Title: Introduction to IOS and Cisco Routers
1Introduction to IOS and Cisco Routers
2Memory Architecture
3Memory Types
- Used to store working tables as well as running
IOS image - ROM
- Stores a bootable IOS image that provides basic
functionality as well as a barebones interface
called the ROM Monitor (ROMMON) - Flash Memory
- Stores the full function IOS image and is the
default location for IOS at boot - NVRAM
- Stores startup configuration file
4Memory Types
RAM (Working Memory)
NVRAM (Startup Config)
ROM (Basic IOS)
Flash (IOS)
5Configuration and IOS Images
6Configuration File
- The configuration is a text file that contains
configuration commands that are executed at
startup - When the router boots a copy of the config in
NVRAM (startup-config) is executed to establish
the initial configuration - Configuration commands entered while the router
is running are entered into the temporary
configuration stored in RAM (running-config)
7Saving a Configuration
Copy startup-config running-config
RAM (Running-Config)
NVRAM (Startup-Config)
Copy running-config startup-config
8Syntax of the Copy Command
Copy From-Location To-Location Where From-
and To-Location - tftprunning-configstartup-con
fig tftp a trivial ftp server located
somewhere on the network
9Entering the Configuration
- Setup Mode
- If no configuration exists when the router boots,
it enters setup mode - Router hasnt been configured before
- Someone used the Erase Startup-Config then
rebooted - NVRAM was damaged
- Setup mode is a question and answer process that
can be used to create basic configurations - Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Configuration commands entered at command prompt
then saved to NVRAM
10Setup Mode
- Setup Mode allows configuration of
- Interface summary
- Router hostname
- Passwords
- Various network protocols
- DECnet, Appletalk, IP, IPX
- Routing protocols
- Interfaces
- When finished setup mode gives the user the
option of copying the configuration to NVRAM and
11Viewing Configurations
Show running-configstartup-config
12The CLI and Getting Help
13Command Line Interface
- Most Cisco devices use a command line interface
- Commands can be entered and edited before they
are executed by hitting the enter key - Commands can be abbreviated as long as they are
not ambiguous e.g. Show Interface gt sh int
14Command Line Interface
- If a command has an error the command will be
repeated and a will mark the location of the
erroraccess-list 110 permit host
Invalid input detected
at marker.
15Command History
- Up and Down arrows scroll through command history
- Also ctrlp (up) and ctrln (down)
- Command history commands
- Show history shows commands in history
- Show terminal shows terminal configurations and
terminal history size (default 10) - Terminal history size changes history buffer
size up to a max of 256
16Getting Help
- Typing ? at any point will cause IOS to show what
options exist at that point - Just ? on a line will list all commands available
in that mode - Typing one letter followed by ? will show all
commands that begin with the letter - Adding ? after a command will show what arguments
are available for the command
17Connecting to the Router
18Connecting to the Router
- Console
- Connect directly to console port and use a
terminal program like Windows Hyperterminal or
Linuxs Minicom - AUX
- The auxiliary port is port you can attach a modem
to - Can also be used as a backup connection dial on
demand circuit - TTY
- Can use Telnet to connect to TTY once router has
been configured initially - Most routers have 5 TTY connections
19IOS Modes
20IOS Modes
Telnet Aux Console
User Mode Routergt
Privileged (Enable) Mode Router
21IOS Configuration Modes
Privileged Mode Router
Config terminal (config t)
Router ltprotocolgt (Router rip)
Configuration Mode Router(config)
Router Configuration Mode Router(config-router)
Interface ltinterfacegt (interface ethernet 0)
Interface Configuration Mode Router(config-if)
22Router Interfaces
- LANs
- Ethernet (Ethernet 0, E0, E1, etc.)
- FastEthernet (FastEthernet 0, F0, F1, etc.)
- Token Ring (TokenRing 0, TO0, TO1, etc.)
- WANs
- Serial 0, S0, S1, etc.
24Interfaces on Expansion Cards
- Interfaces on add in expansion cards include the
slot number followed by a slash then the
interface number - The first FastEthernet interface on a card in the
first slot would be FastEthernet 0/0 - On 7500 series routers three values are required
(slot/port-adapter/port) so it would be
FastEthernet 0/0/0 for example
25Loopback Interfaces
- Loopback interfaces are internal interfaces and
treated like other interfaces - Loopback interfaces are never shutdown
- Loopback interfaces are useful when you need an
interface that will never go down
26Interface Configuration Mode
- Use the Interface command in configuration or
interface configuration mode to enter
configuration mode - Router(config)interface e0
- Router(config-if)interface Lo0
- Router(config)interface s0/1
27Bringing up an Interface
- By default, all interfaces (except loopback
interfaces) are in administrative shutdown mode - To activate the interface use the no shutdown
command in the interface configuration mode
28Assigning an IP Address
- IP addresses are assigned in interface
configuration mode
Routerconfig t Router(config)interface
s0 Router(config-if)ip address Router(config-if)no
shutdown Router(config-if)exit
29Setting the Clock Rate
- On serial connections the DCE must set a clock
rate to synchronize communication - In the lab the 2501 that is a router is a DCE
because the cable attached is a DCE cable so the
clock rate must be set on this router - The 2501 that is a Frame Relay switch is also a
DCE but you do not configure this one
Router(config)int s0 Router(config-if)clockrate
30Setting the Serial Encapsulation
- Well discuss this in more detail later in the
semester but the data link layer protocol must be
set for the Frame Relay link using the
encapsulation command
Router(config)interface s0 Router(config-if)enca
psulation frame-relay
32Privileged Mode Passwords
- Enable password
- Enable password ltpasswordgt
- Enable password is shown in clear text
- Not used if enable secret password is set
- Enable secret password
- Enable secret ltpasswordgt
- Enable secret password is encrypted
33User Mode Passwords
Enter configuration mode
- Console Line console 0 Login Password
ltpasswordgt - Auxiliary Line aux 0 Login Password
ltpasswordgt - Telnet Line vty 0 4 Login Password ltpasswordgt
Require login
Set password
Most routers have 5 telnet lines. This command
sets all five.
34Encrypting Passwords
- User mode passwords are normally stored in the
configuration file in clear text - To encrypt them use the following sequence of
commands - service password-encryption line console 0
login password ltpasswordgt no
service password-encryption
35IOS Commands to Know
- Enable/disable
- Enable secret/password
- Config
- Editing commands
- Show history
- Show terminal
- Terminal history size
- Line
- How to require login and set password for
console, vty and aux
36IOS Commands to Know
- Service password-encryption
- Banner
- Interface
- Shutdown
- Know the interfaces commands for ethernet, fast
ethernet, serial, token ring and loopback - Description
- Hostname
- Show running/startup-config
- Copy ltrunning-config/startup-config,tftpgt
37IOS Commands to Know
- Show interface
- Show controllers
- Clock rate
- Ip address
- Show Version
- Show flash