Coulombs law - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Coulombs law


between two simple charged objects is directly along the ... integrate over the primed coordinates. z. y. x. dx' dy' dz' Dean P. Neikirk 2004, last update * 6 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: coulombs | law | primed


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Coulombs law

Coulombs law
  • force (a VECTOR quantity!) between two simple
    charged objects is directly along the line that
    joins the two objects
  • force is attractive for oppositely-charged
  • force is repulsive for like-charged objects
  • the magnitude of the force decreases as the
    square of the distance between the charges
  • the magnitude of the force is proportional to the
    product of the two charges
  • in free space
  • in vector form

The electric field
  • consider a single point charge Q fixed in space
    at point A
  • introduce a single unit test charge that we can
    move around, always monitoring the magnitude and
    direction of the force on the test particle
  • the right hand side depends on
  • the inverse of the square of the distance from
    the real charge Q to our test point charge
  • direction from the real charge to the test point
  • the left hand side is a vector electric field E
  • for a point charge located at the origin this is

Charge distributions
  • volume rv, units Coul / (length)3
  • surface rS, units Coul / (length)2
  • line rL, units Coul / length

Field due to a charge distribution
  • volume charge distribution

Field due to a charge distribution
  • so to get the total filed we need to integrate
    all the charge
  • integrate over the primed coordinates

Electric flux density D and Gausss law
  • vector quantity D
  • aka the displacement density, displacement
    flux density
  • Gausss law
  • using Gausss law
  • trick is to look for symmetries and pick the
    right surface
  • you want to pick a surface such that D (or
    equivalently, E) is either
  • constant
  • or zero

Infinite charged sheet
  • from symmetry
  • the only field component must be perpendicular to
  • for a fixed perpendicular distance above the
    sheet the magnitude of the field should be
    constant as you move around in x and y
  • gaussian surface any shape with top and bottom
    parallel to plane, sides perpendicular to plane
  • lets just use a simple box
  • top area element dxdy field is perpendicular
    to surface, same direction as the surface normal,
    constant magnitude ? D?dS Ddxdy ? ?D?dS
  • bottom area element dxdy field is
    perpendicular to surface, same direction as the
    surface normal, constant magnitude ? D?dS
    Ddxdy ? ?D?dS Darea
  • sides field is parallel to surface,
    perpendicular to surface normal ? D?dS 0 !
  • total flux 2Darea
  • charge enclosed rSarea
  • 2Darea rSarea ? D rS/2 ? E

Differential form of Gausss law
  • for the vector field is D, the flux density,
  • if the volume dv contains a volume charge density
  • then the charge enclosed is dQ rvdv
  • and Guasss law tells us that flux equals charge
  • or written more compactly we have the
    differential form of Gausss law

Potential for a charge distribution
  • since Coulombs law is linear the potential of
    many charges should add
  • charge m is located at position rm
  • and for a charge distribution
  • you integrate over the region of space where
    there is charge, i.e., over r
  • this is somewhat easier to evaluate than the
    vector sum/integral needed to directly calculate
    the field from the charge

Potential difference for a charge distribution
  • the potential difference between two points is

Equipotential surfaces
  • an equipotential surface (or more simply, an
    equipotential) is such that if the beginning and
    end points fall on that surface, the potential
    difference is zero
  • the electric field is always perpendicular to an
  • example equipotential surfaces
  • single point charge spheres centered at the
  • uniform spherical charge distributions spheres
    centered on the distribution
  • infinitely long uniform line charge cylinders
    centered on the line charge

Electric field as the gradient of potential
  • we define the gradient as the set of
    differential operations on a scalar function that
    produces a vector function
  • the interpretation is
  • magnitude is the maximum rate of change of the
    scalar function at the point of observation
  • the direction is the direction you must travel to
    see this maximum rate of change
  • or, for convenience, we have the vector operator
  • the electric field E is equal to the negative of
    the gradient of the scalar potential V

Laplaces Equation
  • if the charge density is zero we get the special
    case of Laplaces equation
  • refs
  • http//
  • http//
  • note we can now change our method of solution
    from an integral approach to one involving the
    solution of a differential equation
  • once we have V(r), we have everything since we
    can get E from V

