Title: Outline for Heavy Quark DR Review, 8:30A 1:00P,
1- Outline for Heavy Quark DR Review, 830A -100P,
- Thursday April 26, 2007, Canyon Complex Room 167
- Â
- Introduction to heavy quark program - Pat
McGaughey (2010 min.) 830-900 - Experiment
- Simulations of physics performance - Hubert van
Hecke (105 min.) 900-915 - Vertex detector and front end electronics - Gary
Grim (155 min.) 915-935 - Pixel planes and high density interconnect - Gerd
Kunde (205 min) 935-1000 - Readout electronics - Mark Prokop (105 min.)
1000-1015 - Break (10 min.) 1015-1025
- Â
- Theory
- Theory intro, Non-equilibrium studies of QGP -
Emil Mottola (205 min.) 1025-1050 - Energy loss and flow of heavy quarks - Ivan
Vitev (155 min.) 1050-1110 - Lattice calculations of heavy quarks and EOS -
Rajan Gupta (155 min.) 1110-1130 - Â
- Wrapup - Pat (5 min.) 1130-1135
2Heavy Quarks as a Probe of a New State of Matter
PI Patrick L. McGaughey, P-25
A new state of matter, the quark-gluon plasma
(QGP) has been detected in relativistic heavy ion
collisions at BNL
- Project Goals
- Measure heavy quark suppression and flow to
determine the properties of QGP, - using a state-of-the-art silicon vertex
detector - Develop theoretical tools necessary to
- interpret the data.
Supported by LANL LDRD Grant, 1.25 M / yr for
FY06-08 LANL groups P-23, P-25, T-8, T-16
DR Review 4/26/07
3The Relativistic Heavy Ion Program
- Fundamental theory (QCD) predicts the existence
of - a new state of matter - the quark-gluon plasma
D. Gross, H.D.Politzer, F.Wilczek
2004 Nobel Prize in QCD Physics
RHIC Physics
- Most extreme and strongly interacting
- matter yet created
- Recreates conditions of early Universe
- Quantitatively establishes QGP properties
- Highest priority of national nuclear physics
- program
H.Politzer, Phys.Rev.Lett. 30, (1973)
One of the Eleven Science Questions for the 21st
Century -
- Are there new states of matter at exceedingly
- high density and temperature?
From National Research Council
4The Big Bang and Little Bang
Recreating the Early Universe in the Laboratory
Detected tracks
?, K
1012 deg
Understanding matter at extreme density and
- A new state of matter, the quark-gluon plasma
(QGP), is being probed in collisions of
heavy ions at RHIC. QGP is composed of
de-confined quarks and gluons - Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are the cleanest
probe of QGP. Next frontier of QGP physics - We are constructing a forward silicon
micro-vertex detector (iFVTX) ? unique heavy
quark experimental capability. State-of-the-art
detectors and electronics - Close collaboration between theory, simulation
and experiment -
- Detailed determination of QGP properties
6Evidence for Strongly Interacting Opaque Plasma
Energetic quarks undergo large energy loss in
the QGP
Data PHENIX (from cover of PRL!) Predictions
? production
Absence of QGP effect
Strong suppression of pions from AuAu versus
pp and dAu collisions
7Evidence for the Quark-Gluon Plasma
Hydrodynamic Flow
What is flow? - Asymmetry in direction of
produced particles due to pressure gradients in
collision region ? hydrodynamic behavior ? v2 gt 0
First time hydro limit with QGP
equation-of-state is reached in heavy ion
No Flow
8Why Measure Heavy Quarks ?
c? ? 120?m
- Charm and beauty quarks produced early in the
- collision. Survive throughout plasma
formation and decay. - Large masses (1.5, 5 GeV) ? precise
calculations. - Mass dependence of heavy quark diffusion
determines QGP - properties ? viscosity and conductivity.
- Yields of bound heavy quark pairs compared with
lattice simulations ? energy density and
temperature. - Light versus heavy quark suppression
distinguishes between - energy loss models for the QGP.
