Title: ECE 5674 Direct Digital Synthesis
1ECE 5674 -- Direct Digital Synthesis
- Srikathyayani Srikanteswara
- J. H Reed
- Introduction to Direct Digital Synthesis
- Approaches to DDS
- Pulse output DDS
- ROM lookup table
- Impulse response of a filter
- Advanced techniques Bandpass signal generation
- Sources of spurious signals and their effects
- Techniques used to minimize spurious signals
- Generation of Random Sequences
- Summary and Future Trends
4Introduction to DDS
- Direct digital synthesis (DDS) is the process of
generating deterministic communication
carrier/reference signals directly in discrete
time with the use of digital hardware - Discrete time signals are then converted into
analog signals (for transmission) using a D/A
5Need for DDS systems
- Overcome the limitations of analog synthesis
- Speed, precision, size, flexibility, stability,
and ease of implementation - Compatible with and desirable for todays high
speed digital communication technology
6Early DDS Systems
- First DDS designs date back to the early 70s
- Tierney et. al. developed a technique for
generating audio signals - Used a Read Only Memory (ROM) to store sine waves
- Stored values were used to drive a D/A followed
by analog interpolation filter
7Early DDS Systems
- Roke Manor laboratories in 1981 of the then
Plessey companys prototype DDS - Occupied several complete boards of logic laid
out on the bench - Clocked at 10MHz
- Output frequency of up to 3MHz
- Spurious responses about 40 dB below the desired
8Modern DDS Systems
- Gained importance in the early 80s with the
widespread use of digital communication systems - Have incorporated a lot of changes and
improvements making them a practical alternative
to analog signal sources - GHz frequencies possible, spurs of -60 to -80 dB
or lower
9Analog Generation Techniques
- Direct Analog Synthesis (DAS)
- Generate frequencies by mixing frequencies from
different crystal and/or using their harmonics - Ideal situation with tuning capabilities of LC
oscillator and stability and purity of a crystal
- Advantages
- High purity, low spurious content better than
-80 dB - Fast switching .1 - 20 ?s
- Disadvantages
- Bulky, expensive, high power consumption
- Not suitable for portable equipment
- Used in medical and radar imaging, spectroscopy
and frequency hopping systems
11Analog Generation Techniques
Phase Locked Loop
12Analog Generation Techniques
- Advantages of PLL
- fine frequency resolution
- low levels of spurious outputs, though not as low
as DAS - comparatively low cost
- Disadvantages
- slow switching times due to loop filter settling
13Digital Signal Generation
- Output is smooth when a frequency change is
executed, no transients - Possible to achieve continuous phase frequency
switching - Crucial to frequency hopping spread spectrum
systems - Switching frequencies less than 1 ?s possible
14Comparison of DDS with Analog Generation
- DDS overcomes most problems of DAS and PLLs
- Superior in terms of precision, stability, ease
of implementation, flexibility, and size
15Properties of DDS
- Precision
- Accurately set the output frequency
- significant for narrowband modulation formats
- Analog systems have poor frequency resolution
- Stability
- DDS system parameters and output frequency does
not vary with time
16DDS Features
- Ease of implementation
- Basic structure easy to realize with ROM, clock,
and DAC - Implemented in hardware, software, or combination
of both - Easier to interface with computers for control
17DDS Features
- Possible to predict the performance of the
digital components - Size
- DDS for sub Hz resolution can be implemented as a
fraction of the size of an analog synthesizer - Disadvantages
- Spurious frequency components in the output
signal - Bandwidth of the output signal
18Basic Approaches to DDS
- Pulse output DDS
- Generates square, sawtooth, and pulse waveforms
- ROM lookup table
- Standard method
- Can generate sinusoidal as well as arbitrary
19Basic Approaches to DDS
- Impulse response of a filter
- Impulse response of an IIR filter with poles on
the unit circle for sinusoidal generation - Impulse response of a FIR filter for pulse
20Approach 1 Pulse Output DDS
- One of the simplest forms of DDS
- Used to generate pulse, sawtooth, or rectangular
waveforms - Use these basic waveforms to generate sinusoidal
or other waveform
21Pulse Output DDS
- Frequency word ?r added to accumulator once every
clock period Tclk - Accumulator overflows and counter resets on the
average once every 2N/?r clock periods - Pulse carry output of the accumulator
- Rectangular waveform MSB of the accumulator
- Sawtooth output of the accumulator
22Pulse Output DDS
Carry output
Accumulator Output
Square wave output
Frequency Word Fr
N - Bit Storage Register
N - Bit Adder
Sawtooth Waveform
Pulse output
23Calculation of Output Frequency
- Accumulator overflows and counter resets on the
average once every 2N/?r clock periods. - Repetition interval is 2N/?r (1/Fclk)
- Frequency is Fclk ?r / 2N
24Calculation of Output Frequency
- Frequency resolution is the smallest possible
change of ?r, i.e., ?r 1 - Frequency resolution
- DF Fclk / 2N
- Output frequency will always be multiples of Fclk
/ 2N
25Approach 2 ROM Lookup Table
- Sine values are stored in a ROM and periodically
output through a D/A converter - Contents of N bit accumulator is incremented by
?r every clock cycle - Output of the accumulator used to increment the
address lines of the ROM
26ROM Lookup Table
- Frequency of the output waveform can be varied by
changing ?r - Output resolution can be increased by increasing
the number of bits in the accumulator - It is possible to generate arbitrary waveforms
27Disadvantages of ROM Lookup Table Approach
- Highest output frequency is a fraction of the
clock frequency - Spurious components in the output in the absence
of a very large ROM
28ROM Lookup Table
Clock Fclk
? r
W ? N
ROM Lookup Table
Phase Increment Register
Accumulator N bits
Filter/ Amplifier
Phase Increment Value
29Definitions of Variables
- Fclk Clock frequency
- Fout Output frequency
- ?F Frequency resolution
- N Number of bits in the accumulator
- W Number of bits used to address the ROM (W ?
