Crime Victim Interaction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Crime Victim Interaction


This survey selects 40,000 households by using delivery post ... of 16 years can expect to be burgled once every 40 years, and to be robbed once every 500 years ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Crime Victim Interaction

Crime Victim Interaction
  • Crime reporting and intervention

British Crime Survey Victimisation surveys.
  • This survey selects 40,000 households by using
    delivery post codes, with the aim of interviewing
    one person aged 16 years or older from each
  • The survey achieves an 80 per cent success rate
    in striving to achieve that particular sample.
  • Latest versions have ethnic minority sub samples
    to improve representativeness.

Across studies a consistent pattern of findings
  • The most notable is the extent of crime, as
    Sparks's notes 'Criminal victimization is an
    extremely rare event. . . crimes of violence are
    extremely uncommon' (1981).
  • Indeed, Hough and Mayhew (1983) estimate that the
    'statistically average' person over the age of 16
    years can expect to be burgled once every 40
    years, and to be robbed once every 500 years

Sparks (1981)
  • Estimates about 90 per cent, report no experience
    of crime.
  • On the other hand, some people report being
    involved in a series of incidents, having been
    the victims of two, three, four, or even more
  • This leads to the important distinction between
  • incidence of victimisation
  • and the prevalence of victimisation.

Incidence and prevalence
  • The incidence is the average crime rate over the
    whole population the prevalence is that
    percentage of the population who actually
    experience crime.
  • Thus surveys reveal that burglaries are most
    prevalent in inner city areas cars parked on the
    street at night are more likely to be stolen and
    that it is not the elderly but young males, who
    typically have assaulted others themselves, who
    are the most likely victims of assault.

Evaluative points
  • Victim surveys provide a good picture of the type
    and amount of crime but they are not without
  • The figures they produce will always
    underestimate the amount of crime they focus on
    offences against the person and against property,
    omitting the whole area of 'white-collar crime
    such as fraud and embezzlement (e.g. Levi 1984).

Evaluative points
  • The problems of respondent accuracy, as with
    offender surveys, also apply to victim surveys.
    E.g. Truthfulness
  • Other factors such as the type of interview (by
    telephone or in person), interviewer
    characteristics (such as age and sex).
  • Similarly Sparks et at. (1977) found that the
    amount of crime reported was related to the
    respondent's level of educational achievement.

Evaluative points
  • Nevertheless, the figures produced by crime
    surveys are an important source of information
    about crime as such they therefore have great
    potential for shaping theories of crime and
    influencing political and social policies towards
    managing and controlling crime.

Evaluative points
  • In summary, surveys of both offenders and victims
    confirm that the Dark Figure (unreported crime
    rape, fraud etc.) exists, and that it is
    substantially greater than official figures.
  • However, given the methodological limitations of
    surveys, it is prudent to exercise caution in
    attempting to ascribe exact numerical values to
    the Dark Figure.

What is the incidence of crime?
  • The latest British Crime Survey- You have this
    or can get a summary on-line.

Offender surveys
  • These are surveys based on a sample of
    individuals with a criminal record.
  • Using a sample of 137 male sexual offenders,
    Groth et al (1982) asked them about the number of
    sexual offences committed.
  • Their confidentiality was assured.
  • The researchers found many undetected offences -
    an average of five for each offender.
  • This suggests that sexual offences could be
    severely under-recorded by the police.

An alternative method
  • Ask individuals without criminal records if they
    have committed undetected offences.
  • Furnham and Thompson (1991) found that 88 of
    undergraduates asked had drunk alcohol under the
    age of sixteen, and 74 had viewed an '18'
    certificate film under age.
  • Most of the offences were trivial, with only 1
    admitting to theft. However, there is always the
    question as to whether these types of
    self-reported surveys are accurate.
  • Individuals could exaggerate or not admit to
    some crimes.

Belson (1975)
  • A British study of theft conducted by Belson
    (1975) illustrates a typical survey.
  • A sample of 1,445 boys, aged from 13 to 16
    years, was randomly selected from a large sample
    of London households.
  • Interviews with the boys revealed that
    approximately 70 per cent of the sample had
    stolen from a shop, and about 17 per cent had
    stolen from private premises.
  • Thus the majority of boys had committed an
    offence for which, had they been caught, they
    would have been liable to prosecution.

The general picture.
  • It emerges from the self-report studies, is that
    the official figures underestimate the true
    extent of crime, especially amongst the young.
  • Indeed, Hood and Sparks (1970) suggest that the
    official figures represent on average only
    one-quarter of those who actually commit
    offences in other words, they estimate that the
    Dark Figure is actually about four times greater
    than the official figure.

Evaluative points
  • Critics of self-report studies pointed to several
    shortcomings, the principal one being confidence
    in the veracity (truthfulness) of the data.
  • Does the respondent always tell the truth?
  • Are some crimes withheld, others invented or

Evaluative points
  • Further research showed that a number of
    interviewer and interviewee characteristics
    could influence the quality of information
  • age,
  • sex,
  • socio-economic status
  • and race

Evaluative points
  • Additionally there may be sampling problems
  • if a survey is carried out at a school, for
    example, it will lose those absent or playing
    truant - who may be engaged in committing the
    more serious crimes.

Evaluative points
  • Advocates of self-report studies pointed to the
    advantages of the methodology in that it not only
    gives a picture of crime involving victims, but
    also includes'victimless' crimes such as drug
    abuse and vandalism.
  • Such doubts led a number of investigators to
    refine the self-report methodology to include
    reliability checks on the data.

Evaluative points
  • The most frequently used verification technique
    is to compare self-report with police records.
  • Studies using this check have found high degrees
    of agreement between the two measures of
    offending (Blackmore 1974).
  • Other verification methods include using peer
    informants to ensure reports match testing
    respondents twice to determine if their answers
    remain constant and including lie questions in
    the schedule as a general check on honesty.

Evaluative points
  • Hindelang et el. (1981), following a
    comprehensive review of self-report methodology,
    conclude that the match is a good one between
    self-report data and official recording.
  • However, despite the assurances of researchers
    such as Hindelang et el, the trend in recent
    times has moved away from offender surveys to
    victim surveys.
  • One reason for this is that not only can victim
    surveys reveal information about crime, but also
    they can be used to gather data on other issues
    such as public attitudes towards crime and public
    fear of crime.

The end
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