Title: Lectures on Grid Computing
1Lectures on Grid Computing
Tugba Taskaya-Temizel Prof. K. Ahmad January 2005
2Grid ComputingEverywhere
- Business Sectors like financial services,
industrial manufacturing, energy
Humanitarian works
Research Health, Aerospace, Astronomy,
3Grid Computing
- The internet took 20 years to be taken seriously
by business. By comparison the grid is happening
far more rapidly. Tom Hawk, IBM - Insight Research says the worldwide market for
grid technology and services is doubling every
year and will reach 5 billion by 2008. - Grid computing is just one of the technologies
the UK government says, in its latest report,
should receive more support and funding.
(December 17,2003)
4Grid Computing
- "We really do believe that grid computing is
real," CEO of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina said.
"It is driving the RD in our industry. For the
first time our energy is focused on something
else than building a killer app or a hot box. We
are more focused on making system that combines
the best of IT and business. Imagine what is
possible." (September 11, 2003) - "The Grid will be the major new direction for
IT," said Geoff Brown, technical director for ATS
Core Technologies at Oracle. (October 28, 2002)
- A network of high-voltage transmission lines and
connections that supply electricity from a number
of generating stations to various distribution
centres in a country or a region, so that no
consumer is dependent on a single station. - UTILITY GRID
- (Term) used of any network that serves a
similar purpose for other services.
- The Grid is envisaged to be the computing and
data management infrastructure that will provide
the electronic underpinning for a global society
in business, government, science and
entertainment - Berman, Fox and Hey (20039)
- A virtual information processing environment
where the user has the illusion of a seamless
single-source computing power which is actually
8Why should you care?
- Ian Foster explains why we should care Grids in
three points
9Why should you care?
- Grid is a disruptive technology Vision
- It ushers in a virtualized, collaborative,
distributed world. - Two interrelated opportunities
- 1) Enhance economy, flexibility, access by
virtualizing computing resources - 2) Deliver entirely new capabilities by
integrating distributed resources
Source Ian Foster s presentation on The Grid
, COMDEX 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, November
18, 2003
10Why should you care? Virtualization
Source The Grid Blueprint for a New Computing
Infrastructure (2nd Edition), 2004
11Why should you care? Distributed System
UK e-Science Centres
Source http//www.nesc.ac.uk/centres/
12Why should you care?
The real and specific problem that underlies the
Grid concept is coordinated resource sharing and
problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional
virtual organizations.
Source The Anatomy of the Grid, Foster,
Kesselman, Tuecke, 2001
13Why should you care?Terminology
- Grid has strong links with Utility Computing,
Autonomic Computing and Service Oriented
14Why should you care?
- Grid addresses pain points now Reality
- Grids are built not bought, but are delivering
real benefits in commercial settings - Low utilization of enterprise resources
- High cost of provisioning for peak demand
- Inadequate resources prevent use of advanced
applications - Lack of information integration
Source Ian Foster s presentation on The Grid
, COMDEX 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, November
18, 2003
15Why should you care?Early Commercial Applications
- Leading adopters (Oct 2003)
- Financial services 31
- Life sciences 26
- Manufacturing 18
Grid Services Market Opportunity 2005
Sources IDC, 2000 and Bear Stearns- Internet 3.0
- 5/01 Analysis by SAI
Source Ian Foster s presentation on The Grid
, COMDEX 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, November
18, 2003
Grids 2004 From Rocket Science To Business
Service, The 451 Group
16Why should you care?Grid Deployment Strategies
- A range of excellent commercial open source
products for resource federation - Federate enterprise computing resources
- Federate enterprise information resources
- Globus Toolkit inter-enterprise sharing
- But, Grids are built, not bought
- Integration with other enterprise systems is
needed to deliver complete solution - Start small with well-defined ROI case
- Grow based on experience
Source Ian Foster s presentation on The Grid
, COMDEX 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, November
18, 2003
17Data Grids for High Energy Physics
Fastest particle accelarator Large Hadron
Collider When completed in 2005, CERN's Large
Hadron Collider will send protons and ions from
hydrogen nuclei rushing through a 17-mile
circular tunnel at speeds of up to 52,200,000
miles per hour.
Image courtesy Christian Richters SourceWired
18Data Grids for High Energy Physics
Image courtesy Harvey Newman, Caltech
19Mathematicians Solve NUG30Quadratic Assignment
- The distances are
- d(1,2) 22,
- d(1,3) 53,
- d(2,3) 40,
- d(3,4) 55.
Location 1
Location 2
Location 4
- The required flows between facilities are
- f(2,4) 1,
- f(1,4) 2,
- f(1,2) 3,
- f(3,4) 4.
Location 3
The permutation p corresponding to this graphical
solution is ( 2, 1, 4, 3 ).
