Title: What is the value of character
1 What is the value of character?
- Character is moral strength and courage. (Rom
2 What is the value of character?
- Romans 53-5 (NKJV) - And not only that, but
we also glory in tribulations, knowing that
tribulation produces perseverance 4 and
perseverance, character and character, hope. 5
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of
God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy
Spirit who was given to us.
3 What is the value of character?
- Character is moral strength and courage. (Rom
53-5) - Men of faith stand when desires beckon to
another path. (Heb 1124-25)
4 What is the value of character?
- Hebrews 1124-25 (NKJV) - By faith Moses, when
he became of age, refused to be called the son of
Pharaohs daughter, 25 choosing rather to suffer
affliction with the people of God than to enjoy
the passing pleasures of sin,
5 What is the value of character?
- Character is moral strength and courage. (Rom
53-5) - Men of faith stand when desires beckon to
another path. (Heb 1124-25) - Many are overconfident and blind as to their true
character. (2 Cor 135 1 Cor 1012)
6 What is the value of character?
- 2 Corinthians 135 (NKJV) - Examine yourselves as
to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves.
Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is
in you?unless indeed you are disqualified.
7 What is the value of character?
- 1 Corinthians 1012 (NKJV) - Therefore let him
who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.
8 What is the value of character?
- The reason men stand is because of preparation in
the word of God. (Psa 11911)
9 What is the value of character?
- Psalm 11911 (NKJV) - Your word I have hidden in
my heart, That I might not sin against You.
10The Advantages of Easu
- He had Godly parents, Isaac and Rebekah.
(Gen 2525-28)
11The Advantages of Easu
- Genesis 2525-28 (NKJV) - And the first came out
red. He was like a hairy garment all over so
they called his name Esau. 26 Afterward his
brother came out, and his hand took hold of
Esaus heel so his name was called Jacob. Isaac
was sixty years old when she bore them.
12The Advantages of Easu
- 27 So the boys grew. And Esau was a skillful
hunter, a man of the field but Jacob was a mild
man, dwelling in tents. 28 And Isaac loved Esau
because he ate of his game, but Rebekah loved
13The Advantages of Easu
- Isaac was the beloved son of Abraham!
14The Advantages of Easu
- Isaac was the beloved son of Abraham!
- God identified Himself to Moses as being the God
of Isaac! (Acts 731-32)
15The Advantages of Easu
- Acts 731-32 (NKJV) - When Moses saw it, he
marveled at the sight and as he drew near to
observe, the voice of the Lord came to him, 32
saying, I am the God of your fathersthe God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
And Moses trembled and dared not look.
16The Advantages of Easu
- Unfortunately both Isaac and Rebekah became
divided and showed favoritism. (Gen
17The Advantages of Easu
- Genesis 2528 (NKJV) - And Isaac loved Esau
because he ate of his game, but Rebekah loved
18The Advantages of Easu
- This division had terrible consequences. Parents
need unity to give the greatest
strength of character to a child!
19The Advantages of Easu
- This division had terrible consequences. Parents
need unity to give the greatest
strength of character to a child! - This later led to deceit, bitterness and
20The Advantages of Easu
- He had Godly parents, Isaac and Rebekah.
(Gen 2525-28) - He was the firstborn. (Gen 121-3)
21The Advantages of Easu
- In other words he had the birthright.
22The Advantages of Easu
- In other words he had the birthright.
- This meant a double share of the inheritance and
first place among the sons.
23The Advantages of Easu
- In other words he had the birthright.
- This meant a double share of the inheritance and
first place among the sons. - Because he was a direct descendant of Abraham a
major spiritual blessing was involved. He
knew of the exalted place he occupied.
24The Advantages of Easu
- He had Godly parents, Isaac and Rebekah.
(Gen 2525-28) - He was the firstborn. (Gen 121-3)
25The Advantages of Easu
- God had blessed Esau greatly.
26The Advantages of Easu
- God had blessed Esau greatly.
- God's prophecy of Isaac and Esau was of their
descendants. (Rom 911-13 Gen 2523)
27The Advantages of Easu
- Romans 911-13 (NKJV) - (for the children not yet
being born, nor having done any good or evil,
that the purpose of God according to election
might stand, not of works but of Him who calls),
12 it was said to her, The older shall serve the
younger. 13 As it is written, Jacob I have
loved, but Esau I have hated.
