Title: MicroSaveAfricas Focus Groups and PRA Tools
1MicroSave-Africas Focus Groups and PRA Tools
- A MicroSave presentation distributed on
2MicroSave-Africa Market Research for
MicroFinance How the Tools were Developed
- Developed with 9 MFIs in
- Bangladesh
- Philippines
- Kenya/Tanzania/Uganda
- Pilot-tested as a toolkit in
- Kenya/Tanzania/Uganda
- Training underway/planned for
- International Networks
- MFIs in East/South/West Africa
- African TA Consultants
3MicroSave-Africa Market Research for MicroFinance
- Focus Group Discussion
- Participatory Rapid Appraisal Tools (14)
- Seasonality Analyses
- Lifecycle Analysis
- Product Attribute Ranking
- Wealth Ranking
- Cash Mobility Mapping
- Financial Sector Trend Analysis
- Handout A Quick Introduction to Market Research
for MicroFinance
4What Is A Focus Group Discussion ?
- Relatively new technique for data collection.
- Used to collect qualitative data - provides
descriptive information not numbers and figures. - 6-8 homogeneous participants discuss a particular
issue lead by a moderator probing (not prompting)
and helping the group explore the issues in
depth. - The discussion is recorded.
- The Focus in Focus Group Discussion describes
the importance of focusing on a few key
(generally related) issues.
5When Is A Focus Group Discussion
Useful/Applicable ?
- To collect a large amount of complex data in a
relatively short period of time. - More in-depth examination of issues through the
dynamics of a peer-group discussion. - It is useful for qualitative/descriptive data
collection and/or when detailed information is
required in a short period of time.
6Focus Group Discussion Process
Arrange Logistics and Select Interviewees
Get to know the sector
Get to know the clients et al
Analyse Data and Prepare Report and Presentation
Run Focus Group Discussion
Prepare and Pre-Test Discussion Guide
7Market Research Prototype Development Process
Qualitative Research FGD/PRA
Qualitative Research Plan
Problem Definition
Concept Development
Understanding clients needs
Product Ready for Pilot-test
Quantitative Research Prototype Testing
Refine the Concept into a Prototype
Testing the product prototype
8Focus Groups depend on the Moderator
9Focusing on the Issues
10 and is fun too!!!
- Break into four groups
- Seasonality Analysis
- Life Cycle Analysis
- Financial Sector Trend Analysis
- Product Attribute Ranking
- Review the outputs of these PRA tools and answer
the three questions. - Handout PRA Tools (and on completion of the
exercise PRA Tools Resolved)
12Seasonality Analysis
13Seasonality Analysis
14Life-Cycle Analysis
15Life-Cycle Analysis
16Product Attribute Ranking
17Uses and Options for the MicroSave-Africa
Market Research for MicroFinance
- Market Research - for product development or
refinement - Analysis of vulnerability/risk/opportunities and
how clients use financial services - Analysis of financial landscape - informal/formal
- Analysis of drop-outs and delinquency problems
- Impact assessment
- Analysis of relative depth of outreach
- Fraud/rent-seeking identification
- Implementation cost
18FGD PRA Many Uses in Many Settings
19MicroSave-Africa A CGAP/DFID/UNDP
InitiativePromoting high-quality financial
services for poor people
- Shelter Afrique Building, Mamlaka Road, P.O. Box
76436, Nairobi, Kenya - Tel 254 (0)2 724801/724806/726397
- Fax 254 (0)2 720133
- Email msa_at_MicroSave-Africa.com
- Website http//www.MicroSave-Africa.com