Laplace equation solution coax
  • example coaxial cable aligned along the z-axis
  • cylindrical coordinates, no ? variations
  • solution varies only with r
  • now apply BCs
  • V Vout _at_ r b
  • V Vin _at_ r a

Summary page Electrostatic boundary conditions
for dielectrics
  • at the interface between two dielectrics
  • the component of the electric field tangent to
    the interface between two dielectrics is
  • Dtan is discontinuous
  • the component of the D field normal to the
    interface between two dielectrics is continuous
  • if there is no free charge at the interface
  • if there is a surface charge
  • Enorm is discontinuous
  • material properties

Ohms law and resistance
  • consider a block of uniform conducting material
    with perfect electrical contacts on each end
  • the current density from Ohms law J s E
  • but the normal form of Ohms law is I R V
  • here the total current I is just the current
    density integrated across a cross section
  • here the field is uniform and hence so is the
    current density
  • so I (cross sectional area) J w t s E
  • the voltage difference V between one end and the
    other is just the line integral of the electric
  • again, since everything is uniform this is easy
  • V E l
  • so we should have (w t s E) R E l
  • or

Summary page Electrostatic boundary conditions
for conductors
  • in the absence of current flow we have the
    following conditions for a conductor
  • the electric field (and D as well) inside is
    identically zero
  • at the surface of a conductor, the field is
    everywhere normal to that surface
  • the conductor is an equipotential
  • at the surface of a conductor, any normal
    component of the field induces a surface charge
    that is proportional to the field strength

Conductor/dielectric example parallel plates
  • now what happens if we carefully add a slab of
    dielectric that completely fills the gap between
    the plates?
  • the charge on the two plates does not change
  • so D does not change since rsurf Q/(plate area)
    did not change
  • but E DOES change, in fact it is REDUCED by er
    compared to the original value
  • with eo E E rsurf/eo
  • with dielectric E (rsurf/eo)/er REDUCED as

D ereoE
gaussian surface ? DDS rsurfDS ? D rsurf
? E rsurf/ereo
  • for two oppositely charged conductors the ratio
    of charge to potential difference is the
    capacitance of the system
  • the capacitance is a function only of the
    geometry and the dielectric constant(s)

Given the location of charge
  • given the locations of all the charges in a
    system (or equivalently rv(r), rs(r), or rl(r))
    you can
  • find the electric field E, or electric flux
    density D
  • directly using Coluombs law
  • you integrate over the locations of all the
    charges, adding all the VECTOR fields produced by
    each charge
  • look for cancellation of various vector
  • indirectly using Gausss Law
  • probably only helps you find the fields if the
    symmetry tells you what shape the gaussian
    surface should be
  • look for a shape that gives you either
  • constant field perpendicular to the surface (so
    dot product is easy)
  • zero field
  • field that is everywhere parallel to the surface
    (so the dot product is zero)
  • you could also find the potential
  • this requires an integration over only the
    distance between the charges (the sources) and
    your observation point

Given the vector electric field
  • given the full vector electric field (i.e., the
    magnitude and direction of E at all points in
    space) you can
  • find the potential difference VAB between two
    points by performing a line integral of E along
    ANY path that connects B to A
  • find the free charge distribution that produce
    the electric field using the divergence

Given the potential function
  • given the scalar potential (voltage) you can
  • find the electric field using the negative of the
  • find the charge by taking the divergence of the
  • i.e., take the divergence of the negative of the
    gradient of the potential
  • find the capacitance from the ratio of charge to

Notes on symmetry
  • for a single point object or spherically
    symmetric charge distribution, it seems likely
    that spherical symmetry will hold
  • for an arbitrary collection of points or charge
    distribution, youre helpless
  • for an infinitely long line or charge
    distribution that is uniform along the length
    (lets call it the z-axis)
  • no matter where you stand in z, the line still
    looks the same
  • so it seems likely that the z coordinate
    shouldnt really matter
  • if you walk around the line, keeping the same
    perpendicular distance from it, the line still
    looks the same
  • so it seems likely that the ? coordinate
    shouldnt really matter
  • use cylindrical coordinates
  • if you walk in a direction perpendicular to the
    line (towards or away) it may look different
  • so it seems like the only variable should be r