MetaNEOS Argonne, Iowa, Northwestern,
Wisconsin SourceShawn McKee The GridThe Future
of High Energy Physics Computing? January 7,2002
20Mathematicians Solve NUG30
- Looking for the solution to the NUG30 quadratic
assignment problem - An informal collaboration of mathematicians and
computer scientists - Condor-G delivered 3.46E8 CPU seconds in 7 days
(peak 1009 processors) in U.S. and Italy (8 sites)
NUG30 Solution 14,5,28,24,1,3,16,15, 10,9,21,2,4,
29,25,22, 13,26,17,30,6,20,19, 8,18,7,27,12,11,23
MetaNEOS Argonne, Iowa, Northwestern,
Wisconsin SourceShawn McKee The GridThe Future
of High Energy Physics Computing? January 7,2002
21Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation
- NEESgrid national infrastructure to couple
earthquake engineers with experimental
facilities, databases, computers, each other - On-demand access to experiments, data streams,
computing, archives, collaboration
NEESgrid Argonne, Michigan, NCSA, UIUC, USC
22The 13.6 TF TeraGrid Computing at 40 Gb/s
Site Resources
Site Resources
External Networks
External Networks
External Networks
External Networks
SDSC 4.1 TF 225 TB
Site Resources
Site Resources
TeraGrid/DTF NCSA, SDSC, Caltech, Argonne
23iVDGLInternational Virtual Data Grid Laboratory
- Sloan Digital Sky Survey is the most ambitious
astronomical survey project ever undertaken. - The survey will map in detail one-quarter of the
entire sky, determining the positions and
absolute brightnesses of more than 100 million
celestial objects. - It will also measure the distances to more than a
million galaxies and quasars
U.S. PIs Avery, Foster, Gardner, Newman, Szalay
www.ivdgl.org Image courtesy of
24iVDGLInternational Virtual Data Grid Laboratory
U.S. PIs Avery, Foster, Gardner, Newman, Szalay
25Why should you care?
- An open Grid is to your advantage Future
- Standards are being defined now that will
determine the future of this technology
Source Ian Foster s presentation on The Grid
, COMDEX 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, November
18, 2003
26Grid Vision, Marketing, and Reality
- Vision
- Computing data resources can be shared like
content on the Wb - Marketing
- Have we got a Data, compute, knowledge,
information, desktop, PC, enterprise, cluster,
Grid for you! - Reality
- Commercial products mostly noninteroperable
- Open source tools offer de facto standards, but
are also far from a complete solution
Source Ian Foster s presentation on The Grid
, COMDEX 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, November
18, 2003
27Standards Matter!
- Open, standard protocols
- Enable interoperability
- Avoid product/vendor lock-in
- Enable innovation/competition on end points
- Enable ubiquity
- In Grid space, must address how we
- Describe, discover, access resources
- Monitor, manage, coordinate, resources
- Account charge for resources
- For many different types of resource
Source Ian Foster s presentation on The Grid
, COMDEX 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, November
18, 2003
28Open Grid Services Architecture
- Define a service-oriented architecture
- the key to effective virtualization
- that addresses vital Grid requirements
- AKA utility, on-demand, system management,
collaborative computing - in particular, distributed service management
- building on Web services standards
- extending those standards where needed
The Physiology of the Grid An Open Grid
Services Architecture for Distributed Systems
Integration, Foster, Kesselman, Nick, Tuecke,
29Latest Step ForwardWS-Resource Framework
- A family of six Web services specifications
- A design pattern to specify how to use Web
services to access stateful components - Message-based publish-subscribe to Web services
Source Ian Foster s presentation on The Grid
, COMDEX 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, November
18, 2003
30WS-Resource Framework Completes Grid-WS
The definition of WSRF means that Grid and Web
communities can move forward on a common base
Source Ian Foster s presentation on The Grid
, COMDEX 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, November
18, 2003
31The Evolution of the GRID
32The Evolution of the GRID
- Currently there are (clusters) of very powerful
computing/ communications systems - (i) Systems for acquiring digital data and
processing data (Amazon.com or Oracle clusters) - (ii) Systems for analysing and visualising
information (CERNs large hadron collider,
Protein Synthesis systems) - (iii) Systems for imaging, analysis and
visualisation for distributed data (weather
prediction, satellite based military civilian
systems) - (iv) Systems that can link Sensors and predict
on real-time information (military systems, video
33The Evolution of the GRID
- Developments in networking technologies,
operating systems, clustered data bases,
application services and device technologies have
enabled developers to build systems with
literally distributed millions of nodes for
providing -
- Web-based services personal commercial
transactions - Content delivery networks that can cache
web-pages seamlessly - Wireless networks have spawned ad-hoc
distributed systems that when linked to
wide-area networks lead to a complex distributed
system. - Problems of efficiency, reliability,
accessibility and security are not addressed in
global terms.