28The Advantages of Easu
- Genesis 2523 (NKJV) - And the LORD said to her
Two nations are in your womb, Two peoples shall
be separated from your body One people shall be
stronger than the other, And the older shall
serve the younger.
29The Advantages of Easu
- No man can blame God for their failures!
(Jas 113)
30The Advantages of Easu
- James 113 (NKJV) - Let no one say when he is
tempted, I am tempted by God for God cannot be
tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.
31The Obsession of Esau
- Esau made a choice based upon a temporary
obsession. (Gen 2529-34)
32The Obsession of Esau
- Genesis 2529-34 (NKJV) - Now Jacob cooked a
stew and Esau came in from the field, and he was
weary. 30 And Esau said to Jacob, Please feed me
with that same red stew, for I am weary.
Therefore his name was called Edom.31 But Jacob
said, Sell me your birthright as of this day.
32 And Esau said, Look, I am about to die so
what is this birthright to me?
33The Obsession of Esau
- 33 Then Jacob said, Swear to me as of this day.
So he swore to him, and sold his birthright to
Jacob. 34 And Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of
lentils then he ate and drank, arose, and went
his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright.
34The Obsession of Esau
- If a man could have half his wishes, he would
double his troubles.
35The Obsession of Esau
- In this world there are only two tragedies. One
is not getting what one wants, and the other is
getting it.
36The Obsession of Esau
- Esau made a choice based upon a temporary
obsession. (Gen 2529-34) - There are two ways of thinking and making
decisions. (Rom 85-6)
37The Obsession of Esau
- Romans 85-6 (NKJV) - For those who live
according to the flesh set their minds on the
things of the flesh, but those who live according
to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For
to be carnally minded is death, but to be
spiritually minded is life and peace.
38The Obsession of Esau
- Because of Esau's carnal mind he "despised" that
which was truly valuable.
39The Obsession of Esau
- Because of Esau's carnal mind he "despised" that
which was truly valuable. - When we treat God's things lightly we despise it.
(1 Cor 1122)
40The Obsession of Esau
- 1 Corinthians 1122 (NKJV) - What! Do you not
have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you
despise the church of God and shame those who
have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I
praise you in this? I do not praise you.
41The Obsession of Esau
- Characteristics of obsession.
42The Obsession of Esau
- Obsession has its own reality. (Gen 2532)
43The Obsession of Esau
- Obsession "1. Compulsive preoccupation with a
fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion,
often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety. 2. A
compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion."
44The Obsession of Esau
- Genesis 2532 (NKJV) - And Esau said, Look, I
am about to die so what is this birthright to
45The Obsession of Esau
- Was Esau about to die? NO!
46The Obsession of Esau
- Was Esau about to die? NO!
- The strong desire for something causes one to
believe a lie.
47The Obsession of Esau
- Was Esau about to die? NO!
- The strong desire for something causes one to
believe a lie. - Reason has little value, the goal is to obtain
the thing desired not to see and stand upon the
truth. (Ex. The desire for a mate.)
48The Obsession of Esau
- All passions exaggerate it is only because they
exaggerate that they are passions. It is
difficult to overcome one's passions, and
impossible to satisfy them.
49The Obsession of Esau
- Govern your passions, or they will govern you.
-- Latin proverb
50The Obsession of Esau
- This is the driving force behind most false
teachers. God described Balaam as "mad". (2 Peter
215-16 Jude 11)
51The Obsession of Esau
- 2 Peter 215-16 (NKJV) - They have forsaken the
right way and gone astray, following the way of
Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of
unrighteousness 16 but he was rebuked for his
iniquity a dumb donkey speaking with a mans
voice restrained the madness of the prophet.
52The Obsession of Esau
- Jude 11 (NKJV) - Woe to them! For they have gone
in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the
error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the
rebellion of Korah.
53The Obsession of Esau
- If you want something bad enough, God will give
it to you! (2 Thess 211-12)
54The Obsession of Esau
- 2 Thessalonians 211-12 (NKJV) - And for this
reason God will send them strong delusion, that
they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may
be condemned who did not believe the truth but
had pleasure in unrighteousness.
55The Obsession of Esau
- Man finds it hard to get what he wants because
he does not want the best God finds it hard to
give because he would give the best and man will
not take it.
56The Obsession of Esau
- How many Christians have I seen give up heaven
for an obsession!