Notes on scale
  • for any finite object, if you stand far enough
    away, it looks like a point
  • so for a charged object, approximately what does
    the electric field look like from far away?
  • for any line segment, if you stand close enough,
    it looks like its infinitely long
  • for any surface, if you stand close enough, it
    looks like its infinite

Biot-Savart (bE'O-su-vär) Law
  • magnetic equivalent of Coulombs Law
  • a short element of a current carrying line
    contributes to the B-field
  • refs
  • hyperphysics
  • Fitzpatricks page over in UT-Physics
  • mo is the permeability of free space,
  • units Henry / meter
  • value 4px10-7 H/m
  • issue current must always flow in a closed loop
  • so you can never have a single points worth of
    magnetic flux density

Biot-Savart (bE'O-su-vär) Law
  • we also use a version without the m
  • the magnetic field intensity H, or more simply
    the magnetic field
  • units of H amperes per meter
  • for a short segment of current, dH is
  • issue current must always flow in a closed loop
  • you never have a single points worth of
    magnetic field
  • need to do a full path integral to find the
    actual magnetic field
  • integral form
  • integration path is along the current, which
    always forms a closed path, since current can
    only flow in a closed loop

Amperes Circuital Law
  • similar in form to Gausss law
  • the line integral of the magnetic field H about
    any closed path is equal to the direct current
    enclosed by the path

Example Amperes Circuital Law and finite radius
  • for an infinitely long straight current carrying
    wire on the z-axis, symmetry suggests
  • field should not vary with z or ?
  • field should be constant in magnitude for fixed r
  • to get direction of H field
  • direction of current z
  • direction to observation point r
  • direction of field z ? r ?
  • lets use circles of constant radius r so dl is
    the same direction as H, and H is constant in
  • dot product is a constant!
  • for r gt a, exactly the same as for the filament

Example Amperes Circuital Law and finite radius
  • what about INSIDE the wire?
  • symmetries are all still the same!
  • lets use circles of constant radius r so dl is
    the same direction as H, and H is constant in
  • dot product is a constant!
  • for r lt a, the only difference is the amount of
    current inside the path

Example Amperes Circuital Law and coaxial cable
  • so the full solution is

The Curl operator
  • these limits occur frequently in physics, so they
    get a special name the curl
  • the curl of a vector field F is a vector function
    whose component in a particular direction (âi) is
  • by first orienting an infinitesimal patch
    normal to the desired direction (i.e., the area
    dSi) ,
  • then finding the line integral of F around the
  • and then finding the ratio of the line integral
    to the patch area
  • the component of the curl in direction âi is
  • or in short hand
  • and the curl of H is J !

Magnetic flux through a closed surface
  • wed get the total flux through a closed surface
    by doing the integral
  • but there are no magnetic charges, and the net
    flux through a closed surface is always zero
  • equal flux in and out
  • or using the divergence theorem

Vector magnetic potential
  • turns out the scalar magnetic potential is of
    only limited usefulness
  • there is another possibility
  • recall for the magnetic field the divergence is
    always zero
  • but for any vector field A the divergence of the
    curl of A is always zero
  • so were ok if we set
  • (this is the Coulomb gauge)
  • A is the vector magnetic potential

Finding A from the current distribution
  • the magnetic vector potential can be found from
  • note we dont have a cross product in this!!!!
  • does this make sense??
  • recall
  • combining

Magnetostatic boundary conditions
  • for many materials the relative permeability is
    very close to 1
  • nothing to worry about here, just use mo
  • for the cases where mr is not one, we have BCs
    very similar to what we had for dielectrics
  • method of derivation also looks similar, using
    Biot-Sarvat law and Amperes law this time
  • at the interface between two magnetic materials
  • the component of the B field normal to the
    interface between the two materials is continuous
    (use Biot-Sarvat law to get this one)
  • the component of the H field tangent to the
    interface is equal to the surface current density
    at the interface (use Amperes law to get this
  • if theres no current, Htan is continuous

Summary of magnetostatics
  • for dc currents, in the absence of permanent
    magnets, summarizing everything we have so far