- momentum transfer
- ? mean free path
9Heavy Flavor Suppression in AuAu
D, B ? e X
- Indications of heavy quark
- suppression and flow in AuAu
- collisions at y0, but
- Large systematic errors due to
- poor signal/background. (measures sum of all
electron sources) - Separation of charm from
- beauty was not possible.
- Rapidity dependence needed to separate QGP
effects from cold nuclear matter.
Transverse Momentum
Precise measurements of charm and beauty are
needed! Can best be done by measuring their
lifetime with vertex detector
10 - Langevin simulations of heavy quark
thermalization, suppression and flow
Theoretical Effort
- Thermal field theory studies of the transport
coefficients (conductivity and viscosity) in
the quark-gluon plasma
E. Mottola et al.
- - NLO resummation technique proven correct for
QED QCD - Have calculated Damping Rate / Mean Free Path of
electrons in QED plasma, e.g. the damping rate
is - Im SHTL g a T (2.70)
- Method is general relevant for relaxation
processes of QGP which can be determined from
microscopic QCD
- Perturbative QCD studies of energy loss and flow
of heavy flavor in the quark-gluon plasma
I. Vitev et al.
- Have calculated Drag and diffusion
coefficients, confirming partial charm quark
thermalization in QGP
Fractional momentum loss per unit time
11Suppression of electrons from c,b decays
- Novel heavy flavor suppression mechanism
Collisional dissociation of D, B-mesons in QGP
Phenomenological comparison to the large
quenching of the electrons, surprisingly similar
to that seen for light quarks.
- Lattice QCD studies of the critical temp. for
the QGP phase transition
Status susceptibilities Ntime 6, 8(Action,
Polyakov loop, condensates)
R. Gupta et al.
- Goals Tc, equation of state,
- spectral functions
Lattice Size 8time ?32?32?32space More
realistic quark masses
Susceptibility for light quarks, showing evidence
for QGP transition temp of 190 MeV
Collaborative lattice calculations well underway
at LLNL blue gene supercomputer
12The PHENIX Muon Detectors
Muon Arm
Muon Arm
Muon trackers were designed and built by LANL
13Pixel-based Vertex Detector (iFVTX)
- LANL/ FNAL/ Columbia / UNM / NMSU / ISU
collaboration - Measures distance of closest approach (DCA) of
tracks to the primary vertex - 4 planes of pixel tiles with FPIX chips bump
bonded to silicon sensors - Provides a DCA resolution of sDCA lt 100 microns
- Can send data to prototype trigger
- Measures
- D (charm) ? µ X
- B (beauty)? µ X
- by making a vertex cut based
- on the DCA
14iFVTX Design
50 ?m
400 ?m
- 4 Tracking stations composed
- of Si pixels
- Cover 1/8 of one muon arm
- Electronics recently developed
- by FNAL. Low power, high
- speed and high resolution.
7 cm
Silicon Sensor
Pixel Module
8 chip readout
15Status - Simulations (Hubert)
- Monte-Carlo simulations of heavy quark decays -
done - Simulation of PHENIX geometry with vertex
detector - done - Physics performance studied
- Good vertex resolution (lt 100 um in DCA)
- Excellent charm rates
- Good separation of heavy quark decays from
backgrounds. - Integrated with PHENIX simulation and analysis
16Status - Detector Elements (Gary)
- Silicon Pixel Sensors
- Fabricated and tested. Excellent yields (93)
- Front End Chip (FPIX2)
- Fabricated and tested. Good yield (82)
- Flip Chip Assembly of Pixel Hybrids (Bump
Bonding) - 15 prototype 8-chip modules delivered, initial
tests good - High Density Interconnect (Kapton bus)
- Prototypes delivered, working.
Sensor wafer
Pixel hybrids
17Status - Mechanical (Gerd)
- Pixel Plane (printed circuit board)
- Designed, being fabricated
- Mechanical Support Structure
- Design underway
- Finite Element Analysis of Pixel Modules
Completed - Good stability versus temperature
- Cooling System
- Heat load lt 200 watts removed by liquid cooling
Pixel Plane layout
18Status - DAQ (Mark)
- Pixel Module Test Stand and software are working
- Calibration and monitoring system prototyped and
working. - Readout designed
- Major elements prototyped and working.
