Title: Universal glassy dynamics at noiseperturbed onset of chaos
1Aging at the edge of chaos
Alberto Robledo Instituto de Física Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México
2Unimodal maps
- Universality of deterministic irregularities
- - Period-doubling route to chaos
- - Mechanism for intermittency
- Late 70s to early 80s
- - Analogy with critical phenomena
- - Metaphor for turbulence
- Late 90s to early 00s
- - Bona fide example of nonextensive
statistics - - Analogy with glassy dynamics
3Phenomenology of supercooling and glass
formation (presumed manifestations of ergodicity
- Two-step relaxation
- - Power-law decay towards and away from a
- Adam-Gibbs formula
- - Connection between kinetics and
- Aging
- - History-dependent relaxation
4Universal RG dynamics in logistic maps
- Trajectories inside Feigenbaums attractor
- - Intertwined power-law time subsequences
- q-generalized Lyapunov coefficient
- - Weakly divergent sensitivity to initial
- Pesin theorem at onset of chaos
- - Weakly decreasing loss of information
5Noisy period-doubling transitions to chaos
- Bifurcation gap
- - Noise fluctuations smear sharp features
- Suppression of subharmonics
- - Connection with noise-free parameter
- Scaling of Lyapunov exponent with noise
amplitude - - Analogy with finite magnetization
6RG dynamics at noise-perturbed onset of chaos
- Structure of trajectories
- - Wandering through power-law pathways
- Duration of the plateau
- - Running into the bifurcation gap
- ß and a relaxation processes
- - Falling into the attractor merging of bands
7Map counterpart of Adam-Gibbs law aging at the
edge of chaos
- Entropy of noisy trajectories
- - Link between landscape and dynamical
properties -
- Relaxation through intricate trajectories
- - Waiting-time scaling
- Attractor position subsequences
- - A waiting time for each subsequence
8Concluding remarks
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13Adam-Gibbs formula
tx A exp (B/TSc)
tx is a relaxation time (or, equivalently, the
viscosity) and Sc, the configurational entropy,
is related to the number of minima of the
systems multidimensional potential energy
surface the energy landscape.
14Aging in coupled rotors
Montemurro, Tamarit and Anteneodo, PRE 67, 031106
15Two orbits at the edge of chaos
16Sensitivity to initial conditions
17q-Pesin identity
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19Bifurcation gap
20Scaling of Lyapunov exponent
we find
Similarly for all time subsequences
- Noise-perturbed orbit with
we find
22Crossover time / contact with bifurcation gap
Largest number of bands at noise amplitude s
Sampling the energy landscape
moving on a plateau with
crossover to
a chaotic regime with
23Falling into the attractor
24Entropy at contact with the bifurcation gap
and since
one obtains
scaling relations
Diverging relaxation time as entropy vanishes
Ergodicity failure as s ? 0
25Master orbit
26Attractor position subsequences
A waiting time for each subsequence
Aging scaling relation
- Time translation invariance for t gt tx (s) -
Containment of aging for increasing noise
amplitude s gt 0
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28Pitchfork tangent bifurcations