  • in circuits, we already know the magnetic energy
    should be
  • but the energy using field concepts is
  • so the inductance is given by
  • volume must include ALL the fields

Special case coax with perfect conductors
  • if the conductivity of our metals was infinite
    (i.e., a perfect conductor) then all the
    current would have to on the surface
  • why?
  • because Ohms law would give us infinite current
  • because inside a perfect conductor ALL fields
    (electric and magnetic) must be zero
  • in this case we dont have to do any energy
    integrals for the inductance inside the
    conductors, so all we have left is the part form
    the gap between inner and outer conductors
  • what was the capacitance?
  • interesting note product of inductance per unit
    length and capacitance per unit length

Summary of electromagnetics Maxwells equations
  • summarizing everything we have so far, valid even
    if things are changing in time
  • plus material properties

Maxwells equations, time harmonic form
  • so assuming that none of the materials change in
    time, time independent fields Es and Hs that
  • when multiplied by exp(jwt), the product will
    satisfy the full time dependent set of Maxwell

Maxwell, time harmonic, transverse-to-z
  • collecting all the terms,
  • assuming time harmonic solutions
  • using Ohms law
  • assuming there is no component of either E or H
    in the z direction
  • Maxwells equations reduce to
  • things to notice
  • Ey is connected to Hx via d/dz and w
  • Ex is connected to Hy via d/dz and w
  • Hy is connected to Ex via d/dz and w
  • Hx is connected to Ey via d/dz and w
  • Ey and Ex are connected via d/dx and d/dy
  • Hy and Hx are connected via d/dx and d/dy

Uniform plane wave solution to Maxwells equations
  • the complete, time harmonic solution is
  • E and H are perpendicular to each other
  • g is called the complex propagation constant
  • direction of propagation

Lossless, uniform plane wave solution to
Maxwells equations
  • so in a region of space that has zero
    conductivity, one possible solution to Maxwells
    equations is
  • this is called a uniform transverse
    electromagnetic plane wave
  • a wave because it is periodic in time and space
  • a plane wave because a surface of constant
    phase is a flat plane, and is propagating in
    the z direction
  • electromagnetic because E and H are intimately
  • transverse because the E and H fields are
    contained completely in the x-y plane, transverse
    to the direction of propagation
  • uniform because the magnitude of the field is
    constant wrt x and y

Lossless, uniform plane wave summary
  • the direction of propagation is given by
  • the propagation constant is
  • the wavelength is
  • inversely dependent on frequency
  • inversely dependent on square root of m and e
  • the phase velocity is
  • independent of frequency
  • inversely dependent on square root of m and e
  • and the fields are

Poynting vector in phasor form
  • the actual power flow would be
  • where H is the complex conjugate of H
  • the imaginary part of H is replaced by its
  • notes
  • the complex conjugate of a product is the product
    of the complex conjugates
  • the complex conjugate of exp(ajb) is exp(a-jb)

Finite conductivity and loss tangent
  • clearly the relative magnitudes of s and we are
    critical in determining whats going to happen
  • lets take a quick look back to the original
    Maxwell equation that mixed conductivity,
    dielectric constant, and frequency
  • tan q is called the loss tangent tan q

Low loss material behavior in a good
  • lets consider different limits for the loss
    tangent (or equivalently, different limits for s
    compared to we)
  • good dielectric
  • s ltlt we or equivalently w gtgt s/e , i.e.,
    high frequency
  • tan q ltlt 1

Good dielectric tan q ltlt 1 (w gtgt s/e)
  • so the complex propagation constant in the low
    loss limit is
  • note that the phase constant in this limit is the
    same as we got for the zero conductivity case
  • or another way to write the same thing
  • the attenuation constant is proportional to the
  • the attenuation constant is proportional to the
    (frequencyloss tangent) product
  • since in this limit s ltlt we ? a ltlt b

Good conductor wave propagation
  • good conductor s gtgt we , low frequency w gtgt
  • in the limit s gtgt we well drop the small terms
    inside the bracket, so we have the propagation
    constant in a good conductor
  • note that the real part (the attenuation
    constant) and the imaginary part (the phase
    constant) are identical, proportional to the
    square root of (frequencyconductivity)
  • pick the sign on gamma to make sure the wave
    DECAYS, not grows!

