Title: High Level Languages
1High Level Languages
2Last lecture
- Spy on your Users!
- Environment Variables
- Client Variables sent via Javascript
- Cookies
- Web Mail
- Ripping other peoples Web Pages
3Today Useful PHP
- In the first PHP lecture we considered the
basics - The Danger of Computer Science
- Whats wrong with Cookies?
- The Sessions solution
- Starter MySQL
- Connecting a database with PHP
41. The real danger of CS
Some worries about the amount of coursework. If
you are going to blame anyone
blame Bjarney creator of C
5Larry Wall guy who wrote Perl
6Conclusive Proof
72. Sites that Remember
- It is essential in good sites that we maintain
state that we remember certain variables from
page to page - Last Lecture we considered two ways of
maintaining state of keeping variables common
between scripts. - Adding variables to the url
- Storing variables in cookies
- Neither are satisfactory. So whats the answer?
- Sessions!
8Chaining Variables in URLs
- You can chain variables on the end of a URL,
starting with a question mark after the filee
name and then using an ampersand. - myscript.php?variable1value1 variable2value2
variable3value3variable3value3 - This is a painful way of passing variables from
script to script. - Messy and Cumbersome
- Requires URL encoding
- Error Prone
- Too Public the user can see everything
- You may be thinking right now why learn sessions?
I can do what I want with Cookies! - In his slides Chris - setting and playing around
with cookies can be a fun. He lies. Hes like
that. - Cookies are painful to use. While they can
successfully store valuable information it is
never easy and they are always one page call out
of synch.
10Problems with Cookies
- Not only are cookies painful to code.
- It may seem a suprisingly low statistic, but
Cookies are about 30 unreliable on the web right
now and it's getting worse. - More and more web browsers are starting to come
with security and privacy settings and people
browsing the net these days are starting to frown
upon Cookies because they store information on
their local computer that they do not want stored
11The Session Solution
- PHP has a great set of functions that can achieve
the same results of Cookies and more without
storing information on the user's computer. - PHP Sessions store the information on the web
server in a location that you chose in special
files. - These files are connected to the user's web
browser via the server and a special ID called a
"Session ID". - This is nearly 99 flawless in operation and it
is virtually invisible to the user.
12Session Start
- The correct way to start a session is using the
session_start() command. - We must include this statement at the start of
every script of our site that we want to be able
to use session variables in. - lt?
- session_start() print We have started our
session" - ?gt
- This is essential and an easy thing to forget.
13A common error
- Just like Cookies you MUST call the
session_start() function before anything is
output to your web browser. This is absoultey
important because you will get some ugly errors
by PHP that will say something like this - lt?
- echo This is incorrect and will cause an
error" session_start() - ?gt
- Generates the error
- Warning Cannot send session cookie - headers
already sent by (output started at
session_header_error/session_error.php2) in
session_header_error/session_error.php on line 3
14Assigning Variables
- lt? // start the session session_start()
print Registering a session" // Get the
user's input from the form for example
data _POSTdata' // Create a new
Session variable session_register('name') //
2 ways of putting data into the variable
_SESSION'name' data name data - ?gt
- Welcome to my website lt? print name ?gtltBRgt
- This is an example of receiving a data variable
from an HTML form and putting it in the session.
- Keep in mind that PHP has a switch in its setup
which creates variable names for data sent to a
script. - Often this register_globals setting may be turned
OFF for security. This happens to be the same
setting as the default PHP installation after PHP
version 4.1 series. - _POSTdata and _Sessionname are
superglobals - You have to use them if register_globals is OFF.
16Sessions on Multiple Pages
- The first thing you MUST do on each page you want
to access a session variable is to start the
session. - That may not sound right to you because "We
already started the session on the last page." - That's true, but we need to keep the "connection"
going between our session because they do not
have persistent connections like MySQL does.
17A Multiple Page Session
- lt? // start the session session_start()
- print In this script we use session variables
- print that we created in the previous
scriptltbrgt - // display the session variable
- print Hi there name everything is
working!ltbrgt - // of if register_globals is not active
- print We can use the superglobal
_SESSION'name' - ?gt
18Unregistering Session Variables
- PHP is really well designed.
- With PHP Sessions, we have the ability to simply
remove a single session variable without dumping
our entire session and rebuilding it. The
function is called session_unregister() - Here's how we unregister a single session
variables and leave the rest intact. - session_unregister('name')
19Destroying a Whole Session
- Why might it be necessary to destroy a session
when the session will get destroyed when the user
closes their browser? - Well, Imagine that you had a session you were
using to determine if the user was logged into
your site based upon a username and password -
anytime you have a login feature, to make the
users feel better, you should have a logout
feature as well. - That's where session_destroy() may be useful it
will delets the session files and clears any
trace of that session.
20Practical Sessions Hit Counter
- What we're about to do here is
- start your session
- register a variable called "count
- assign a value of 1 to it on the first page.
- Then, we're going to increment the counter as we
go through the website. - Were also going to provide a reset page
21Hit Counter counter page
- lt? session_start() if (!PHPSESSID)
session_register('count') if(_SESSION'count'
0) _SESSION'count' 1 else
_SESSION'count' - ?gt
- Youve visited lt?_SESSION'count'?gt pages so
far!ltbrgt - lta hrefhit_counter.php"gtIncrement Your
Counter!lt/agtltbrgt - lta hrefreset.php"gtReset Your Counter!lt/agtltbrgt
22Hit Counter Reset Page
lt? session_start() session_register('count')
_SESSION'count' 1 ?gt Youve
visited lt?_SESSION'count'?gt pages so far!ltbrgt
lta hrefhit_counter.php"gtIncrement Your
Counter!lt/agtltbrgt lta hrefreset_counter.php"gtReset
Your Counter!lt/agtltbrgt
23Viewing All Session Variables
- You can view every single session variable you
have stored and what its value is by using the
following code - lt? session_start() print "Sessions ltBRgt"
print_r(_SESSION) - ?gt
- This script is pretty straight forward and gives
all the info about what's in your session's scope.
