Title: Binding Clients to Replicated Servers: Initial and Continuous Binding
1Binding Clients to Replicated Servers Initial
and Continuous Binding Hyewon Jun, Matt Sanders,
Mostafa Ammar, and Ellen Zegura Networking and
Telecommunication Group, College of Computing,
Georgia Institute of Technology
Results with Multiple Clients
Migration of a CB Client
- Motivation
- Performance change of servers during a large file
transmission - Goal
- Improve the performance of connections to the
replicated servers with support of optimal
server binding mechanisms. - Approach
- Propose and evaluate a Continuous Binding scheme
- Compare two binding scheme extremes to one
another and answer whether Continuous Binding
can outperform Initial Binding
Increasing use of either scheme over the other by
all clients with long-lived connections leads to
overall performance degradation.
IB and CB Connection Performance
Spectrum of Binding
Application Model
- Multiple bindings can be beneficial to improve
connection throughput. However, binding schemes
require careful design to avoid hot-spot shifting
created by synchronized bindings
Initial Binding (IB) Select one server and stay
with it during the connection life time Periodic
Binding (PB) Periodically select a server and
switch to the new server. Continuous Binding (CB)
Select the best server per packet to react
fast to the server performance change
- The result with multiple clients implies that
network layer solutions currently being included
in the design of IPv6 may not be useful for the
data plane of connection based application.
- Server Selection
- Network layer selection
- Application layer selection
- Server Binding
- When to invoke the server selection function and
to switch its connection to better servers
Future Work
Results with a Single Client
Design and evaluate intermediate binding schemes
which allows connection migration, while
considering the global implications of switching
servers by many clients.
Despite the overhead of migration, Continuous
Binding is able to improve performance when the
connection is long-lived.