Title: Gill Baxby Casework and Monitoring Officer
1 Gill Baxby Casework and
Monitoring Officer
- Promoting disability equality in
Warrington - Primary Schools
- Childrens Services Directorate
2Promoting Disability Equality in schools
- Do we have any disabled pupils, staff or parents?
- What is the disability equality duty?
- Where do I start?
- How could I make our school accessibility plan
meet the requirements of a disability equality
3DDA definition of disability
- A person is disabled if they have a mental or
physical impairment which has a substantial and
long term adverse effect on their ability to
carry out normal day to day activities.
4About 7 of children may count as
disabledCabinet office (2005) Improving the life
chances of disabled people
- About 6.76 of children primary and secondary
schools are at School Action or have a
statement - DfES (2005)
Statistical First Release
5Do we have any disabled staff and any disabled
parents ,carers or governors?
- About 11 million adults, about 24 of all adults
may count as disabled - Cabinet Office (2005) Improving the life chances
of disabled people - About 2.1 million disabled parents in the UK who
have children under the age of 16 - Stickland (2003)
- Just over 4 of teachers declare a disability
- TTA (2004)
6Disability Equality Duty
7The Disability Equality Duty
- The general duty
- The specific duty
8The General Duty
- All public bodies , including schools and local
authorities to have due regard to the need to - Promote equality of opportunity
- Eliminate discrimination
- Eliminate harassment related to a disability
- Promote positive attitudes towards disabled
people - Encourage disabled peoples participation in
public life - Take steps to take into account peoples
disability, even where that involves more
favourable treatment
9The specific Duty
- Production of a Disability Equality Scheme
- Schools must-
- Involve disabled people
- Set out in their scheme
- -how disabled people have been involved
- -the arrangements for gathering
information - -how it will assess the impact of its
policies and practices on disability equality
10The specific duty (Cont)
- -the steps the school is going to take to
meet the general duty ( the schools action plan) - - how it will use information in review and
planning - Implement the actions in their scheme within 3
years - Report on their scheme annually
- Review and revise their scheme every three years
11Key Factors in making it work
- Vision and values
- A can do attitude
- A pro-active approach to identifying barriers and
finding practical solutions - Strong collaborative relationships with
staff,pupils parents/carers and service users - A positive approach to managing behaviour
- The use of expertise from outside of the school
12What do you need for a good scheme?
- Starting points
- purpose and direction
- involvement
- information gathering
- mpact assessment
- Main priorities
- promote equality of opportunity
- eliminate discrimination
13What to you need for a good scheme (cont)
- eliminate harassment
- Promote positive attitudes
- Encourage participation
- Take steps to meet needs, MORE FAVOURABLE
TREATMENT - Making it happen
- Implementation, action plan
- Publication
- Reporting
- Reviewing and revising the scheme
14Key elements in a scheme, over and above
requirements of an accessibility plan
- Involvement of disabled people
- Information gathering
- Impact assessment
- Not just pupils, it is
- -staff
- -parents, carers, governors, others
using the school
15- Planstarting points
- Pupils
- vision and values
- Involvement
- Information gathering
- Main Priorities
- Increased access
- To the curriculum
- Improvements to the physical environment
- Information in different forms
- Scheme starting points
- Pupils, staff, parents
- Purpose and direction
- Involvement
- Information gathering
- Impact assessment
- Main Priorities
- Promote equality of opportunity
- Eliminate discrimination
- Eliminate harassment
- Promote positive attitudes
- Encourage participation
- Take steps to meet needs , more favourable
- Making it happen
- Implementation
- Publication
- Reporting
- Reviewing and revising plan
- Making it happen
- Implementation, action plan
- Publication
- Reporting
- Reviewing and revising the scheme
17Key Management considerations
- Reasonable and practicable
- Links to accessibility planning duties
- A working group
- - a senior manager
- - a disabled person
- - other members
eg.SENCO, a range of perspectives - Working with the local authority
- -employment
- -procurement
18How will you go about this in your school?
- Identify the first steps in your school
- What challenges do you anticipate?