24Viewing Your Session ID
- Every Session has a unique Session ID. A session
ID looks like someone has had a typing fit and
collapsed on the keyboard. - There's a function in PHP called session_id()
that allows you to display the current session ID
or utilize it however you need. - lt? session_start() echo "Your session ID is
ltBgt". session_id() ."lt/Bgt" - ?gt
- This will simply display something like
- Your session ID is Bd315d2ed59dfa1c2d0fb0b0339c758
25Practical Sessions User Prefs
- lt?
- session_start()
- session_register('body_color')
session_register('text_color') -
- else if ((!body_color) (!text_color))
- body_colour 000000
- text_colour FFFFFF
- ?gt
- ltHTMLgt
- ltBODY BGCOLORlt?body_colour?gt
26Practical Sessions User Prefs
- There's a reason for the if statements
- If we just used this at the top of the page
- lt?
- session_start()
- session_register('body_color')
- session_register('text_color')
- ?gt
- then each time the page is loaded, the value of
body_color and text_color would be overwritten
by an empty string or a newly registered, empty
27IE6 Session Problem
- When you click your back button to make changes
in the form, you have to click the REFRESH button
on that page to get the information that you
posted back into the form. - This only works about 50 of the time. The other
50 the users information is lost - This can be horrific for users but there is a
simple solution. Enter this right below the
session_start() of each script - header("Cache-control private")
28Discussion of Prefs
- Now this is all great at the moment but we do
have a problem a session automatically closes
when a user shuts his web browser. - If that person has spent hours setting all their
user preferences and they disappear when the
browser is closed you arent going to get many
repeat users. - So while sessions maintain state over a visit we
need someway of storing data between visits.
- Open source has brought a lot more than Linux to
the computing world. It has also given us PHP and
MySQL. - PHP and MySQL are viewed by many as the world's
best combination for creating data-driven sites. - MySQL databases are ideal for storing that data
we have collected about a user or for holding
user preferences between visits. It is free and
it is easy.
- MySQL central is http//www.mysql.com/.
- Were not going to go through installation of
mysql. PHPDEV4 is the way to go if you want to
setup at home - http//www.firepages.com.au/phpdev4.htm
- However the university offers mysql accounts
this is what well be using and instruction will
be in Mondays next labs tutorial sheets.
31A Web Application
- The diagram below shows the relationship between
your user, the scripting language and the DB.
Web Application
32The Query
- The Query is the basic method by which data is
entered or extracted from a database. - It is common to all database systems.
- It is simply a command to the MySQL database in
order to tell it to do something.
33SQL Commands
- SQL is a reasonably powerful query language.
- However it is incredibly simple. You can learn it
in a night. - The fundamental SQL commands are
34Creating a Table
- CREATE TABLE people (
- first varchar(30),
- last varchar(30),
- address varchar(255)
- )
- (Adolf',Hitler',Hell')
- (Saddam', Hussein,Beeston')
- INSERT INTO people VALUES (Pete,roberts',Curre
ntly Homeless')
35First MySql/PHP Program
- lt?
- db mysql_connect("localhost", "root")
mysql_select_db("mydb",db) - result mysql_query("SELECT FROM
employees") - firstname mysql_result(result,0,"first")
- lastname mysql_result(result,0,last")
- address mysql_result(result,0,address")
- ?gt
- Hello lt?firstname?gt lt?lastname?gt ltBRgt
- Your address is lt?address?gt
- mysql_connect() establishes a connection to a
MySQL server. - It takes 3 parameters.
- The address of the server
- Your Username for that db account
- Your password
- conn mysql_connect(address", user,
pass) - The university mysql server is found at the
following address -
- mysql.cs.nott.ac.uk
- In our code mysql_select_db() then tells PHP that
any queries we make are against the mydb
database. - mysql_select_db(dbname",conn)
- We could create multiple connections to
databases on different servers. But for now,
youll only need one database.
- Next, mysql_query() does all the hard work.
- Using the database connection identifier, it
sends a line of SQL to the MySQL server to be
processed. - This is the key command for interacting with the
database. - In our example the results that are returned are
stored in the variable result.
- Finally, mysql_result() is used to display the
values of fields from our query - mysql_result(result,0,"first")
- Using result, we go to the first row, which is
numbered 0, and return the value of the specified
40Its as easy as that
- So there we have it.
- We have successfully executed a simple PHP script
to retrieve some information. - In the next (and final) lecture we will be
extending this to produce some more powerful PHP
scripts. - These will really help with the coursework
41Coursework 3 The time has come
- Coursework 3 will soon be available.
- The coursework is to create your very own simple
but functional Web Forum. It will involve - Basic Sessions
- Very Simple database Backend
- It will follow on from the lab sheet
- Good design will be essential. Any code without
functions or require statements will get very low
42Special Labs Next Week
- Because I am a kind kind soul of this there can
be no argument - special labs are being arranged
for next week. - Tuesday 9am labs are over
- Next week there will be 3 labs. Monday, Tuesday
and Thursday afternoons. I will give you the
exact times next lecture. - Now please go home.