Oblivious AQM and Nash Equilibria - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Oblivious AQM and Nash Equilibria


Before we Begin... Today's Internet - Motivation. Oblivious AQM & Nash Equilibria ... Before we Begin... Transport Control Protocol ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Oblivious AQM and Nash Equilibria

Oblivious AQM and Nash Equilibria
  • D. Dutta, A. Goel and J. Heidemann
  • IEEE INFOCOM 2003 - The 22nd Annual Joint
    Conference of the IEEE Computer and
    Communications Societies
  • Presented By Sharon Mendel
  • Game Theory in Networks Seminar 25/01/2006

Before we Begin
  • Todays Internet - Motivation

Oblivious AQM Nash Equilibria
Active Queue Management ??
Before we Begin
  • A congestion control protocol (e.g. TCP) operates
    at the end-points and uses the drops or marks
    received from the Active Queue Management
    policies (e.g. Drop-tail, RED) at routers as
    feedback signals to adaptively modify the sending
    rate in order to maximize its own goodput.

Transport Control Protocol
Before we Begin
  • TCP is the dominating transport layer protocol in
    the Internet and accounts for over 90 of the
    total traffic.
  • The TCP Protocol is well defined, robust and
    congestion-reactive (thus stable).
  • The end-to-end congestion control mechanisms of
    TCP have been a critical factor in the robustness
    of the Internet.
  • It is widely believed that if all users deployed
    TCP, networks will rarely see congestion
    collapses and the overall utilization of the
    network will be high.

Todays Internet
Before we Begin
  • There are indications that the amount of
    non-congestion-reactive traffic is on the rise.
  • Most of this misbehaving traffic does not use
  • e.g. Real media, network games, other real time
    multimedia applications.
  • The unresponsive behavior can result in both
    unfairness and congestion collapse for the
  • The network itself must now participate in
    controlling its own resource utilization.

Some of the previous slides Promoting the Use
of End-to-End Congestion Control in the
Internet, S. Floyd and K. Fall, IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Networking Vol. 7 1999.
The Papers Motivation
Before we Begin
  • TCP (and in fact, any transport protocol) does
    not guarantee good performance in the face of
    aggressive, greedy users (who are willing to
    violate the protocol to obtain better
  • Protocol Equilibrium A protocol which leads to
    an efficient utilization and a somewhat fair
    distribution of network resources (like TCP
    does), and also ensure that no user can obtain
    better performance by deviating from the
  • If protocol equilibrium is achievable, then it
    would be a useful tool in designing robust

More Introduction
  • Oblivious AQM and Nash Equilibria

Oblivious AQM Nash Equilibria
Oblivious AQM
More Introduction
  • Oblivious (stateless) AQM scheme a router
    strategy that does not differentiate between
    packets belonging to different flows.
  • Stateful schemes e.g. Fair-Queuing.
  • Stateful Schemes offer good performance, but
    oblivious schemes are easier to implement.

Popular AQM Schemes (1)
More Introduction
  • Congestion avoidance is achieved through packet
  • Drop-Tail Buffers as many packets as it can and
    drops the ones it can't buffer
  • Distributes buffer space unfairly among traffic
  • Can lead to global synchronization as all TCP
    connections "hold back" simultaneously, hence
    networks become under-utilized.

Popular AQM Schemes (2)
More Introduction
  • RED Random Early Dedication - Monitors the
    average queue size and drops packets based on
    statistical probabilities
  • If the buffer is almost empty, all incoming
    packets are accepted As the queue grows, the
    probability for dropping an incoming packet
    grows When the buffer is full, the probability
    has reached 1 and all incoming packets are
  • Considered more fair than tail drop - The more a
    host transmits, the more likely it is that its
    packets are dropped.
  • Prevents global synchronization and achieves
    lower average buffer occupancies.

