Title: Starting with BMEGUI
1Starting with BMEGUI
- Yasuyuki Akita(1) and Marc Serre(1)
(1) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Installation and Software Structure
- Temporal GIS Analysis
- Data Preparation
- Basic Operation
3Installation and software structure
- Requirement
- ArcGIS 9.2
- Python 2.4.1
- GTK 2.10.11
- FreeType
- Python Libraries (PyCairo, PyGObject, PyGTK,
NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib) - MATLAB Component Runtime
5Software Structure
Matlab .exe file
ArcGIS Geoprocessing Tools
Python Libraries
6Features of Python
- Cross-platform language
- Very simple syntax rules
- Open source software Free!
- Support Object Oriented Programming
- Scripting language widely used in ArcGIS
- A number of additional modules
- Math and science modules
- Graphical user interface modules
7Sample Code
u 0 v 0 x 100 y 30 while x gt y u u
y x x y if x lt y2 v v
x x 0 else v v y 2
x x y 2 print u, v
while-statement block
if-statement block
From The Quick Python Book (Manning)
8Temporal GIS Analysis
9Temporal GIS analysis process
Read Data File
Data Field Screen
Check Data Distribution
Data Distribution Screen
Exploratory Data Analysis Screen
Exploratory Data Analysis
Mean Trend Analysis Screen
Mean Trend Analysis
Space/Time Covariance Analysis Screen
Covariance Analysis
BME Analysis
BME Estimation Screen
10Data Field Screen
- Column Matching
- Input units and name of compound
11Data Distribution Screen
- Basic statistics
- Histogram (Raw data and log-transformed data)
12Exploratory Data Analysis Screen
- Time series at monitoring station
- Spatial distribution
- Data aggregation
13Mean Trend Analysis Screen
- Display temporal mean trend
- Display spatial mean trend (Raw Smooth)
- Model Parameter (Exponential Smoothing)
14Space/Time Covariance Analysis Screen
- Display spatial temporal covariance
- Plot covariance models
15BME Estimation Screen
- Time series of BME mean estimation
- Map of BME mean estimation
- Map of BME error variance
16Data Preparation
17Workspace and Data File
- Workspace
- System files containing estimation parameters and
results - Initial parameter file
- ArcGIS files (Point Layer, Raster)
- Data File
- Currently two data formats are supported
- GeoEAS format
- CSV with header
- All estimation parameters and results are stored
- Automatically reproduce the same estimation
result - Example
- Data File datafile1.csv
- Work01
- Data File datafile2.txt
- Work02 Estimation with covariance model 1
- Work03 Estimation with covariance model 2
19Data File
- Two data file format (CSV and GeoEAS)
- CSV format
- First line must be column names
- File extension .csv
- GeoEAS format
- Standard format in BMElib (Matlab)
- 1st line File description
- 2nd line Number of data column
- 3rd (3 in 2nd line) line Name of data column
- Tab separated data
- File extension .txt
CSV format
L2 -74.5278,40.5594,880,2001,0,0.01,0.01 -74.7781,
GeoEAS format
Tetrachloroethene (micrograms per liter) in New
2 -74.5278 40.5594 880 2001 0 0.01
0.01 -74.7781 40.2217 376 2000 0 0.01 0.01
21Data Columns
- Data file must have at least 4 columns
- X Field, Y Field Spatial Coordinates
- Ex.) Longitude/Latitude etc
- 3-D space is not supported
- T Field Time events
- Ex.) Days/Year/Hour etc
- Data Value Measurement Values
- Station ID Unique ID assigned to each
measurement location
22Station ID and System ID
- Station ID
- User-defined ID
- Alphanumeric value
- Used in label of the plot
- System automatically create Station ID, if data
does not contain Station ID column - System ID
- System assigns sequential number to each station
23Basic Operation
24Setup BMEGUI Tools toolbox
- Start ArcGIS
- Right click ArcToolbox and select Add Toolbox
- Select BMEGUI tools toolbox from module folder
25Launch BMEGUI tool
- Open BMEGUI Tools toolbox
- Double-click BMEGUI tool
- Dialog box appears
26Data Field Screen
- Select data columns used for X Field, Y Field,
Time Field, and Data Value - Input Space Unit, Time Unit, Data Unit and Name
of Data
Select Column Name
Input Units and Name of Data
27Data Distribution Screen
- Basic statistics
- Mean, Standard deviation, Skewness, Kurtosis
- Histogram Raw data, Log-transformed data
28Data Log-transformation
- If you want to use log-transformed data in the
following analysis, check Use Log-transformed
Data - Tab automatically switch to Log Data
29Exploratory Data Analysis Screen
- Time series at monitoring station
- Spatial map at specific time
- Data aggregation
30Time series at monitoring station
- Select Station ID from the list
- Input System ID in the entry
- Click Next or Back button
Select Monitoring Station
Spatial coordinate of monitoring station
Location of monitoring station
Zoom in/out
31Spatial map at specific time
- Select time from the list
- Click Next or Back button
Select time
Zoom in/out
32Data aggregation
- Check Aggregation Period box
- Enter aggregation period and click Aggregate
Data button
- Click Quit button
- Dialog shows up, then click OK
34Recovery from error
- You will get an error message
- Check error message and correct the problem (Data
file, Parameters, etc) - Check a error message file err(yymmdd).txt in
your work space - Contact Info.
- BMElab MH0018
- Email akita_at_email.unc.edu