Title: Introduction to XPrince
1Introduction to XPrince
Requirements Engineering Project
Management Lecture 1
- Jerzy.Nawrocki_at_put.poznan.pl
- www.cs.put.poznan.pl/jnawrocki/require/
Poznan University of Technology Poznan, Poland
Software Development Studio (since 1998)
Software products
- Technology transfer
- Good practices
- Methods tools
- Document templates
"XP is the most important movement in our field
- Interesting practices of XP
- strong customer orientation
- increments short releases
- test-first coding
- planning game etc.
- Weaknesses of XP
- Lack of documentation
- On-site customer
- Too short planning perspective
- Business risk dominates technical one
- Lack of strict management
How to solve those problems and preserve
6Our idea
XPrince eXtreme Programming in controlled
7Presentation Plan
- Introduction
- XPrince Team
- Project Lifecycle
- XPrince Artefacts
- Starting-up a Project
- Conclusions
- Introduction
- XPrince Team
- Project Lifecycle
- The Analyst Role
- The Architect Role
- The Project Manager Role
- Scaling up
- Conclusions
8Kent Beck
Author of xUnit CRC cards Test-Driven Development
9XP Team
PRojects IN Controlled Environments
CCTA the Central Computer and
Telecommunications Agency, UK
1975 PROMPT, Simpact Systems Ltd 1979 CCTA
accepts PROMPT as a standard method for project
management 1989 CCTA introduces PRINCE 1996
CCTA publishes PRINCE 2
Project Management Methodology Main actor
project manager http//www.ccta.gov.uk/prince/ OGC
Office of Goverment Commerce
Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE 2
408 pages, 55.00
12PRINCE 2 certificates
PRINCE 2 Foundation PRINCE 2 Practitioner
- Roles, components, processes and subprocesses,
techniques - Management products and their connection with
13PRINCE 2 Foundation
- Exam
- Test
- 1 hour
- 75 questions
- Passing condition 38 correct answers
- Closed-book
APM Group Exam prices 2004 (Milton Keynes,
..) Foundation 100 inc VAT Practitioner
208 inc VAT Both Exams 308 inc VAT
14PRINCE 2 in Poland
4-7 May, 2004 Metodyka zarzadzania projektami
PRINCE2 Price 4 200 zl (4 days)
22 May, 2004 Exam PRINCE 2 Foundation Price 1
400 zl VAT
15Management Team in PRINCE 2
Project Board
Senior user
Senior Supplier
Project Assurance
Project Manager
Project Support
Kierownik Zespolu
Kierownik Zespolu
Team Manager
16Philippe Kruchten
Mechanical Engineer Ecole Centrale de Lyon,
Francja. Ph.D in Computer Science Institute of
Telecommunications, Paryz Alcatel (8 years) 1st
certified Ada compiler, NYU Rational Software (15
yers), Director of Process Development,
responsible for RUP
17RUP Bookshelf
Addison-Wesley, 2nd edition March 2000. (Amazon
Addison-Wesley, 1st edition April 2003. (Amazon
18Roles in RUP
19XPrince Team
Project Board
Senior user
Senior Supplier
Project Assurance
Manager Coach
Kierownik Zespolu
Kierownik Zespolu
20Presentation Plan
- Introduction
- XPrince Team
- Project Lifecycle
- XPrince Artefacts
- Starting-up a Project
- Conclusions
- Introduction
- XPrince Team
- Project Lifecycle
- The Analyst Role
- The Architect Role
- The Project Manager Role
- Scaling up
- Conclusions
21PRINCE 2 Lifecycle
16.10 27.11 27.11 23.01 8.04 27.05 17.06 1.07
Starting Up a Project Initiating a Project Initiating a Project Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Closing a Project
22XP Lifecycle
Release 2
Release 1
Increment 1
Increment 2
Increment 1
Increment 2
23RUP Phases
24RUP Phases
25RUP Phases
26RUP Phases
27RUP Phases
28XPrince Lifecycle
16.10 27.11 23.01 8.04 27.05 17.06 8.07
Starting Up a Project Aim and Scope Architecture Release 1 Release 2 Release 3 Closing a Project
Business Modelling Increment 1 Increment 1 Increment 1 Increment 1
Scope Elabor. Increment 2 Increment 2 Increment 2 Increment 2
Transition Transition Transition
29Team Growth
16.10 27.11 23.01 8.04 27.05 17.06 8.07
Starting Up a Project Aim and Scope Architec-ture Release 1 Release 2 Release 3 Closing a Project
All the developers
Architect 1 Dev.
30Presentation Plan
- Introduction
- XPrince Team
- Project Lifecycle
- XPrince Artefacts
- Starting-up a Project
- Conclusions
- Introduction
- XPrince Team
- Project Lifecycle
- The Analyst Role
- The Architect Role
- The Project Manager Role
- Scaling up
- Conclusions
31Key Roles in XPrince
Project Manager
32XPrince Artefacts
Aim Scope
Business Model and System Scope
AS Plan
Most Important Use Cases
Architect. Vision Tools
Init. Project Plan
Requirements Spec.
Initial Prototype (code test cases)
Architect. Plan
Accept. Tests Frame
GUI Design
Updat. Proj. Plan
Release 1
Acceptance Tests
Rel. 1 Plan
Release 1 (code test cases)
Users Guide
Updat. Proj. Plan
Temporary artefact
Maintained artefact
33Business Model Scope
Define scope of a system supporting assignment of
students to Master Degree Programmes.
Which one?
Bachelor Degree (6 semesters)
34Business Model Scope Actors
35Business Model Scope Use Cases
- Dean
- Sets number of places for each MS Degree
Programme. - Gets list of students assigned to each MS
Programme. - Student
- Enters her preferences by sequencing MS Degree
Programmes from the most to the least
interesting. - Gets information about the MS Programme to which
she has been assigned.
36Business Model Scope Information objects
List of Students
Number of Places
Number of places 2004/2005 E-Commerce
24 Software Engineering24 Computer Networks.
Individual Ranking
John Brown Group I1 ID 55 444 Ranking of
MS Programmes E-Commerce 2 Software
Enginering 1 Computer Networks 3
Ranking of Students
37Presentation Plan
- Introduction
- XPrince Team
- Project Lifecycle
- XPrince Artefacts
- Starting-up a Project
- Conclusions
- Introduction
- XPrince Team
- Project Lifecycle
- The Analyst Role
- The Architect Role
- The Project Manager Role
- Scaling up
- Conclusions
38Starting-up a Project (SU)
Cust PM
Project Exec and Project Manager
Design of a Project Management Team
Designation of the Project Manag. Team
Project Mandate
Cust PM
Project Brief
Project Approach
Plan for Project Initiat.
Management Team
Project Brief
Project Initiation Plan
At last!
- XPrince team
- Project Lifecycle
- Artefacts
- Starting-up a Project
41Quality assessment
- 1. What is your general impression? (1 - 6)
- 2. Was it too slow or too fast?
- 3. What important did you learn during the
lecture? - 4. What to improve and how?