57The Obsession of Esau
- Obsession has no concept of waiting. (Gen 2534)
58The Obsession of Esau
- Genesis 2534 (NKJV) - And Jacob gave Esau bread
and stew of lentils then he ate and drank,
arose, and went his way. Thus Esau despised his
59The Obsession of Esau
- Why wait for something? Wisdom knows why. (Isa
4031 Hosea 126)
60The Obsession of Esau
- Isaiah 4031 (NKJV) - But those who wait on the
LORD Shall renew their strength They shall mount
up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not
be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
61The Obsession of Esau
- Hosea 126 (NKJV) - So you, by the help of your
God, return Observe mercy and justice, And wait
on your God continually.
62The Obsession of Esau
- What are the dangers of rushing? You may leave
God out!
63The Obsession of Esau
- Obsession will pay any price.
64The Obsession of Esau
- Obsession will pay any price.
- Salesmen love to create obsession in their
customers. Why?
65The Obsession of Esau
- Advertising deals in open sores--. Fear. Greed.
Anger. Hostility. You name the dwarfs and we play
on every one. We play on all the emotions and on
all the problems, from not getting ahead -- to
the desire to be one of the crowd. Everyone has a
button. If enough people have the same button,
you have a successful ad and a successful
product. - Ad executive Jerry Della Femina
66The Obsession of Esau
- When reason departs men close their eyes. What
will they think later when they look back?
67The Obsession of Esau
68The Obsession of Esau
- Obsession is powerful.
- The power is found in our lusts. (1 Pt 211 1
Tim 69)
69The Obsession of Esau
- 1 Peter 211 (NKJV) - Beloved, I beg you as
sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly
lusts which war against the soul,
70The Obsession of Esau
- 1 Timothy 69 (NKJV) - But those who desire to
be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and
into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown
men in destruction and perdition.
71The Obsession of Esau
- Too many of our young think they will not be
affected. (2 Tim 222 Rom 124)
72The Obsession of Esau
- 2 Timothy 222 (NKJV) - Flee also youthful
lusts but pursue righteousness, faith, love,
peace with those who call on the Lord out of a
pure heart.
73The Obsession of Esau
- Romans 124 (NKJV) - Therefore God also gave
them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their
hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
74The Obsession of Esau
- All false teaching has this "power" as its
drawing power. (Eph 422 Jude 16)
75The Obsession of Esau
- Ephesians 422 (NKJV) - that you put off,
concerning your former conduct, the old man which
grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts,
76The Obsession of Esau
- Jude 16 (NKJV) - These are grumblers,
complainers, walking according to their own
lusts and they mouth great swelling words,
flattering people to gain advantage.
77The Obsession of Esau
- If you deny this point ask an alcoholic or drug
78The Obsession of Esau
- Obsession cannot see the future and its
consequences. (Heb 1216-17)
79The Obsession of Esau
- Hebrews 1216-17 (NKJV) - lest there be any
fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for
one morsel of food sold his birthright. 17 For
you know that afterward, when he wanted to
inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he
found no place for repentance, though he sought
it diligently with tears.
80The Obsession of Esau
- Satan wants you to be deceived. (Eph 422)
81The Obsession of Esau
- Ephesians 422 (NKJV) - that you put off,
concerning your former conduct, the old man which
grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts,
82The Obsession of Esau
- Some luck lies in not getting what you thought
you wanted but getting what you have, which once
you have it you may be smart enough to see is
what you would have wanted had you known. --
Garrison Keillor in Lake Wobegon Days.
83The Obsession of Esau
- The great value of the gospel is that it is true.
(Psa 13-5)
84The Obsession of Esau
- Psalm 13-5 (NKJV) - He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth
its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall
not wither And whatever he does shall prosper.
4 The ungodly are not so, But are like the chaff
which the wind drives away. 5 Therefore the
ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, Nor
sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
85The Obsession of Esau
- While Esau's obsession was temporary, could Esau
change the past?
86The Obsession of Esau
- While Esau's obsession was temporary, could Esau
change the past? - Sadly Esau continued in bad decisions because he
was a "profane" person. (Gen 2741)
87The Obsession of Esau
- Genesis 2741 (NKJV) - So Esau hated Jacob
because of the blessing with which his father
blessed him, and Esau said in his heart, The
days of mourning for my father are at hand then
I will kill my brother Jacob.
