Title: MSXML2: Technology Preview
1MSXML2 Technology Preview
Charlie Heinemann Program Manager XML
Technologies Microsoft Corporation
- XML in Windows 2000
- MSXML Technology Preview (1/26)
- MSXML Technology Preview Update (3/15)
- MSXML in Production
3XML in Win 2000 Part 1
- XML 1.0 Compliant Parser
- Object Model Support
- DOM 1.0
- Querying (selectNodes)
- Transforms (transformNode)
- Direct Browsing of XML files
- View XML files in the browser
- Associate XML files with stylesheets
4XML in Win 2000 Part 2
- Snapshot of XSL WG Activity
- Snapshot of Schema WG Activity
- XML-Data Reduced Schemas
- Data Types
- Namespace 1.0 Support
- XMLHTTP Object
- Available as standalone (no IE install)
5XML in Win 2000 Part 3
- Data Types on Attributes
- Positive scaling in multi-processor scenarios
(80/proc) - Increased performance under stress
6MSXML Technology Preview (1/26)
- XSLT/XPath subset
- Advanced XML features to optimize middleware
development - Better Performance and Reliability
7MSXML Technology Preview Update (3/15)
- Further XSLT/XPath support
- Customer requested features
- Better conformance
- Bug Fixes
- Customer blocking bugs
- Better reliability
8XSLT/XPath Support Standard
- 80 compliance w/ 1/26 release
- 90 compliance w/ 3/15 update
- Named Templates
- HTML/XML/Text Output Methods
- Remaining XPath functions
- Full support to follow
9Demo Part I
- Named Templates
- HTML Output Method
10XSLT/XPath Support Advanced Features
- Passing parameters to stylesheets
- Passing objects to stylesheets
- Caching stylesheets
- Setting the Mode at run-time
- Querying the DOM using XPath
11XSLT Advanced Features Passing Parameters
- xslprocessor.addParameter(myParam, red,
urnmy-params) - . . .
- ltxslstylesheet
- xmlnsmyParurnmy params gt
- ltxslparam namemyParmyParam/gt
- ltxsltemplate match/gt
- ltxslvalue-of selectmyParmyParam/gt
- lt/xsltemplategt
12Demo Part II
13XSLT Advanced Features Passing Objects
- xslprocessor.addObject(myObj, urnmy-objects)
- ltxslstylesheet
- xmlnsextObjurnmy-objects gt
- ltxsltemplate match/gt
- ltxslvalue-of
- selectextObjget-color()/gt
- lt/xsltemplategt
14Demo Part III
15XPath Function Support
- Node Set Functions
- String Functions
- Number Functions
- Boolean Functions
- XSLT Functions
- generate-id()
- format-number()
16Demo Part IV
- XPath querying through the DOM
- XPath function support in XSLT
17Schema Support In-Line Schemas
- ltroot xmlnsfoox-schemamySchemagt
- ltSchema namemySchema xmlnsurnschemas-micro
soft-comxml-datagt - ltElementType namebar/gt
- lt/Schemagt
- ltfoobargtHello Worldlt/foobargt
- lt/rootgt
18Demo Part V
19Schema Support Caching Schemas
- var cache
- new ActiveXObject(MSXML2.XMLSchemaCache")
- cache.add("myFooURI",
- "http//server/xmldataschema1.x
ml") - cache.add("myAURI",
- "http//www.w3.org/schemas/pics
.xml") - cache.add("uri3",
- myDomDocument)
- var xmldoc new ActiveXObject(MSXML2.DOMDocument
") - xmldoc.schemas cache
- xmdoc.load("http//myserver/mydata.xml")
20Schema Support Applying the Schema Cache
- xmldoc.load(xmlfile.xml)
- Cache.add(urnbook-ns, schemaDoc)
- xmldoc.schemas cache
- newNode xmldoc.createElement(pub)
- docEl xmldoc.documentElement
- docEl.appendChild(newNode)
- xmldoc.validate()
21Demo Part VI
- Validating against an external schema
- Applying the Schema Cache at run-time
22Bug Fixes
- MSXML Technology Preview Bug List
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/xml/general/msx
23XML Dev Center Community
- Web Release Newsgroup
- microsoft.public.xml.msxml-webrelease
- Entire MSXML product team involved
- Communicate with other developers doing similar
24MSXML in Production Server Performance
- MSXML Parser that ships with IE 5.01 is fast and
reliable - Scales on multi-procs (80/proc)
- Runs well under heavy load
- The MSXML Technology Preview performs even better
- Faster transforms (5-25 in many scenarios)
- Faster queries (20-50 in many scenarios)
- Even better performance under stress
25Coming Soon
- MSXML Technology Preview available on the Web
(3/15) - http//msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/webtechnology/
xml/msxml.asp - Full XSLT/XPath, W3C Schemas and More to follow
- XSLT/XPath Support and Advanced XML Features in
Current MSXML Tech Preview - Standards-based transforms
- Increased programmatic control
- Increased Standards compliance and bug fixes in
Tech Preview update (3/15) - MSXML can be used in production now!
27Call to Action
- Get Windows 2000 or download IE 5.01 and build
applications using the latest MSXML parser - Start prototyping using the current MSXML
Technology Preview - Download the Technology Preview update on 3/15
28XML Resources
- Microsoft XML Developer Center
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/xml/
- W3C
- http//www.w3.org/xml/
- BizTalk
- http//www.biztalk.org
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/xml/general/soa