Oblivious AQM and Nash Equilibria
More Introduction
  • The paper studies the existence and quality of
    Nash equilibria imposed by oblivious AQM schemes
    on selfish agents
  • Existence
  • Efficiency
  • Achievability

  • Introduction
  • The Model
  • Existence
  • Efficiency
  • Achievability
  • Summary and Future Work

The Model
  • The Markovian Internet Game

Oblivious AQM Nash Equilibria
The Internet Game
The Model
  • Players The end-to-end selfish traffic agents.
  • Each player has a strategy which is to control
    the average rate he tries to push through the
  • Users Performance Metric goodput.
  • Rules set by the AQM policies (AQM schemes in
  • Nash Equilibrium No selfish agent has any
    incentive to unilaterally deviate from its
    current state.
  • Oblivious AQM scheme leads to a protocol
    equilibrium only if it imposes a Nash equilibrium
    on the selfish users.
  • Papers focus AQM schemes that guarantee
    bounded average buffer occupancy regardless of
    the total arrival rate.

The Markovian Internet Game
The Model
  • The agents generate Poisson traffic.
  • Does not accurately model Internet traffic, yet a
    reasonable first step.
  • Each user controls its own offered load the
    average Poisson traffic rate.
  • The system is modeled as a M/M/1/K queue
  • Average service time - Without loss of generality
    assumed to be unity.
  • Buffers capacity - KB.
  • No assumptions are made on the selfish protocol
    (i.e. TCP, AIMD etc).

The M/M/1/K Internet Game
The Model
  • n Number of users players.
  • ?i The Poisson average arrival rate of player
  • Ui Utility function of player i.
  • µi Goodput , Ui µi .
  • p AQM router drop probability due an average
    aggregated load (offered load) of ? and an
    average service time of unity.
  • A symmetric Nash equilibrium - Ensures that every
    agent has the same goodput at equilibrium.
  • Unless mentioned otherwise, quantities such as
    the rates, goodput and throughput are averages
    (Poisson traffic sources).

Nash Equilibrium Conditions (1)
The Model
  • No agent can increase their goodput, at Nash
    equilibrium, by either increasing or decreasing
    their throughput
  • A symmetric Nash equilibrium
  • Oblivious AQM scheme, hence functions of router
    state (drop probability, queue length) are
    independent in i

Utility Function in Nash Equilibrium
Nash Equilibrium Condition Nash Equilibrium
Satisfying Condition Necessary and sufficient
Nash Equilibrium Conditions (2)
The Model
  • ?Nash , µNash , pNash - The aggregate throughput
    (offered load), goodput, drop probability
  • The Nash equilibrium imposed by an AQM scheme is
    efficient if the goodput of any selfish agent is
    bounded below when the throughput (offered load)
    of the same agent is bounded above

Nash Equilibrium Efficiency Condition
c1? c2 some constants
pNash is bounded
  • Are there oblivious AQM schemes that impose Nash
    equilibria on selfish users?

Oblivious AQM Nash Equilibria
Drop-Tail Queuing
  • p - Drop Probability Probability to find a full
  • From Queuing Theory
  • Theorem 1 There is NO Nash Equilibrium for
    selfish agents and routes implementing Drop-Tail
  • Proof applying the condition for Nash

Random Early Detection
  • Approximated steady state RED model
  • From Queuing Theory, at steady state
  • RED Router, at steady state
  • Steady State

Faster network simulation with scenario
pre-filtering Tech. Rep., USC/ISI Tech Report
550, November 2001.
lq Queue length p Drop Probability ?
Aggregated Offered Load
lq ? maxth
RED and Nash Equilibria
  • Theorem 2 RED Does NOT impose a Nash equilibrium
    on uncontrolled selfish agents.
  • Proof applying the condition for Nash
  • Summary
  • RED punishes all flows with the same drop
  • The nature of the drop function is considerably
  • Misbehaving flows can push more traffic and get
    less hurt (marginally).
  • There is no incentive for any source to stop
    pushing packets.