Regardless of whether we call it a conductor or
a dielectric
  • g is the complex propagation constant
  • E and H are perpendicular to each other,
    direction of propagation is given by E x H
  • what happens if s is not zero?
  • since g2 is complex, so will be the square root
  • lets write the real and imaginary parts of g as
  • so a represents attenuation a is the
    attenuation constant
  • b is still the phase (propagation) constant
  • applet showing attenuation with finite
    conductivity (try s 0.05)

Plane waves and boundaries
  • as a result of the incident wave there will be a
    transmitted wave and a reflected wave

medium 1 er1 mr1 s1
medium 2 er2 mr2 s2
Fields at the interface
  • the total fields at the interface between the two
    materials (i.e., at z0) are
  • infinitesimally to the left of the interface
  • infinitesimally to the right of the interface
  • since the fields are tangential to the interface,
    and were assuming there is no surface current in
    this problem, the fields must be CONTINUOUS
    across the interface
  • so we have two unknowns, Ereflect (Ex1o-) and
    Etransmit (Ex2o)

Reflection coefficient
  • we now have simple relation that gives the ratio
    of the reflected electric field to the incident
    electric field
  • the reflection coefficient G is
  • for our assumed coordinate system the sign of G
    will tells us which way the reflected electric
    field points
  • Eincident pointed in the x direction
  • if G is positive, then Ereflect also points in
    the x direction
  • if G is negative, then Ereflect points in the -x

Transmission coefficient
  • recall we had the equation from continuity of
    total tangential electric field at the interface,
    and we also have the reflection coefficient, so
  • we define the transmission coefficient t to be
    the ratio of the transmitted electric field to
    the incident electric field

Power flow reflected power
  • Poynting vectors at the interface (z 0)
  • so the ratio of the incident power to the
    reflected power is

Power flow transmitted power
  • Poynting vectors at the interface (z 0)
  • so the ratio of transmitted power to incident
    power is

Generalized transmission line impedance
  • relationships between the traveling wave
    quantities V- and V
  • lets assume that we connect a load with
    impedance ZL at z 0
  • what is Z seen at z -l?

T-Lines load reflection coefficient
  • at z 0 the load voltage reflection
    coefficient is
  • more generally, we define a reflection
    coefficient at the location z -l

Input impedance
  • the impedance Z at the location z -l depends on
  • the load impedance ZL
  • the transmission line characteristic impedance Zo
  • set mostly by the geometry dielectric constant
    of the wire-pair connected to the load
  • the distance l between you and the load
  • and the propagation constant g
  • which depends on the T-line characteristics AND

L-C transmission line summary
  • lossless L-C transmission line

The reflection coefficient for a lossless lines
  • lets plot in the complex plane
  • example
  • ZLn 0.5 j0.5
  • you go all the way around the circle when l is
    such that 2bl 2p
  • recall b 2p/l, so you go all th way around
    when l l/2 !

Notes on the reflection coefficient on lossless
  • the load reflection coefficient behavior is given
  • as r and x vary, what exactly does GL do?
  • lets plot G in the complex plane
  • for any non-negative value of Re(Z) (i.e., r 0)
    and any value of Im(Z), G falls on or within the
    unit circle in the complex G plane
  • pick a value of x, then vary r
  • pick a value of r, then vary x

Plot of reflection coefficient in complex plane
  • the Smith Chart is a plot of the reflection
    coefficient in the complex plane, with contours
    of constant load resistance and load reactance

The Smith Chart
  • the Smith chart also has a phase angle scale
    measured using distance in units of wavelengths
  • link to high res smith chart
  • why? because the angle of G is
  • direction of increasing l, or equivalently
  • away from load
  • towards generator

Plot of reflection coefficient in complex plane
  • example
  • ZLn 0.5 j0.5
  • you go all the way around the circle when l is
    such that 2bl 2p
  • recall b 2p/l, so you go all the way around
    when l l/2 !
  • recall the input impedance is
  • tangent is periodic with period p, so you repeat
    every time bl mp
  • recall b 2p/l, so you get back to the same
    impedance when l ml/2 !
  • you can find Z(l) directly from the Smith chart!
  • applet

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