34The Evolution of the GRID
Source www.gridbus.org
35The Evolution of the GRID
Source www.gridbus.org
Administrative Barriers
- Individual
- Group
- Department
- Campus
- State
- National
- Globe
- Inter Planet
- Universe
Personal Device
SMPs or SuperComputers
Local Cluster
Global Grid
Enterprise Cluster/Grid
36The Evolution of the GRID
Grid is being developed not only to make
distributed resources available to end-user not
also to co-ordinate such usage ? for sharing and
aggregation of resources.
37The Evolution of the GRID
- Moores law improvements in computing produce
highly functional end-systems - The internet and burgeoning wired and wireless
provide wide-spread connectivity - Changing modes of working and problem solving
emphasise teamwork, computation - Network growth produce dramatic changes in
topology and geography
38The Evolution of the GRID
- The first generation involved proprietary
solutions for sharing high-performance computing
resources - The second generation introduced middleware to
cope with scale and heterogeneity - The third generation introduced a
service-oriented approach leading to commercial
projects in addition to the scientific projects
now collectively known as e-Science
39The Evolution of the GRID
- The first generation
- The second generation
- Technologies Globus, Legion
- Distributed object systems (Jini and RMI, The
common component architecture form) - Grid resource brokers and schedulers
- Grid portals
- Integrated systems
- Peer-to-Peer computing
- The third generation
- Service-oriented architecture (web services,
OGSA, Agents) - Information aspects relation with the World Wide
Web - Live information systems
40Source Ian Foster s presentation on The First
50 Years , British Computer Society, Lovelace
Medal Award Presentation, May, 2003
41Building blocks of the Grid
- Networks
- Computational nodes on the Grid
- Pulling it all together
- Common infrastructure standards
42GRID Key Issues
43GRID Key Issues ? Sharing
- A biochemist will be able to exploit 10,000
computers to screen 100,000 compounds in an hour - 1,000 physicists worldwide will be able to pool
resources for petop analyses of petabytes of data - A multidisciplinary analysis in aerospace couples
code and data in geographically distributed
organisations may be possible - Civil engineers colloborate to design, execute,
and analyse shake table experiments - Climate scientists will be able to visualise,
annotate, and analyse terabyte simulation datasets
44GRID Key Issues ? Sharing Online Access to
Scientific Instruments
Advanced Photon Source
wide-area dissemination
desktop VR clients with shared controls
real-time collection
archival storage
tomographic reconstruction
DOE X-ray grand challenge ANL, USC/ISI, NIST,
- Resource
- Network protocol
- Network enabled service
- Application Programming Interface(API)
- Software Development Kit (SDK)
- Syntax
- An entity that is to be shared
- E.g., computers, storage, data, software
- Does not have to be physical entity
- E.g., Condor pool, distributed file system,
- Defined in terms of interfaces, not devices
- E.g. scheduler such as LSF and PBS define a
compute resource - Open/close/read/write define access to a
distributed file system, e.g NFS, AFS, DFS
47MORE DEFINTIONS Network protocol
- A formal description of message formats and a set
of rules for message exchange - Rules may define sequence of message exchanges
- Protocol may define state-change in endpoint,
e.g. file system state change - Good protocols designed to do one thing
- Protocols can be layered
- Examples of protocols
- IP, TCP, TLS( was SSL), HTTP, Kerberos
48MORE DEFINTIONS Network enabled services
- Implementation of a protocol that defines a set
of capabilities - Protocol defines interaction with service
- All services require protocols
- Not all protocols are used to provide services
(e.g. IP, TLS) - Examples FTP and Web servers
49MORE DEFINTIONS Application Programming
Interface (API)
- A specification for a set of routines to
facilitate application development - Spec often language specific (or IDL)
- Routine name, number, order and type of
arguments mapping to language constructs - Behaviour or function of routine
- Examples
- GSS API(security), MPI (message passing)
50MORE DEFINTIONS Software Development Kit (SDK)
- A particular instantiation of API
- SDK consists of libraries and tools
- Provides implementation of API specification
- Can have multiple SDKs for an API
- Examples of SDKs
- MPICH, Motif Widgets
- Rules for encoding information, e.g.
- XML, Condor ClassAds, Globus RSL
- Distinct from protocols
- One syntax may be used by many protocols
- Syntaxes may be layered
- E.g., Condor ClassAds -gt XML-gtASCII
- Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (2003) Grid Computing
Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality,
Chichester, John Willey Sons Inc. - http//www.computing.surrey.ac.uk/courses/csm23/li
53CSM23 Assessment and Weighting
54CSM23 Timetable