- Studies of pixel module completed with test stand
and underway with ROC/FEM excellent noise and
19Hardware Completion Schedule
- FY06 HDI designed done
- First pixel modules flip chip assembled done
- Si sensors delivered done
- FPIX2.1 readout chips delivered done
- Test bench DAQ systems done
- FY07 HDI Production 05/07
- Pixel plane design and prototype 05/07
- Flip chip Si detectors and FPIX readout chips
08/07 - FY08 Pixel plane printed circuit boards
production 10/07 - Pixel module assembly early 08
- DAQ Electronics early 08
- Final vertex detector assembly
summer 08 -
- FY09 Full system testing outside of PHENIX
late 08 - Ready for installation in PHENIX, needs VTX for
primary - vertex determination. Useful with p-p, d-Au or
Au-Au beams
20Backup slides
21Budget for FY07, FY08
- MAJOR ITEMS (Annual budget is 1.25M thru FY08)
- FY07 HDI Production FNAL
- Pixel plane design and prototype 80K
- Flip chip Si detectors and FPIX readout chips
220K - DAQ electronics design and prototypes 50K
- Mechanical design and support structure 100K
- Manpower - ExperimentTheory 592K
- FY08 Assemble pixel modules
- Pixel plane assembly
- DAQ Electronics
- Manpower - ExperimentTheory 830K
- FY09 Will request some manpower support for
installation into - PHENIX, operation and data analysis
22Why LANL?
- Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics is a strategic
priority of LDRD - DR program (Sec. 7.3 Nuclear matter under
extreme conditions) - Extensive experience - P-25 developed muon
physics program - of PHENIX. We built the muon trackers at RHIC
and vertex - detectors at CERN and FNAL
- Convergence of theory, simulation and experiment
- T- 8 and - T - 16 expertise in non-equilibrium field
theory, lattice QCD - simulations and perturbative QCD predictions
- Essential LANL capability development - Science
Based - Prediction for matter under extreme conditions
- Recruitment of outstanding staff - Oppenheimer
fellow - Ivan Vitev (T-16 and P-25) is one of the
worlds experts in - relativistic heavy-ion theory
23Why Now?
- Successful ER forward silicon design program
completed - (2004), electronics just now available
- First direct measurement of heavy quarks at
RHIC will clinch - LANL leadership role in national nuclear
physics program - Successful completion of this RD expected to
leverage - several M in DOE funding for full detector
covering both - PHENIX forward arms
- Window of opportunity to make the pivotal
measurements - which will influence the future of RHIC and
heavy ion physics. -
- Definitive Physics of New State of Matter
- Charm and beauty production cross sections
- Energy loss and flow of charm and beauty in QGP
- Measurement of QGP properties energy density,
temperature, transport properties, viscosity,
conductivity - State-of-the-Art Silicon Vertex Detector
- Si end cap covering ¼ muon arm (4 mini-strip
layers) - Unique Opportunity for new LANL Leadership Role
- Theory, simulation and experiment of quark-gluon
plasma formation and decay in the laboratory - Nuclear Science Advisory Council Review
- Recommends highest priority of RHIC upgrades for
PHENIX vertex detector
25PHENIX Decadal Plan
26Heavy Quark Yields, for 1/8 of a Muon Arm
- Rates before application of a
- vertex cut.
Z-Vertex Resolution, ?m
Muon Momentum, GeV
27FNAL Readout Chip Comparison
FSSR and FPIX chip are good candidates for LDRD
Signal 24000 e for 300 µm Si Sensor.
28What is innovative about this silicon detector
technology? ? A New Readout Paradigm
- Worlds fastest chips (840 Mbit/sec), 0.25um
CMOS, developed by FNAL. - Hits are read out in real-time, ? direct
triggering. - Lowest power per pixel and lowest noise (90 uW,
220e-). - Large channel count per chip (up to 2816).
- Our vertex detector is first to use this new
technology. - Prototypes being tested at LANL and FNAL.
FPIX2.1 Readout Chip 128 column x 22 rows