Title: Modeling and Visualization of CFSM Networks in JavaTime
1Modeling and Visualization of CFSM Networks in
- Michael Shilman
- James Shin Young
- EE249 Project Presentation
- December 8, 1998
- Introduction
- JavaTime Components
- Abstract Reactive Model
- Modeling of CFSMs
- AR and CFSM JavaTime Packages
- Visualization of CFSM Networks
- Design Example - Seatbelt Controller
- Conclusions
- The JavaTime Project
- Collection of tools, libraries, and methodologies
for embedded systems design. - Use JavaTM, enhanced via packages, as textual
design input syntax. - Graphical input syntax and visualization
infrastructure. - Common model for system representation
- Goals for EE249
- Incorporate CFSM model into JavaTime environment.
- Describe, visualize, and execute CFSM networks on
standard Java platforms.
4JavaTime Component Package
- Components
- Central design entities.
- Ports
- Access points for connecting components.
- Connections
- Relation between ports.
- Containers
- Hierarchical nesting of components and containers
5The Abstract Reactive Model
- Components react to all input events.
- Events are changes in signal values.
- Fully asynchronous communication.
- No events happen at the same time.
- Networks for abstraction
- Temporal and structural abstraction
- Fundamental-mode asynchronous assumption.
- All internal signals converge to a stable value
before output is emitted. - Used in JavaTime as building block for describing
other models.
6The javatime.jcp.ar Package
- ARComponent
- User specifies behavior by defining the
react(ARPort p, Object v) method. - ARNetwork
- Executes components contained within according to
semantics of AR model. - ARThread
- Enables Esterel-style description of component
public class Foo extends ARComponent
public void react() // do something
7Modeling CFSMs in AR
- CFSMs are modeled as AR components with two
implicit ports. - Activate input, runnable output
- Transitions of CFSMs controlled by scheduler
8The javatime.jcp.cfsm Package
- Implemented using the javatime.jcp.ar package.
- User specifies behavior by defining transition()
method. - eventPresent(Input I) method tests for presence
of events. - CFSMNet
- Contains a scheduler component responsible for
activating CFSMs. - CFSMThread
- Esterel-style input for CFSMs.
public class Bar extends CFSM public
void transition() // do something
9Esterel-style Programs in Java
- Esterel provides compact syntax for synchronous
reactive programming. - await, do watching, , etc.
- Construct similar conveniences in Java.
- Provided in ARThread, CFSMThread classes.
- await, awaitWatching, methods.
- Uses standard Java threads,monitors to implement
Esterel-like facilities. - Maintains compatibility with standard Java
syntax, tools, and execution platforms.
public class Blah extends ARThread
public void run() while(true)
// do something await()
10CFSM Visualization
- Our goal view, edit, and animate component
networks at different levels of abstraction
- Focus on infrastructure rather than application
- Make it easy to construct visualizations, rather
than trying to pre-package all possible
visualizations. - Able to develop in parallel with modeling effort.
11Visualization Probes
- Components which sample signals to construct
visualizations. - Modular and easy to write drag and drop just
like any other component. - Probe to modify network display as system
executes, via protocol-based API.
Image probes at different stages in a JPEG decoder
12Animation and Instrumentation
- Listener interface allows monitoring of execution
state. - Instrumentation by procedural insertion of
probes. - Simple traversal of JCP design hierarchy.
- Code instrumentation using JavaTime AST tools.
- Create extra output ports to communicate
instrumentation results.
13Visualization Protocols
- Software protocols for reusable visualization
surfaces. - Support for incremental update.
- Read/modification capabilities.
- Sample protocols
14Anatomy of a Protocol
Multiple views - standard - sketch - ...
Filters - scheduler, activate/runnable ports -
visualization probes
15Multi-Syntax Editing
- Different visual syntax for different models of
computation. - Illustrate relationship between different models.
AR View
16(No Transcript)
17Design Example
- Implemented the POLIS seatbelt controller example
using javatime.jcp.cfsm package. - Original design
- CFSM behavior described with two Esterel modules.
- CFSM network described in Ptolemy.
- Ported design
- CFSMs described as Java classes.
- Network also a Java class.
18Design Example - Esterel
- module belt_control
- input reset, key_on, key_off, belt_on, end_5,
end_10 - output alarm(boolean), start_timer
- loop
- do
- emit alarm(false)
- every key_on do
- do
- emit start_timer
- await end_5
- emit alarm(true)
- await end_10
- watching key_off or belt_on
- emit alarm(false)
- end
- watching reset
- end.
19Design Example - JavaTime
- public void run()
- Condition watch new Condition()
- public boolean isTrue()
- return (eventPresent(_reset)
- eventPresent(_keyOff)
- eventPresent(_beltOn))
while (true) try emit(_alarm,Boolean
.FALSE) awaitWatching(_reset) if
(eventPresent(_keyOn)) try
emit(_startTimer) awaitWatching(_end5,
watch) emit(_alarm,Boolean.TRUE)
awaitWatching(_end10, watch)
catch (WatchException e) if
(eventPresent(_reset)) throw e
E) catch (WatchException e)
- Java as an input syntax for reactive systems.
- Resulting specification not as concise as
Esterel... - but provides compatibility with standard Java
tools. - Programming language extensions as packages.
- Extends utility of a language without
compromising compatibility. - Avoid high overhead of new language development
a good option for niche domains. - Relationship between AR and CFSM models.
- CFSM networks can be modeled as AR systems.
- The reverse is probably also true.
21More Conclusions
- Visual editing and animation of systems
- Multi-syntax editing reveals relationship between
models of computation. - Software protocols enable rapid development of
interactive visualizations. - Visualization probes simplify user-level
construction of visualizations.