N) - ?r Phase increment step size (number added to
the accumulator every clock cycle) - na width of the ROM (ROM has 2na quantization
30Need for Phase Truncation
Basic formulas
- Design DDS for Fout 2.5MHz, ?F 1Hz
- Fclk should be 10MHz (Fout ? Fclk/4) ?
- N log2(Fclk/DF)24
- Size of ROM 224 or 16 Mbytes (or 4Mbytes if
only 1/4 cycle stored)! - W bits, (W lt N, MSBs) are used to address the ROM
31Effect of Phase Truncation
Accumulator Size N3, ROM Size W2
32Approach 3 Impulse Response of a Filter
- IIR filter that has poles placed on the unit
circle at e?j?0
33Filter Coefficients
- Output frequency ?0
- Cosine wave h(n) cos(?0T) u(n)
- a0 1, a1 cos(?0T)
- b1 2cos(?0T), b2 -1
- Sine wave h(n) sin(?0T) u(n)
- a0 0, a1 sin(?0T)
- b_1 2cos( ?0T), b2 -1
34Effect of Coefficient Quantization
- Implemented as recursive filter on a DSP
- Accuracy of output frequency ?0 dependent on the
accuracy of filter coefficients - depends on accuracy of cos(?0T)
- difficult to implement in finite precision
35Effect of Coefficient Quantization
Direct Form Implementation (3 bits sign bit)
Z plane
0 rad.
? rad.
- Uniform quantization of filter coefficients
- Possible to obtain only certain output
frequencies (pole locations) - Pole locations more closely spaced around ?/2
radians than in the regions corresponding to 0
and ? radians
36Summary of the Approaches
37Bandpass Signal Generation
- Used to generate waveforms above Nyquist
frequency - Sampled signals replicate at multiples of the
sampling frequency (Fout ? nFs) - To obtain output frequencies beyond the Nyquist
frequency, the replicated images can be filtered
to extract the desired image
38Bandpass Signal Generation
- Digital bandpass signal can be obtained by zero
padding by N and bandpass filtering
Filter Response
39Bandpass Signal Generation
- Roll off in the amplitude of replicated images
follows the sin(x)/x function due to finite width
pulses - Spurious harmonics generated by DAC are generally
much lower in amplitude
40Disadvantages of Bandpass DDS
- Spurious components inherent in DDS signals do
not decay according to the sin(x)/x function - Due to non-linear phase truncation and timing
41Disadvantages of Bandpass DDS
- Spurious signals make it harder to separate the
desired signal at frequencies higher than the
Nyquist frequency - Higher output frequencies require higher quality
42Sources of Error in DDS Signals
- Errors are injected into the system at various
points - Causes spurious components in the output spectrum
43Effects of Phase Truncation
- Phase truncation causes phase modulation with a
periodic sawtooth waveform - Most of the time, the DDS is putting out a
frequency that is biased - On particular clock pulses, the ROM input does
not advance - ROM causes the D/A converter to deliver the same
voltage as on the previous clock cycle
44Effects of Phase Truncation
- Thus the phase is held back by 2p /2W radians
before continuing to creep forward as before
45Effects of Phase Truncation
- Extent of the spurs depend on the values of N, W,
and Dr - The first harmonic is generally the strongest
- Spurs move closer to the fundamental as W
decreases or amount of phase truncation increases - Harder to filter out the spurs close to the
46Phase Truncation Spurs
- Output can be expressed as a series of
rectangular pulses - Compute the Fourier transform of these pulses
- Can get very tedious
- We will look at some basic analysis
47Phase Truncation Spurs
?r1, N3, Y 238 W 2, B N-W 1
Output of DDS can be expressed as
48Phase Truncation Spurs
49Phase Truncation Spurs
Spurious Component
Desired Output
- Largest spurious amplitude
- Detailed calculation of spurious components
requires further analysis
50Timing Jitter
- Even in the absence of phase truncation (N W),
periodicities appear in signal depending on the
value of ?r
51Timing Jitter
N4, ?r 2
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,
Perfectly equal periods
first period
second period
Accumu-lator Values
N4, ?r 6
0, 6, 12, 2, 8, 14, 4, 10, 0, 6, 12, 2, 8, 14, 4,
10, 0,
Different period lengths
first period
second period
third period
fourth period
fifth period
52Location of Spurs
- Time period of spurious components due to
periodic jitter alone - Example N4, ?r 6, W 4, Tout 16/6Tclk
- three periods of the fundamental output needed to
return to the original state
k is any integer
gcd greatest common divisor
53Example contd.
