Title: No Child Left Behind NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress AYP
1No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP)
- Know the Rules
- Track Performance
Division of Performance Accountability
- Review current AYP Rules and Calculations
- AYP and EDW
- AYP and Formative Assessment through The
Princeton Review
3What schools are included in AYP?
- All public schools, including
- Charter Schools
- Alternative Schools
Background Knowledge
4What are the groups?
- Total
- Race/Ethnic Groups
- White (W)
- Black (B)
- Hispanic (H)
- Asian (A)
- American Indian (I)
5What are the groups?
- Economically Disadvantaged
- English Language Learners (ELL)
- Students with Disabilities (SWD)
6What are the groups?
- Economically Disadvantaged
- Eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Lunch
7What are the groups?
- English Language Learners (ELL)
- LY (currently active in program) and
- LF (up to 2 years monitoring after exit from
8What are the groups?
- Students With Disabilities
- Students with exceptionality other than gifted
9How many students are needed to calculate a
groups proficiency?
- Greater than or equal to 30 and at least 15 of
total school population - or
- At least 100 students in the subgroup count
10What is the Participation Rate Target?
- Students in Survey 3 (February)
11What is the proficiency rate target?
Students in Survey 2 (October) and Survey 3
12What is the writing proficiency rate target?
- All groups
- At least 90 of students earn a score of 3.0
points or greater - or
- 1 improvement from previous year
13What is the graduation rate target?
- High Schools only
- 85 or greater
- or
- 1 improvement from previous year
14What students are included in AYP?
- All students
- Students with FCAT scores or Alternate
Assessments - (SWD only)
15What is considered proficient?
16What are the components of the AYP Calculation?
- School Grade
- Participation Rate
- Graduation Rate
- Proficiency in
- Writing
- Reading
- Mathematics
- Safe Harbor
- Growth Model
17What are the components of the AYP Calculation?
School Grade
Writing Graduation (HS) Criteria
Proficiency Target in both Reading and Math
18What are the components of the AYP Calculation?
Did the schooltest 95 of everygroup?
Did the schoolreceive aD or F?
School Grade
Did the schoolmeet the Writing Graduation
Writing Graduation (HS) Criteria
Did each group meet Proficiency Target in both
Reading and Math?
Proficiency Target in both Reading and Math
Did each group not proficient meet Safe
Safe Harbor
Did each group notmeeting Safe Harbormeet the
Growth Model?
Growth Model
19Percent Tested and Proficiency Levels
20Percent Tested and Proficiency Levels
- A school or school district makes AYP if 95 of
each group is tested, and - if each group meets the proficiency targets in
reading and mathematics, and - if the school-wide writing percent proficient and
graduation rate increases.
21AYP Report
22AYP Report
23FY2007 Data with FY2007 Criteria
Pct Tsted
24FY2007 Data with FY2007 Criteria
Pct Prof.
25FY2007 Data with FY2007 Criteria
26AYP KWL Handout
28 Safe Harbor
- If group does not meet the proficiency target,
but - the in group below proficiency target reduced
by at least 10 from previous year, and - group makes progress in writing proficiency and
graduation rate.
29FY2007 Data with FY2007 Criteria
Safe Harbor
lt Grd Lvl R
30FY2007 Data with FY2007 Criteria
Safe Harbor
lt Grd Lvl M
31Safe Harbor Reading
10 of 63 7
63-7 56
10 of 66 7
66-7 59
10 of 56 6
56-6 50
You try next three
32Safe Harbor Reading
10 of 63 7
63-7 56
10 of 66 7
66-7 59
10 of 56 6
56-6 50
10 of 62 7
62-7 55
56-6 50
10 of 56 6
10 of 81 9
81-9 72
33Safe Harbor Math
10 of 57 6
57-6 51
10 of 53 6
53-6 47
10 of 64 7
64-7 57
34Calculating FY2008 Safe Harbor
35Calculating FY2008 Safe Harbor
38 10 of 43 5 43-5 38
36Calculating FY2008 Safe Harbor
37AYP KWL Handout
- If any group does not meet the proficiency and
safe harbor requirements, - the percentage of students in that group who are
on track to be proficient within three years meet
criteria in reading and math, and - that group must also make progress in writing
proficiency and graduation rate.
40Who is included in the GROWTH MODEL?
- Grades 4-10
- Students in Survey 2 (October) and Survey 3
(February) - Students with prior year FCAT DSS
- Grade 3
- Students in Survey 2 (October) and Survey 3
(February) - First Time (no DSS available)
- Retained
41How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
- Proficiency within 3 years
42How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
FY 2007 Current Grade
43How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
DSS from FY 2006 (previous year) Base score for
44How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
Count three years from FY2006 (Base Score) 1
2 3
45How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
Determine the Proficiency Target
46How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
1715 -1430 285
Subtract Proficiency Target from Base Score
47How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
1715 -1430 285
Divide difference By 3
48How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
285/3 95
Divide difference by 3
49How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
Determine Trajectory
95 1525
50How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
Determine Trajectory
Year 1 DSS
95 1620
95 1525
51How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
Determine Trajectory
Year 1 DSS
95 1620
52How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
Determine Trajectory
Year 2 DSS
Year 1 DSS
95 1620
53How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
Determine Trajectory
Year 2 DSS
Year 1 DSS
95 1715
54How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
Determine Trajectory
Year 3 DSS
Year 2 DSS
Year 1 DSS
95 1715
55How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
Trajectory Set
56FY07 Year 1 Student 1
On track YES
57Current Grade 5
58FY07 Year 1 Student 2
On track NO
59FY08 Year 2 Student 2
On track NO
60FY08 Year 3 Student 2
On track YES
61Current Grade 6 Level 3 Student
62How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
Trajectory Set
63Current Grade 3 First Time
- Proficient YES
- Non-proficient NO
64Current Grade 3 Retained
65Current Grade 3 Retained Student
3rd 2006 3rd 2007
4th 2008 5th 2009
Current Grade
66Current Grade 3 Retained Student
DSS from FY 2006(previous year)Base score for
3rd 2006 3rd 2007
4th 2008 5th 2009
Current Grade
67Current Grade 3 Retained Student
Proficiency TargetBased on Grade 6 Level 3 DSS
3rd 2006 3rd 2007
4th 2008 5th 2009
Current Grade
68Current Grade 3 Retained Student
Trajectory Set
3rd 2006 3rd 2007
4th 2008 5th 2009
Current Grade
69Current Grade 8 Level 5 Student
70Current Grade 8 Level 5 Student - Year 3
Proficient YESOn track YES
71How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
72How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
73How is the GROWTH MODEL trajectory determined?
74How is the growth of SWD students with FAAR
scores determined?
- Improving an achievement level
- maintaining a proficient level from the prior
year i.e., - 3 to 3
- 4 to 4
- 5 to 5
75How is a Schools GROWTH percent calculated?
76What is the proficiency rate target?
58 62
77How many students are needed to calculate a
Schools GROWTH percent?
- Greater than or equal to 30 and at least 15 of
total school population - or
- At least 100 students in the subgroup count
78FY2007 Data with FY2007 Criteria
Grw Model
lt Grw R
79FY2007 Data with FY2007 Criteria
lt Grw M
80AYP Rules at Bottom of Report
AYP Writing and Graduation Rules Reporting Rules
Growth Model
Safe Harbor
Tested Proficiency Levels
81AYP KWL Handout
82Review of your AYP Report