Particle Identification
Jet candidate with a truth match in ZZ
- Jet C4 Algorithm
- The EM fraction The fraction of energy left by
the jet candidate in the EM calorimeter - CaloCalTopoCluster_P4
- We built a likelihood method using four moments
of the Topoclusters - Longitudinal moment, Lateral, Isolation, and
Energy fraction of the most energetic cell - Pdf's for signal are from Z?ee sample
- Pdf's for background are from ttbar
- Likelihood in different eta regions showed an
efficiency form 85 to 95 and a fake rate from
20 to 7 - Focus is only on a cluster without regard to a
No match In ZZ
5Final Selection cuts while using the jet
algorithm and the calo Topocluster
- Pt of the 3 leptons PT3e gt 10 GeV and PT2m1e gt
10 GeV - Medium electrons, STACO for muons
- Impact parameter significance
- do/so lt 5.5 for electrons
- do/so lt 5 for electrons
- do/so lt 3 for muons
- Isolation etcone20/et lt 0.14
- Missing ET ETmiss lt 25 GeV ( to deal with WZ)
- SV2 lt 0 and 3DSV1comb (w_cmb gt -2) (w_cmb lt
3.5)) . - EMF_B gt 0.8 and EMF_EC gt 0.85
- Take the first leading jet candidate
- The likelihood cut on TopoCluster candidate gt 0.5
- MZ_Best between 75 GeV to 100 GeV
- MZ_second between 85 GeV to 110 GeV
- MZ_Best between 80 GeV to 100 GeV
- MZ_second between 80 GeV to 100 GeV
6Results (1fb-1) for the Jet Algorithm and
Signal 5 events Background 1 event
In the case of 4l channel in release
12 Signal13 events Background0.2 event
Signal 5 events Background 1 event
7 LHC will run _at_ 10 TeV
- Data Sample (10k events) reconstructed in release
14.4.0 - mc08.105931.McAtNlo0331_JIMMY_ZZ_llll.simul.HITS.e
367_s462 - The cross section is less by 40 in 10 TeV than
it is at 14 TeV 40.61 fb versus 67 fb - The PT spectrum of the unfound electron seems to
be lower in 10 TeV sample - In the following slides
- Will validate the 10 TeV sample of ZZ?4l
- Compare with Aharrouches forward electron
10 TeV 14 TeV
PT spectra of the unfound electron at CM 10 TeV
and 14 TeV
8Performance of the CaloCalTopocluster and the C4
jet algorithm
- Jet C4 algorithm the truth unfound Z electron
and the matched jet candidate have a similar PT
spectra - The matching is also good in the
CaloCalTopoCluster. - The low PT is most likely due to the splitting
in the crack regions
Jet C4
CaloCalTopoCluster PT gt 7 GeV
9Forward Electron and CaloCalTopoclusters in h gt
The matching is quite well except that the
current implementation of the Forward electrons
is done with a PT cut of 15 GeV
Fwrd electron
PT cut of 15 GeV Mohamed has changed to 5 GeV
10Summary table of performances for ZZ Sample
11Conclusions and future plans
- The ZZ?3lX Analysis contribution to the 4l
channel is about 13 in term of the significance - The same techniques developed for the 3lX
searches in samples of 14 TeV can be used for 10
TeV samples relaying on cluster based approaches - For the first 200 pb-1 assuming the same
selection efficiencies, 0.55 signal event and
0.1 background event - Run on the 10 TeV background samples or at least
rescale the 14 TeV background sample to have a
better estimate for S/B - Need to Optimize the cuts