Title: Cacti
2Interesting Facts
- Cacti like the heat!
- They tend to be prickly!
- They live in the desert!
- Cacti tend to bloom in the winter
- When they bloom they give out seeds
- Cacti can be found in plant shops
- They grow very slowly
3The Cacti family
- Succulents
- They need more water
- They hardly ever need water
- Succulents are found in more places then just the
desert - They are called succulents because they suck up
every bit of liquid and vapour.
- Cacti
- Cacti have more spikes
- They dont need as much water
- Cacti live in the desert
- Cacti come in many sizes from meters to
centimetres. - They grow about an inch every 3 to 4 months.
- They only need water once every two weeks.
5G a l l e r y
6Cacti websites
http//www.cacti-scculents.com www.fortunecity.com
I.T is one of my best subjects and I think that
doing this PowerPoint presentation has made my
skills even better. Yet the problem was not
knowing how many slides I had to do, I mean how
long is a piece of string. During the weeks I
have been doing my presentation, I have learnt
how to make slides and pictures animate
automatically and I have also learnt how to
remove or trim the bottom of pictures