Title: Earth History
1Earth History
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3All sedimentary rock layers were originally
deposited horizontally
4Law of Continuity of the Layers
Ex. Layer C is the same rock unit separated by
5Layer X is an intrusion and is younger than any
other rock unit. This is an example of the Law of
Cross Cutting
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7This fault is also younger than any other rock
unit and is Another example of the Law of Cross
8There are a few exceptions to the Law of
1. Overturned folds puts older rock on top of
younger rock
9Overturned fold
10A second exception is a thrust fault
Here older rock is on top of younger rock
11Thrust fault
12contact metamorphism on all sides
As seen previously igneous intrusions are
really exceptions to the law of superposition
The igneous rock is younger than the rock unit
on top of it
13contact metamorphism
Igneous intrusion is the youngest rock unit here
14No contact metamorphism
This is not an exception to the law of
superposition, why?
Yes, there is no contact metamorphism on the top
of the basalt, Therefore this is a buried lava
flow and not an intrusion
15Later deposition may cover this lava
Lava flow seen here covering a road in Hawaii
becomes part of the rock layers and follows the
law of superposition
16Volcanic ash
Layers of volcanic ash also become part of
the geologic record, and serve as excellent time
17Every rock layer represents a period of time in
the Earths long history. Think of each layer as
a chapter in a book. the oldest layer on the
bottom is chapter 1. The final chapter in The
book is the top rock layer.
However, sometimes chapters in the history of
the Earth are missing. This is due to erosion
removing rock layers When they are exposed at the
earths surface.
When new layers of rock are deposited on top of
the old Eroded surface, an unconformity exists.
Unconformity a gap in the geologic rock record
18Note- during deposition the region is submerged
During erosion periods the region is dry land
194 types of unconformities
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22Can you find the angular unconformity here?
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24Angular unconformity
25Putting it all together
9. Faulting offsets all layers
8.Submergence and new Deposition of layers F- I
7. Erosion
5. Uplift of layers B-E
6. Intrusion and contact metamorphism
See if you can list all the geologic events in
the order in which they occurred
26The Grand Canyon has a complex geology