Title: 2004 NASA Cost Estimating Handbook
12004 NASA Cost Estimating Handbook
- NASA Cost Symposium
- April 2005
- New Orleans, LA
- Introduce CCRM and CEH linkages
- Provide overview of 2004 NASA CEH format
- Demonstrate tips for navigating the CCRM process
with the NASA CEH - Discuss future plans and invited input for the
3NASA CEH Linkages to the Continuous Cost Risk
Management (CCRM) Process
- What is CCRM?
- Overall Agency focus on performing best practices
in cost estimating (CE) - Approach to cost estimating and project cost
management seeking to integrate various project
management activities involving cost and cost risk
- How does it relate to the NASA CEH?
- The cornerstone of CCRM is Cost Estimating
- 7120.5C provides overview
- NASA CEH supplies details
4Welcome to the 2004NASA Cost Estimating Handbook
- Revision Highlights
- Enhanced introduction to give a more in depth
overview of regulations, environment, and cost
estimating processes at NASA - Cost estimating process tasks identified by life
cycle phase and - The introduction of the Project Continuous
Cost-Risk Management (CCRM) process and how it is
integrated with the NASA cost estimating process
51 Introduction
Moon Dark Side
62 The Role of Cost Estimating
- The Importance of Life Cycle Management and Cost
Estimating - Life Cycle Management and the Role Cost Plays
- Government Wide Imperatives
- Confidence Levels and Budgeting at NASA
73 Cost Estimating at NASA
- One NASA Cost Estimating Community
- NASA Procedures and Requirements (NPRs)
- The Cost Estimating Process
- Cost Estimating Products
- Project Category Overviews
84 Cost Estimating Process Tasks and Project CCRM
by LCC Phase
- Pre Phase A Conceptual Definition
- Project definition
- (cost estimating process tasks 1-3)
- Cost methodology
- (Cost estimating process tasks 4-7)
- The estimate
- (cost estimating process tasks 8-12)
- Pre-Phase A Overall Objectives
- Pre-Phase A Roles and Responsibilities
- Pre-Phase A Exit Criteria
- Project CCRM Risk Considerations
- Project CCRM Transition Activities Pre-Phase A To
Phase A
95 Cost Estimating Application
106 NASA Cost Estimating Techniques
- Cost Readiness Levels (CRL)s
- Cost/Performance Trade Studies
- Cost-Benefit (C-B) and Cost Effectiveness (C-E)
Analysis - Lease versus Buy Analysis
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Present Value, Inflation, and Discounting
- Return on Investment (ROI)
- Net Present Value (NPV)
- Payback Period and Break-Even Analysis
- Real Option Valuation
- Learning Curves
- Construction of Facilities Estimation
- Software Estimation
- Estimating Operations and Support (OS) Costs
- Full Cost Accounting
- The 12 Tenets of NASA Cost-Risk
- Using Project Schedules in Cost Estimates
- Earned Value Management (EVM) Techniques to
Formulate an Estimate at Completion (EAC)
- A Acronym List
- B Glossary
- C References
- D NASA Organizational Charts
- E NASA Cost Analysis Steering Group (CASG)
- F NASA Career Development Guide
- G Standard Work breakdown Structure (WBS)
Examples - H NASA Cost Data Requirement Descriptions (DRDs)
- I NASA Cost Estimate Briefing Template
- J IPAO Cost Estimate Sufficiency Review
Checklist - K Cost Growth
- L COTS, GOTS, Center Unique Tools and Methods
- M Compilation of Models and Tools
- N NAFCOM Overview
- O Jump Start Program
- P Galorath Incorporated Overview
- Q PRICE Systems LLC Overview
- R NASA Lessons Learned Information System (LLIS)
- S Process-Based Modeling
- T REDSTAR Database
- U JPLs Parametric Mission Cost Model (PMC)
Introduction and Summary - V NASA New Start Inflation Indices
- W Spreading Model (Based on Beta Curves)
- X Orbital Space Plane (OSP) Cost Credibility Team
(CCT) - Y IPAO Seven Principles
- Z NASA Cost Estimating and Analysis Lessons
Learned - AA Sample Customer Feedback Form
- CC Defense System Management College Earned Value
Management Gold Card - DD Technology Readiness Level
- EE White Paper (A Parable of Cost Estimating in
Aerospace?) - FF Acknowledgement
- GG Index
12Using the NASA CEH to Navigate the CCRM Process
- Overview in Chapter 3
- Describes life cycle phases, NASA policy and
directives, 12 Tenants of NASA Cost Risk and the
continuous nature of the CCRM - Details in Chapter 4
- Provides step-by-step instructions for applying
cost estimating and Project CCRM throughout the
various life cycle phases
Goal of section is to provide the cost estimator
with specific knowledge and ability to address
the objectives and the issues/challenges
highlighted in the overview
13NASA Life Cycle Phases
14NPR 7120.5C is Final!!!
First there was the cost initiatives letter
Then came the final NPR 7120.5C
1512 Tenets of NASA Cost-Risk
16CCRM Overview
17Cost Estimating Process and Project CCRM
18Cost Estimating Process Tasks and Project CCRM
by LCC Phase
- Pre Phase A Conceptual Definition
- Project definition
- (cost estimating process tasks 1-3)
- Cost methodology
- (Cost estimating process tasks 4-7)
- The estimate
- (cost estimating process tasks 8-12)
- Pre-Phase A Overall Objectives
- Pre-Phase A Roles and Responsibilities
- Pre-Phase A Exit Criteria
- Project CCRM Risk Considerations
- Project CCRM Transition Activities Pre-Phase A
- To Phase A
19Chapter 4 and CCRM
- Focus on the estimate with awareness of CCRM
- By increasing the frequency of cost-risk feedback
analysis and evaluation, the PM can maximize
corrective recovery actions in keeping the
projects costs on track - Your estimate and CCRM awareness can make a
positive and long term difference for the project
and for NASA!
212005 / 2006 NASA CEH
- Cost Estimating Community Survey
- We want to hear from you! CEH_comments_at_nasa.gov
- Current CEH / NPR 7120.5C Gap Analysis
- Now that 7120 is final, what has changed?
- Current CEH Interim Updates
- Immediate updates for critical items
- 2006 NASA CEH Plan
- Based on survey results and gap analysis
22Background Slides
232004 NASA CEH Moons