Title: School ____________________________ Contact Teacher________________________________
1School ____________________________ Contact
Teacher________________________________ Contact
teacher phone ______________________ Contact
teacher Email _____________________ School
Address_________________________________ Fax
_____________________________ Class/Year
Group____________ Production (please circle)
Romeo and Juliet 21 August, 12.30pm / Don
Quixote 7 November, 12.30pm Workshop date and
time preference (from date selection in booklet)
Schools booking form Wellington Secondary 2008
Stay tuned to our website www.nzballet.org.nz For
information on our seasons of Romeo and Juliet,
Don Quixote many more exciting Education Events
in 2008.
Package A - 15/student Workshop Performance
Workshop - Creative Dance Workshop at your
school 30 students per class. Performance
Student to Teacher ratio 91. Workshop
Number of students attending
workshop performance _at_ 15 each
Performance Teachers of class groups (91) _at_ 10
each Extra
teachers/parents attending
performance (max 5) at 15 each
Total Workshop bookings need to be secured with
a cheque deposit to RNZB with this completed
form. DEPOSIT Number of students _____ x
6 Deposit amount ______ Once your deposit is
received you will be issued with a ticket voucher
to post with the remainder of your payment to
your theatre box office to book your seats.
Ticket Service fees will apply. Performance
Tickets subject to availibilty All enquires
Workshop bookings Stacey White Education
Manager - Royal New Zealand Ballet -
Stacey_at_nzballet.org.nz PO BOX 27050, Wellington
6141 Ph 04 381 9001 Fax 04 381 9003
Package B - 10/student Performance
Only Performance - Student to Teacher ratio
91. Performance Number of students attending at
10 Teacher of class groups (91) _at_ 10
Extra teachers/parents
attending performance (max 5) at 15 each
Ticket Service fee ---
7.50 Total
Theatre bookings can be made by posting this
form and cheque made out to Ticketek NZ to
Ticketek NZ, Schools bookings RNZB, PO Box 6334,
Wellington Performance only and ticketing
enquires Donna at Ticketek Phone 04 381 2820
Fax 04 384 9574 Email - donnas_at_ticketek.co.nz