Title: NRCSUSDA Snow Survey Drought
1NRCS-USDA Snow Survey Drought
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9Sites experiencing record or near record March
to April 2004 snowpack changes
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18Lake Powell Water Year Natural Inflow 1922-2004
1000s acre-feet
of average
2000-2004 50 of avg Worst 5 years in at least
19Major Colorado River Storage above Hoover Dam
Total Capacity
1000s acre-feet
Other Upper Basin Flaming Gorge, Fontenelle,
Navajo, Blue Mesa
Lake Powell
Lake Mead
20Major Colorado River Storage above Hoover Dam
What storage would have been if Hoover was the
last dam built
1000s acre-feet
Total Capacity
Lake Mead
Completely empty April 2003 to today
Caveats doesnt account for changed reservoir
evaporation or changed management
21Reservoir contents are approaching historic
lows. Rates of decline have been unprecedented.
Bear Lake Usable Contents
Thousands Acre-feet
2210 precip in 48 Hours!
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33Drought Impacts the stuff you know
Billions lost in agricultural production
34Millions of Forest Acres lost to Fire but still
only 25 of what used to burn every year.
35Millions of forest acres lost to drought stress
induced insect infestations.
36Loss of Hydropower generation!
37Drought Impacts stuff you may not have thought
about. Yet.
38Current elevation is 3570, power generation stops
at 3490. This could be as soon as 1 year (a 2002
runoff year) or in 2 years at 50 of average
flow. Lake Powell produces 5000 giga-watt hours
per year. There are other really nasty things
that could happen given a several more years of
Lake Powell
39Barges vs Rail vs Truck VS RECREATION-WATER RIGHTS
40On the Columbia/Snake system 35 of wheat and
20 feedgrains are exported from the Pacific
About 40 is transported by Barge
If barge transportation stopped, it would take
and estimated 700,000 semi-trucks to meet the
One barge will fill 35 rail cars
41600,000 acres of sage lost in Utah alone. The
loss of habitat increases the pressure on the
Sage Grouse and a potential ESA listing.
42No official government endorsement is expressly
given or implied as the US government is an equal
opportunity beer facilitator.
However Anheuser Busch regularly calls Snow
Survey for drought assessments related to grain
and hops production.
43Virgin Spinedace, Loach Minnow, Woundfin Minnow,
June Sucker, Humpback Chub, Bonytail Chub,
Roundtail Chub, Colorado Squawfish, Razorback
Sucker, Flannelmouth Sucker, Silvery Minnow, etc.
23 of 36 native fish species of the southwest
have some problems mostly lots of problems and
drought compounds the situation.
44Lake Mead Shaken by Quakes Scientists say
dropping level caused by drought is to blame
about 20 quakes in the past month, up to 2.8
45Heres hoping 2005 is a much better year than the
past 5.
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