88Obsessions of our Generation
- Sexual Desire (Heb 134 1 Cor 618)
89Obsessions of our Generation
- Hebrews 134 (NKJV) - Marriage is honorable
among all, and the bed undefiled but fornicators
and adulterers God will judge.
90Obsessions of our Generation
- 1 Corinthians 618 (NKJV) - Flee sexual
immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside
the body, but he who commits sexual immorality
sins against his own body.
91Obsessions of our Generation
- The Need for a Mate (Mark 617)
92Obsessions of our Generation
- Mark 617 (NKJV) - For Herod himself had sent
and laid hold of John, and bound him in prison
for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philips
wife for he had married her.
93Obsessions of our Generation
- The desire for Material Things. (1 Tim 69-10)
94Obsessions of our Generation
- 1 Timothy 69-10 (NKJV) - But those who desire
to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and
into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown
men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love
of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for
which some have strayed from the faith in their
greediness, and pierced themselves through with
many sorrows.
95Obsessions of our Generation
- It is characteristic of our age that people want
to have God but do not want to have the Devil.
People are inventing gods for themselves, with
what I have elsewhere called their do-it-yourself
God Kits. But they are gods who do not demand
much of them, and they certainly are not gods who
punish, although they are allowed to reward.
96Obsessions of our Generation
- On the contrary, their gods absolve them from
conflict and doubt, massage them, pat them on the
head. ... But above all they are gods who will
not trouble them with the fact of evil. The
problems of evil, suffering, and death are not
confronted, but evaded and dismissed. -- Henry
97Obsessions of our Generation
- The desire for Revenge. (Rom 1219-21 Eph
431-32 Heb 1215)
98Obsessions of our Generation
- Romans 1219-21 (NKJV) - Beloved, do not avenge
yourselves, but rather give place to wrath for
it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,
says the Lord. 20 Therefore If your enemy is
hungry, feed him If he is thirsty, give him a
drink For in so doing you will heap coals of
fire on his head. 21 Do not be overcome by evil,
but overcome evil with good.
99Obsessions of our Generation
- Ephesians 431-32 (NKJV) - Let all bitterness,
wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put
away from you, with all malice. 32 And be kind to
one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
100Obsessions of our Generation
- Hebrews 1215 (NKJV) - looking carefully lest
anyone fall short of the grace of God lest any
root of bitterness springing up cause trouble,
and by this many become defiled
101Obsessions of our Generation
- The Desire for Alcohol and Drugs. (Prov
102Obsessions of our Generation
- Proverbs 2332-35 (NKJV) - At the last it bites
like a serpent, And stings like a viper. 33 Your
eyes will see strange things, And your heart will
utter perverse things. 34 Yes, you will be like
one who lies down in the midst of the sea, Or
like one who lies at the top of the mast, saying
35 They have struck me, but I was not hurt They
have beaten me, but I did not feel it. When
shall I awake, that I may seek another drink?
103Obsessions of our Generation
- The Desire for Attention.
104How to Overcome Obsession
- Build a Character that pleases God. (Heb 1117)
105How to Overcome Obsession
- Hebrews 1117 (NKJV) - By faith Abraham, when he
was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had
received the promises offered up his only
begotten son,
106How to Overcome Obsession
- Why does a person attend all the services?
Principle or ease?
107How to Overcome Obsession
- When obsession comes, you will find out what a
person is made of.
108How to Overcome Obsession
- When obsession comes, you will find out what a
person is made of. - True spirituality manifests itself in certain
dominant desires.
109How to Overcome Obsession
- When obsession comes, you will find out what a
person is made of. - True spirituality manifests itself in certain
dominant desires. - First is the desire to be holy rather than happy.
110How to Overcome Obsession
- A man may be considered spiritual when he wants
to see the honor of God advanced through his life
even if it means that he himself must suffer
temporary dishonor or loss.
111How to Overcome Obsession
- A man may be considered spiritual when he wants
to see the honor of God advanced through his life
even if it means that he himself must suffer
temporary dishonor or loss. - The spiritual man wants to carry his cross.
112How to Overcome Obsession
- A man may be considered spiritual when he wants
to see the honor of God advanced through his life
even if it means that he himself must suffer
temporary dishonor or loss. - The spiritual man wants to carry his cross.
- Again, a Christian is spiritual when he sees
everything from God's viewpoint.
113How to Overcome Obsession
- Another desire of the spiritual man is to die
right rather than to live wrong.
114How to Overcome Obsession
- Another desire of the spiritual man is to die
right rather than to live wrong. - The desire to see others advance at his expense.
