Title: A Direct Search for Magnetic
1 HEP03, Aachen, 17-23/7/03
A Direct Search for Magnetic Monopoles at H1
David Milstead The University of Liverpool
2Monopoles in Particle Physics
Electric charge quantisation
Dirac - enh/gm0
Spontaneous symmetry breaking
t hooft/Polyakov Monopole from breaking of
simple symmetry group into U(1)
SUSY GUTs 1015 GeV Little Higgs 1-5 TeV ?
t hooft Monopole condensation of QCD ground
3Monopoles at HERA
First search in ep at 300 GeV Sensitive to
150 GeV mass QED coupling for Dirac Monopole
gD aggD2/4p 34 aem1/137
Processes predicted but not rate 103 greater
ionisation energy loss than mip
4Monopoles in the H1 beam pipe
Monopoles of strength gt 0.75 gD stopped Bind to
Al nucleus dipole moment and only released by
melting (Milton et al.) Take 60cm section of 2mm
thick H1 beam-pipe around interaction zone. Used
1994-1997 lumi60pb-1 Cut into 14 strips
and measure inductance in superconducting
- Signature of monopole is persistent current
- Use solenoids with varying currents to mimick step
x 10-2
Induced current
x 10-1
position /cm
6Beam pipe measurements
- Induced current from strips
Dirac Monopole
Strip number
No monopoles found
7Monopole Acceptance
Use gg-gt mm (comphep) model
Rising acceptance with high charge and low mass
8Cross-section upper limits
First upper limits in ep collisions
9Upper limit for Dirac Monopole Production
Different experimental techniques Competitive ep
10Upper limit for 3gd monopoles
Only limits from ep and pp
11Summary and Outlook
Magnetic monopoles play fundamental role in
modern physics theories.
First search in electron-proton scattering at
300 GeV at the H1 experiment Search for
monopoles stopped in the beam pipe. Monopole
masses up to 150 GeV and charges 1 lt gD lt 6