Title: ILPS Philippine Chapter General Assembly
1ILPS Philippine Chapter General Assembly ADVANCE
2- Message of Solidarity to the ILPS Philippine
Chapter - Second General Assembly
- Prof. Jose Ma. Sison
- Chairman, International Coordinating Committee
- International League of Peoples Struggle
- 18 August 2006
3- The ILPS Philippine Chapter is the very first
national chapter of the ILPS.
The First National Chapter of ILPS Established
Report on the Founding Assembly of the ILPS
Philippine Chapter Forty-five out of forty-seven
Founding Member-organizations, 45 Observer-mass
organizations and 53 local and foreign guests,
and 33 organizers, staff members and volunteers,
comprised the Founding Assembly of the Philippine
Chapter of the International League of Peoples'
Struggle which was held August 1, 2002. A total
of 220 people attended said event. Held at the
Environmental Education Center of Miriam College,
Quezon City, the Founding Assembly carried the
theme, Rally the Filipino to the anti-imperialist
struggle! Unite with the peoples of the world to
defeat US-led wars of aggression and
intervention! The establishment of the ILPS
Philippine Chapter came after a series of
organizational meetings held among the
representatives of majority of the founding
member-organizations that attended the First
International Assembly of the ILPS in Zutphen,
4- During the past four years, you have contributed
greatly and significantly in introducing and
projecting the ILPS as the rallying point of the
militant anti-imperialist struggle.
5you have raised and enthusiastically waved the
banner of the ILPS in promoting the peoples
6- Performing a major role in leading workshops
during the ILPS Second International Assembly - Performing key roles in launching and holding
regional and international conferences on the
different ILPS concerns (Workers, Peasants,
Women, Youth, Health, the Campaign against US
military bases, etc)
- Participating in ILPS conferences abroad (Mumbai
Resistance 2004, Towards a Just and Lasting
Peace Conference Vancouver 2006, Conference on
Debt, Jakarta 2006)
7- Performing the key role in holding the HK
Peoples Action Week against the WTO - Celebrating the Bandung Conference in Indonesia
8- Protest actions on different national and
international issues like the US war of
aggression, defense of the rights of the chairman
of the ILPS International Coordinating Committee
and other democratic forces, opposition to the
arrest and detention of Memik Horuz and Ka
Crispin Beltran.
9- Participation of several ILPS Philippine Chapter
member-organizations in international conferences
and fora (WSF 2004 Asian social Forum 2003
Now We the People, Australia 2003, 2005 All-Cuba
Conference Chennai 2005, etc)
10The success achieved there, as in your other
activities, springs from the objective analysis
of different issues according to the general line
of the ILPS of militant anti-imperialist and
pro-people struggle, particularization and
implementation of apt and effective forms of
protest and other actions, correct tactics in
strengthening our forces and building a united
front in consonance with the proper
identification of friends, and enemies, and the
usually enthusiastic and lively but efficient and
effective style of work.
11Your past actions and the successes you have
attained manifest the correctness and
effectiveness of building the ILPS national
chapter to greatly advance the anti-imperialist
and democratic line of struggle, and the need for
and suitability of building national and regional
formations to primarily serve as centers of
coordination for the ILPS member-organizations in
one country or region.
12The international situation is most favorable,
the Philippine situation as well, for
strengthening and expanding the ILPS to advance
the peoples anti-imperialist and democratic
13We must never relax in struggling against the
tightening noose of exploitation by monopoly
capitalism under the neo-liberal globalization
policy, against the imposition of repression or
state terrorism on the people, and against
imperialist aggression and intervention in the
name of war on terror.
14Just recently, the WTO Doha Round finally
collapsed, clearly exposing the emptiness of the
promotion of Doha Round proposals purportedly
for Third World development.
15However, the imperialist powers still maintains
an arsenal of many ways to impose on much weaker
countries the neo-liberal policies of
deregulation, liberalization, privatization and
denationalization. Hence, we have to enhance
further the unity of the people and the fight
against these policies.
16All over the world the imperialist war of
aggression and military intervention continues to
be exposed as the people fight against it,
especially the evil war on terror of US
imperialism and its willing followers, like
Britain and Zionist Israel.
17Similarly, the Macapagal-Arroyo regime is fast
being exposed and isolated not only in the
Philippines but also in the whole world because
of its evil and relentless killing of hundreds of
innocent civilians, especially progressive
leaders and mass activists.
18The ILPS decided to call for simultaneous protest
actions in the different countries worldwide
against state repression in the Philippines,
based on the resolution you submitted for support
of the campaign to stop the political killings
that the US-Arroyo regime perpetrates.
19The ICC has decided to be one of the sponsors of
the Regional Conference on US Militarism and War
on Terror in Asia-Pacific and launch the Regional
Campaign against US Bases in Asia-Pacific.
20The ICC is fully confident that you can hold
these conferences successfully, as well as the
planned big protest actions like the Peoples
Caravans in connection with the ASEAN Summit this
coming December 2006. We also hope for the
successful launching of the ILPS East Asia
Consultative Conference in December towards the
establishment of the ILPS East Asia Coordinating
21We are hoping as well that you can give due
attention to the calls on making the study
commissions work, considering that a majority are
led by member-organizations of the ILPS
Philippine Chapter. We in the ICC always trust
that you will further strengthen your ranks and
effectively use various means to gather resources
for the struggle.