Title: Advanced Model Based Process Engineering Tools
1János Abonyi and Szeifert Ferenc
CI in data mining
CI in modeling and control
Advanced Model Based Process Engineering Tools
- Goal Show that different CI tools can be
favorably combined for data mining - Introduction to Data Mining (DM)
- CI based DM algorithms
- Examples Wine data
- Conclusions
3From Data to Information
Useful knowledge
Models for knowledge representation
Data Mining
Data extraction
pre-processed data
Data warehouse
Production Nature
Production, Database
4Steps of Data Mining
How CI can help ???
5Tasks of Data Mining
- Clustering (prototypes, codebook, signatures,
prob. density estimation ) - Summation (inc. Visualisation, Feature
extraction) - Regression and time-series analysis
- Classification
- Change and Deviation Detection
- Dependency Modelling(belief networks)
- Detect groups of data
- Prototypes (signatures)
- Based on similarity measure (distance)
- Adaptive distance measure (correlation)
- Supervised or unsupervised
- Hierarchical or not
- Can be fuzzy !!!
7Feature Extraction
- (Nonlinear) mapping of the input space (PCA)
- Reduction of the number of inputs
- Useful for visualisation (SOM)
- Non-parametric (Sammon projection) or
Model-based (principal curves, NN, Gaussian
- TS Fuzzy Models Operating Regime Based
Modelling - Local Linear models
- Identification by clustering
- Recently Mixture of Gaussians
Which class (A or B)?
- Labelled classes
- Decision support systems (Rule based)
- Identification can be based on clustering
(Bayess Rule) - Can be fuzzy !!!
Decision border
10DM Algorithms
- Representation (Language to describe the
patterns) - Fuzzy Logic helps by allowing overlapping regions
and interpretability by providing insight into
the model - Model Evaluation Criteria Accuracy (prediction
error) and interpretability (complexity) - Search Method (Parameter and structure search)
- Standard linear (LS, TLS, OLS, SVD, QR)
- Neuro-Fuzzy (back-propagation)
- Clustering (alternating optimisation, EM)
- Genetic Algorithm
11Model Representation
- Fuzzy classifier structure
- Certainty factor
no. of rules
degree of firing
12Fuzzy Clustering and Classification
IF x1 is SMALL AND x2 is BIG THEN Class RED
13Decision Tree
- Each class is approximated by a hyperbox based on
a decision tree - Supervised learning
14Model Evaluation Criteria
- Accuracy
- Modeling or classification error
- Certainty degree
- Local models/global models
- Transparency and Interpretability
- Moderate number of rules
- Distinguishability
- Normality
- Coverage
15Proposed modeling method
Feature selection, extraction Clustering, DT,
Supervised or unsupervised learning
introduces some error
Rule base design (MF functions)
fit data
Estimate rules consequents (LS)
reduce complexity
Rule and featurereduction
e.g. multi-objective GA MSE redundancy
Fuzzy Set merging
reduce premise
multi-objective MSE transparency
final model
16Multi-objective optimization
- Model performance (classification error)
- Multi-objective function
- ??-1,1 determines whether similarity is
rewarded (?lt0) or penalized (?gt0).
S(A,B) gt ?
17Model Reduction
- Improves interpretability capabilities
- Orthogonal methods (SVD, OLS, QR)
- Fuzzy set merging
- Feature selection
- Based on statistical properties of the clustersa
feature ranking is made - Fischer interclass separability criterion
- Feature extraction
- Interpretable transformation of the features
18Wine data classification
- 179 samples, 3 classes, 13 attributes
19Visualization by SOM
20GA-based Scheme
- 7,4,1,12,13 were selected based on Fischer
interclass ranking. - Initial model contains 9 misclassifications.
- 200 GA-iterations in loop and 400 in final
optimization. - 3 additional fuzzy sets were removed, Final
classifier contains 4 features and 9 fuzzy sets. - 3 misclassifications.
21Example for a classifier
22Clustering based result
- CI (Fuzzy, Neural, and GA) tools can be
effectively used in Data Mining - For model representation
- For search
- For model evaluation
- Applications
- Fuzzy models
- Fuzzy clustering (AO, EM)
- Neural (Neuro-fuzzy)
- Genetic Algorithm
- Accuracy
- Interpretability gt Model reduction tools
- Process industry
- Chemometrics
Database Technology
Other Disciplines
Data Mining
Information Science
Machine Learning
- Janos Bolyai Research Fellowship of the HAS
(CI in Process Engineering) - FKFP 0073/2001 (Intelligent Process Control
Magne Setnes
Hans Roubos