RED is oblivious
Nash Equlibria does not exist.
Virtual Load RED
  • Virtual Load RED model
  • Theorem 3 VLRED imposes a Nash Equilibrium on
    selfish agents if
  • Proof
  • Throughput at Nash equilibrium is independent of

lvq M/M/1 Queue length when facing the
same load
  • If an Oblivious AQM scheme can impose a Nash
    equilibria, is that equilibria efficient, in
    terms of achieving high goodput and low drop

Oblivious AQM Nash Equilibria
Example - Efficiency of VLRED
  • Proof Applying Nashequilibrium satisfying
    andefficiency conditions
  • Theorem 4 VLRED is not efficientimposing a
    Nash Equilibriumon selfish agents

a, ß - some constants
nµ ?(lvq2)
The goodput falls to zero asymptotically. QED.
Efficient Nash AQM scheme
  • Assume Totaldesirable offered loadat Nash
  • Oblivious mechanism can ensure an efficient Nash
    equilibria under selfish behavior of users.

ENAQM drop probability is bounded
  • How easy is it for players (users) to reach the
    equilibrium point? or How can we ensure that
    agents actually reach the Nash equilibrium state?

Oblivious AQM Nash Equilibria
Ensuring a Nash equilibrium by an Oblivious AQM
  • ?i Offered load at equilibria when the number
    of agents is i.
  • ?i ?i - ?i-1 ia a some constant
  • p ƒ(?i) non decreasing and convex.
  • Applying Nash equilibrium satisfying and
    efficiency conditions
  • From convexity of pi
  • From efficiency
  • The equilibrium imposed by any oblivious AQM
    strategy is (very) sensitive to the number of
    agents, thus making it impractical to deploy in
    the Internet.
  • Agents need the help of the router to reach the

c1, c2 - some constants
The sensitivity coefficient falls faster than the
inverse quadric.
c - constant
Summary and Future Work
  • Overview
  • Now what? Future Work
  • Some further work

Oblivious AQM Nash Equilibria
Summary and Future Work
  • Introduction Todays Internet.
  • The proposed model Markovian (M/M/1/K) Game
  • Existence
  • Drop tail and RED cannot impose a Nash equilibra.
  • VLRED imposes a Nash equilibra.But the
    equilibrium points do not have a very high
  • Efficiency - ENAQM imposes an efficient Nash
  • Achievability - Equilibrium points in oblivious
    AQM strategies are very sensitive to the change
    in the number of users.
  • It may be hard to deploy oblivious schemes that
    do have Nash equilibria without the explicit help
    of a protocol.

Now What ? - Future Work
Summary and Future Work
  • VLRED Explore why the Nash equilibria do not
    result in good network utilization.
  • Conjecture VLREDs drop function becomes very
    harsh as we reach equilibria.
  • Study gentler versions of VLRED and determine
    whether such modification can still impose Nash
  • Design protocols which lead to efficient network
    operation, such that no user has any incentive to
    unilaterally deviate from the protocol can it
    be done ? The Protocol Equilibrium Question.

Some Further work (1)
Summary and Future Work
  • Towards Protocol Equilibrium with Oblivious
    Routers D. Dutta, A. Goel and J. Heidemann, IEEE
    INFOCOM 2004.
  • In this paper, we show that if routers used
    EWMA to measure the aggregate rate, then the best
    strategy for a selfish agent to minimize its
    losses is to arrive at a constant rate. Even
    though the protocol space is arbitrary, our
    scheme ensures that the best greedy strategy is
    simple, i.e. send with CBR. Then, we show how we
    can use the results of an earlier paper to
    enforce simple and efficient protocol equilibria
    on selfish traffic agents