- Will create a harmonic at 1/3 of the fundamental
- Verify from formula
- Period of spurs 24/gcd(6,16)Tclk 16/2 8Tclk
3Tout - Thus spur frequency at ?1/3 fundamental and their
harmonics exist
54Location of Spurs
- Component at 1/3 fundamental at 0.125 visible
Folded Spectrum
1/3 desired frequency
55Tertiary Periodicities
- Presence of a combination of the above three
sources of errors could cause additive
periodicities which could result in strong spurs
56Tertiary Periodicities
- In the presence of more than one independent set
of periodicities, the least common multiple (lcm)
of the independent periodicities is another spur
frequency - Spurs at a particular frequency can be more
pronounced than the others
57Tertiary Periodicities
- Spurs due to phase truncation and timing jitters
can superimpose and cause stronger spurs - Example Fclk 1, N 5, ?r 7, na 32, Fout
0.2188 - Figure(1) W 5, spur due to timing jitter alone
at k0.0312 - Figure(2), W 4, spur enhanced by phase
truncation 0.2812 90.0312
58Tertiary Periodicities
Phase truncation spur superimposed on spur due to
timing jitter
Spurs due to timing jitter
Figure (2)
Figure (1)
59Errors From D/A Converter
- Inherent non-linearities
- Difficult to manufacture high speed D/A
converters that are accurate - Difficult to predict and quantify the errors
accurately unlike the digital sections of the DDS
60Errors From D/A Converter
- Experimental findings
- as a rule of thumb, when number of D/A converter
bits (Da) is greater than seven, spurious outputs
decrease by 6dB per each additional bit used
61W/na Ratio
Sampling and quantizing a sine wave for W 3
Output of the ROM (na 3) corresponding to the 8
sampling points
62W/na Ratio
- Choosing the right W/na ratio is very important
- For W 3, only four distinct levels are present
- na 2 bits will suffice
- na W-1 or W-2 is optimum depending on whether
the entire sine wave or 1/4 of it is stored in
the ROM
- For W 11, 1024 distinct levels are present
- na has to be at least 10 bits to avoid repetition
of values - If only 1/4 of the cycle is stored, na has to be
at least 9 bits
64Techniques for Suppressing Spurs
- Use of hybrid systems (PLL filtering of
harmonics) - DDS-PLL systems
- ROM compression techniques
- Taylor series expansions
- Trigonometric expansions
- Sunderland, Hutchison etc.
65Techniques for Suppressing Spurs
- Randomization (all harmonics reduced)
- E.g, Wheatleys procedure
- PN sequence
- Generation of random sequences
66Hybrid Systems
- DDS systems make a trade off between the
bandwidth and spectral purity - If Fclk is reduced, Nyquist frequency is
reduced, hence reducing the bandwidth - Lower clock frequencies allow higher resolution
and better spectral purity for a given number of
bits in the accumulator (N) and a given ROM size
67Hybrid Systems
- ROM lookup table DDS
- High switching frequencies
- Low power consumption, small size
- Resolution can be increased by increasing N
- However, for same spectral purity, size of ROM
needs to be increased
68DDS - PLL System
- Relatively high switching time between output
frequencies - Consume more power
- Larger in size
- Very good spectral characteristics at the output
69Phase Locked Loop
- Synchronizing circuit
- Synchronize output of a system with reference
frequency - Phase error at a minimum when system is in lock
- If phase error builds up, control mechanism acts
to reduce phase error
70PLL Components
71PLL Operation
Phase Detector Model
72Phase Error
- Phase error, ?(t) ?(t) - ?(t)
- To uniquely identify the phase, output of phase
detector has to be an odd function of the phase
error - VCO output has to be in quadrature to the PLL
73Calculation of VCO Phase
If f(t) is the impulse response of the loop filter
Output frequency of VCO ? evco(t)
Kd VCO constant with units Hertz/volt
74Calculation of VCO Phase
Substituting for evco(t), we get
75Calculation of VCO Phase
Relationship between ?(t) - ?(t) does not depend
on the carrier frequency fc
76Analysis of Linear Model
- If phase error is small, a linear approximation
can be made
Taking the Laplace transform
77Analysis of Linear Model
Relating phase error to input phase
78Steady State Phase Error
- Using final value theorem for Laplace transform
- Steady state phase error
79Steady State Phase Error
Assuming phase deviation of the form
Corresponding frequency deviation in Hertz is
If R0 and ?f ? 0, frequency step is applied