115How to Overcome Obsession
- Another desire of the spiritual man is to die
right rather than to live wrong. - The desire to see others advance at his expense.
- The spiritual man habitually makes
eternity-judgments instead of time-judgments.
116How to Overcome Obsession
- Keep Thinking. (1 Thess 521-22)
117How to Overcome Obsession
- 1 Thessalonians 521-22 (NKJV) - Test all
things hold fast what is good. 22 Abstain from
every form of evil.
118How to Overcome Obsession
- Selfishness consists in dethroning reason from
the seat of government and enthroning blind
desire in opposition to it. Selfishness is always
and by necessity unreasonable. It is a denial of
that divine attribute that allies human beings to
God and makes us capable of virtue. Selfishness
dethrones reason and sinks human beings to the
level of a brute.
119How to Overcome Obsession
- It is a contempt for the voice of God within in
him, and a deliberate trampling down of the
sovereignty of his own intelligence. Shame on
selfishness! It dethrones human reason, would
dethrone the Divine mind. and would place blind
lust upon the throne of the universe.
120How to Overcome Obsession
- Have friends who will tell you what you need, not
what you want! (2 Tim 42-4)
121How to Overcome Obsession
- 2 Timothy 42-4 (NKJV) - Preach the word! Be
ready in season and out of season. Convince,
rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and
teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will
not endure sound doctrine, but according to their
own desires, because they have itching ears, they
will heap up for themselves teachers 4 and they
will turn their ears away from the truth, and be
turned aside to fables.
122How to Overcome Obsession
- It is an awful hour when the first necessity of
hiding anything comes. The whole life is
different thenceforth. When there are questions
to be feared and eyes to be avoided and subjects
that must not be touched, then the bloom of life
is gone.
123How to Overcome Obsession
- Maintain proper worship. (Psa 7312-17 Rev 24)
124How to Overcome Obsession
- Psalm 7312-17 (NKJV) - Behold, these are the
ungodly, Who are always at ease They increase in
riches. 13 Surely I have cleansed my heart in
vain, And washed my hands in innocence. 14 For
all day long I have been plagued, And chastened
every morning. 15 If I had said, I will speak
thus, Behold, I would have been untrue to the
generation of Your children.
125How to Overcome Obsession
- 16 When I thought how to understand this, It was
too painful for me 17 Until I went into the
sanctuary of God Then I understood their end.
126How to Overcome Obsession
- Revelation 24 (NKJV) - Nevertheless I have this
against you, that you have left your first love.
127How to Overcome Obsession
- Go to Spiritual men for advice. (John 319-21)
128How to Overcome Obsession
- John 319-21 (NKJV) - And this is the
condemnation, that the light has come into the
world, and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone
practicing evil hates the light and does not come
to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
21 But he who does the truth comes to the light,
that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they
have been done in God.
129How to Overcome Obsession
- A spiritual person wants to be tested. What if
Esau had first talked with Isaac?
130How to Overcome Obsession
- A spiritual person wants to be tested. What if
Esau had first talked with Isaac? - There is a difference in the advice of the
worldly and the spiritual.
131How to Overcome Obsession
- A spiritual person wants to be tested. What if
Esau had first talked with Isaac? - There is a difference in the advice of the
worldly and the spiritual. - Who do you want in control of your life, God or
132How to Overcome Obsession
- Beware of worshipping Jesus as the Son of God,
and professing your faith in Him as the Savior of
the world, while you blaspheme Him by the
complete evidence in your daily life that He is
powerless to do anything in and through you.
133How to Overcome Obsession
- Esau found out the bitterness Satan brings into
one's life. (Gen 2738)
134How to Overcome Obsession
- Genesis 2738 (NKJV) - And Esau said to his
father, Have you only one blessing, my father?
Bless meme also, O my father! And Esau lifted
up his voice and wept.
135How to Overcome Obsession
- Prepare your heart today to meet the time of
obsession. (1 Cor 1013)
136How to Overcome Obsession
- 1 Corinthians 1013 (NKJV) - No temptation has
overtaken you except such as is common to man
but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be
tempted beyond what you are able, but with the
temptation will also make the way of escape, that
you may be able to bear it.
137How to Overcome Obsession
- Faith in God will not get for you everything you
may want, but it will get for you what God wants
you to have. The unbeliever does not need what he
wants the Christian should want only what he