Title: HTML Authoring
1HTML Authoring
- Joiana Nascarella
- joiana_at_unimelb.edu.au
- A good website starts its life in the design
stage - Layout, Color, Sound, Content, Functionality and
Maintainability aspects are formed in the design
stage. - Designing a website involves
- Look and Feel of the site, languages server
resources, programming data structures
involved, the time and programming abilities
needed, end user ease, site maintenance.
3Good Design vs Bad Design
- What makes a good design?
- Plan the web site structure
- Plan the navigation setup
- Plan the page layout, considering how and where
to use color and sound - Plan your content
- The 5 ws Who, What, When, Where, Why
4Good Design vs Bad Design
- Examples of good web design
- http//www.geom.unimelb.edu.au/
- http//www.theage.com.au/
- http//www.virgintravelstore.com
- http//www.ge.ucl.ac.uk
5Good Design vs Bad Design
- What makes a bad design?
- Poor Planning!
- The 10 Sins of web design
- http//www.peckwebs.com/sins.htm
- Examples of bad web design
- http//www.ratz.com/featuresbad.html
6Building a Website
- Set up the web site folder structure first
- Example
- public_html/index.html -my home page
- public_html/assignments/ -my assignments
- public_html/images/ -my pictures
- public_html/include/ -my style sheet
- public_html/multimedia/ -my multimedia
- public_html/templates/ -my templates
7Building a Website
- Create a template file
- Use include files for common content
- Frames?
- OK for managing simple websites though beware
frames can be annoying to work with when you have
a large website
8Building a Website
- Other tips Be consistent
- E.g. 1. Use a style sheet rather than remember
what font style you want to use - E.g. 2. If your website uses frames, use the same
frame structure throughout - E.g. 3. Make comments to yourself in HTML code if
it helps - lt!- - my comments go here - -gt
- Remember Planning and Consistency are the key to
a well designed website!
9Web Development Tools
- What kind of tools can be used?
- Text editors
- E.g.. Notepad, WordPad, crimson editor
- Specific Software
- Microsoft Word
- Netscape Composer
- Microsoft FrontPage
- Macromedia Dreamweaver
10HTML Tags
- ltHTMLgt
- The first tag in every HTML file
- Indicates that the content of the file is in HTML
- All text and HTML commands should fall within
the beginning and ending ltHTMLgt tags
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtA Web Pagelt/titlegt lt/headgt ltb
odygt A simple web page lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
11HTML Tags
- ltHEADgt
- Reserved section for only a few tags (e.g..
- ltTITLEgt
- Each HTML page needs atitle to indicate what
the pagedescribes - Used by browsers bookmarksand by other
programs thatcatalog Web pages
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtA Web Pagelt/titlegt lt/headgt ltb
odygt A simple web page lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
12HTML Tags
- ltBODYgt
- The remainder of the page, including all text,
graphics etc. is enclosed within the ltBODYgt tag
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtA Web Pagelt/titlegt lt/headgt ltb
odygt A simple web page lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
13HTML Tags
- Page Formatting
- Background color
- Background Image
- ltBODY BACKGROUNDtiles.gif gt
14HTML Tags
- Font Formatting
- ltH1gt lt/H1gt
- ltH2gt lt/H2gt
- ltH3gt lt/H3gt
- ltPgt lt/Pgt
- ltBgt lt/Bgt
- ltIgt lt/Igt
- Alignment
ltbodygt ltH1 ALIGNCENTERgt A simple web page
lt/H1gt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
15HTML Tags
- Hyperlinks
- ltAgt
- Link or anchor tag
ltbodygt ltH1 ALIGNCENTERgt A simple web page
lt/H1gt ltA HREFpage2.htmgtPage 2lt/Agt lt/bodygt lt/htm
16HTML Tags
- Hyperlinks
- Relative Pathname
- HREFfile.htm HREFassign2.ppt
- HREFfiles/file.htm
- HREF../file.htm
- Absolute Pathname
- HREF/user1/joiana/file.htm
- HREFhttp//www.geom.unimelb.edu.au
17HTML Tags
ltbodygt ltH1 ALIGNCENTERgt A simple web page
lt/H1gt ltA HREFmailtojoiana_at_unimelb.edu.augtEmail
me lt/Agt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
18HTML Tags
- Tables
- ltTABLEgt
- Holds the table contents and an optional caption
lttable border0gt ltTRgt ltTHgtLecturerlt/THgt
ltTHgtSubjectlt/THgt lt/TRgt ltTRgt ltTDgtCliff
Oglebylt/TDgt ltTDgt451-113lt/TDgt lt/TRgt lt/tablegt
19HTML Tags
lthtmlgt ltframeset cols100,50,gt ltframe
srcleftcol.html nameleftgt ltframe
srcmidcol.html namemiddlegt ltframe
srcrightcol.html namerightgt ltnoframesgt This
site requires frames. lt/noframesgt lt/framesetgt lt/ht
20HTML Tags
- Images
- Inline format GIF, JPG
- External format TIFF, BMP, PNG
- ltIMGgt
- ltIMG SRCimage1.gifgt
- E.g.. An image as a link
- ltA HREFpage2.htmgtltIMG SRCarrow.gif
21Web Graphics
22HTML Tags
- Inserting Multimedia
- Flash files
- Shockwave files
- Plugins
- E.g.. A flash animation object
- ltOBJECT width"550" height"400"gt ltparam
name"movie" valueflashfilename.swf"gt ltEMBED
srcflashfilename.swf" width"550" height"400"gt
lt/EMBEDgt lt/OBJECTgt
23Useful Links
- http//www.goodpractices.com
- http//www.w3.org/MarkUp
- http//www.htmlhelp.com/reference
- http//www.coolhomepages.com
- http//www.med.yale.edu/caim/manual/contents.html
- http//hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/design
- http//www.wpdfd.com/resources/Layout.htm
- http//webhelp.org
- http//www.htmlgoodies.com
24Advanced HTML
- Cascading Style Sheets
- E.g.. styles.css sets the style for the body tag
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtA Web Pagelt/titlegt ltlink
hrefstyles.css" rel"style sheet"
type"text/css"gt lt/headgt ltbodygt A simple web page
lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
Web page - index.html
body font-family Geneva, Arial, Helvetica,
sans-serif font-size 12px color 000000
Style Sheet styles.css
25Advanced HTML
- Image Maps
- ltimg src"images/toplinks_vsv.gif" width"800"
height"22" border"0" usemap"Map"gt - ltmap name"Map"gt ltarea shape"rect"
coords"7,1,58,22" hrefindex.htmlgt ltarea
shape"rect" coords"83,1,138,20"
hrefassignments.html"gt ltarea shape"rect"
coords"163,2,214,20" hrefresume.html"gt - lt/mapgt
26Advanced HTML
- Layers
- ltdiv id"Layer1" style"positionabsolute
width200px height115px z-index1"gtlt/divgt
- A programming language for adding functionality
and features to web pages. - Javascript is embedded into HTML
- E.g.. Rollover buttons
- Object oriented programming language
- Designed with the intent
- Write a program once and run it on many different
platforms - Java programs are compiled into bytecode
- Applets
- Allows vector animation
- Is extremely compact
- Has streaming capabilities
- Used to create entire websites
- Used as an advertising tool
- animations games
- Examples
- http//www.airforce.com/index_fr.htm
- http//www.lookandfeel.com/
- http//www.flasharcade.com/
- http//www.flasharcade.com/game.cgi?bubbletrouble
- Principles of flash animation
- Animation sequence based on a timeline
- Vector objects created in Flash
- Library of objects of which there can be many