Some Further work (2)
Summary and Future Work
  • Pricing Differentiated Services A Game
    -Theoretic Approach, E. Altman, D. Barman, R. El
    Azouzi, D. Ros, B. Tuffin, (accepted for
    publication in Computer Networks, 2005).
  • The goal of this paper is to study pricing of
    differentiated services and its impact on the
    choice of service priority at equilibrium. We
    consider both TCP connections as well as non
    controlled (real time) connections. We first
    study the performance of the system as a function
    of the connections parameters and their choice
    of service classes. We then study the decision
    problem of how to choose the service classes. We
    model the problem as a noncooperative game. We
    establish conditions for an equilibrium to exist
    and to be uniquely defined. We further provide
    conditions for convergence to equilibrium from
    non equilibria initial states. We finally study
    the pricing problem of how to choose prices so
    that the resulting equilibrium would maximize the
    network benefit
  • The paper (Oblivious AQM and Nash Equilibria)
    restricted itself to symmetric users and
    symmetric equilibria and the pricing issue was
    not considered. In this framework, with a common
    RED buffer, it was shown that an equilibrium does
    not exist. An equilibrium was obtained and
    characterized for an alternative buffer
    management that was proposed, called VLRED. We
    note that in contrast to (Oblivious AQM and Nash
    Equilibria), since we also include in the
    utility of CBR traffic a penalty for losses we do
    obtain an equilibrium when using RED

Thank You !
Oblivious AQM Nash Equilibria
  • Stateful Schemes Fair Queuing
  • From Queuing Theory
  • Nash Equilibrium Conditions
  • Approximated Steady State RED Model
  • VLRED Model, Theorem 3 - Nash Equilibrium
    Existence - Proof
  • Efficient Nash AQM Drop Probability

Oblivious AQM Nash Equilibria
Stateful Schemes Fair Queuing - Nagles
Introduction - Appendix
  • Gateways maintain separate queues for packets
    from each individual source.
  • The queues are serviced in a round-robin manner.
  • Nagles algorithm, by changing the way packets
    from different sources interact, does not reward,
    nor leave others vulnerable to, anti-social

Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queuing
Algorithm, A.Demers, S. Keshav and S.J. Shenker,
From Queuing Theory
  • M/M/1/K Queuing system - Poisson arrivals,
    Exponentially distributed service times, one
    server and finite capacity buffer
  • PASTA - Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages For
    a queuing system, when the arrival process is
    Poisson and independent of the service
    processThe probability that an arriving
    customer finds i customers in the system Equals
    The probability that the system is at state i.
  • pi Probability that the system is in state i,
    Using birth-death model
  • Block Probability -

Nash Equilibrium Condition
The Model Appendix
  • Substituting 2,3 in 5 we obtain

Nash Equilibrium Satisfying Condition
Approximated Steady State RED Model
Existence - Appendix
Faster network simulation with scenario
pre-filtering Tech. Rep., USC/ISI Tech Report
550, November 2001.
Example minth 10 maxth 20 n 1,..,50 Pmax
VLRED Model, Theorem 3 - Nash Equilibrium
Existence - Proof (1)
Existence - Appendix
  • Virtual Load RED model
  • Proof of Theorem 3 VLRED imposes a Nash
    Equilibrium on selfish agents if
  • Assume the drop probability can be written as a
    continues function for all lvqltmaxth
  • Nash equilibrium condition

lvq M/M/1 Queue length when facing the
same load
VLRED Model, Theorem 3 - Nash Equilibrium
Existence - Proof (2)
Existence - Appendix
  • Substituting and simplifying we obtain
  • This is true if (by Substituting n1)

Efficient Nash AQM Drop Probability
Efficiency - Appendix
  • Total desirable offered load at Nash equilibrium
  • Substituting y21-? and then integrating
  • k is determined so when there is one user, the
    drop probability is zero as long as his offered
    load is less than unity
  • The offered load at Nash equilibria is
    bounded drop probability at equilibria is bounded
    (proved by substitution).

k - arbitrary constant to be determined
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