80Steady State Phase Error
- First order system (F(s)1)
- For R0 and ?f ? 0
- Perfect second order system
- Imperfect second order system
81Costas Loop
Low Pass Filter
Demodulated Output
Low Pass Filter
Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Amplifier Gain µ
Loop Filter
82Costas Loop Operation
m(t)message signal
83Costas Loop Operation
e(t) Loop control signal
Assuming phase error is small
? Operation similar to basic PLL
84DDS - PLL System
- Complementary characteristics of DDS and PLLs led
to development of hybrid structures - Retain the good qualities of DDS as well as PLLs
- Filtered output of DDS is used to generate the
reference frequency for the PLL
85DDS - PLL System
Optional Divider/ Interpolator
Bandpass Filter
Reference signal
Phase Detector
Loop Filter
Amplifier Gain µ
Voltage Controlled Oscillator
86DDS - PLL System
- Optional divider may be used to divide the DDS
output to improve its noise and spurious
characteristics - Output of the PLL Fout is related to the
reference frequency Fref as Fout N Fref - Output frequency can be varied by changing Fref
of DDS
87DDS - PLL System
- Advantages
- Has very high resolution and high switching
speeds - Spectral purity of the output is largely defined
by the spectral purity of the PLL subsystem - Higher than that of the DDS sub-system
88DDS - PLL System
- Disadvantages
- More complex and bulkier than individual systems
- PLL has some finite settling time
- Spurs occur because of periodicities in the
output signal - Adding minimal noise can destroy the
periodicities - The spurs are minimized at the cost of generating
a much higher noise floor
- Optimal procedures do not increase the total
energy contained in the spurs - Wheatleys procedure
- Sub-optimal procedures can increase the total
noise energy - Using Pseudo Noise (PN) sequences to remove
- Randomization is done by changing one or more
bits of - Output of the accumulator
- Frequency setting word ( ?r)
- Output of the ROM
92Wheatleys Procedure
Random Number Generator
93Wheatleys Procedure
- Optimal Procedure
- At each overflow of the accumulator, add a random
number to accumulator and subtract previous value
of - Average of X(i) X(i 1) 0
- No net noise added
- Average output frequency does not change
- Not easy to implement in high speed logic
94Effect of Wheatleys Procedure
Basic DDS
Wheatleys Procedure
95Effect of Wheatleys Procedure
- Fclk 1, N 9, W 5, ?r 7, Fout 0.0137
- Wheatleys procedure shows a few dB improvement
- Noise floor is generated
- Better improvements can be seen on larger systems
and longer runs
96ROM Compression Techniques
- Main sources of spurs in output signal - phase
truncation - Values stored in ROM are repeated at the input to
the D/A converter - Impractical to have a very large sized ROM
97ROM Compression Techniques
- Solution Compress more information in ROM and
use that information to generate a more perfect
sine wave - Most techniques based on interpolation of the
sine wave - Simple compression approach
- Store only ¼ sine wave
98Sampling the Sine Wave
- 1/4 of the sine wave stored and replicated with
sign inversion - Sine wave has to be sampled correctly to exploit
99ROM Compression Techniques
- Taylor Series Expansion
- Use of trigonometric identities
- Hutchison Algorithm
- Sunderland Algorithm
100Taylor Series Expansion
- If ? is any angle and ?? is a small increment
then -
- If ?? is sufficiently small, the higher order
terms can be ignored - If sin(?1) and sin(?2) are stored in the ROM,
in-between values can be generated using the
Taylor series
101Taylor Series Expansion
- Series expansion can be implemented in a
dedicated DSP, FPGA, or combinatorial logic up to
desired number of terms
Using W 2 bits, N 12, and two terms of the
series expansion, results in remarkable
102Effect of Increasing the Number of Terms in the
Series Expansion
4 terms
7 terms
103Affect on the Frequency Spectrum
Desired Output
Desired Output
104Use of Trigonometric Identities
- Use trigonometric identities to interpolate
between two values of the sine function - Most of these methods work well only if the
increment from the known angle is very small - Need additional circuitry to perform interpolation
105Hutchison Algorithm
- Partition the values of the sine function (of the
first quadrant) into coarse ROM and fine ROM - Coarse ROM contains values of sine function for a
certain number of angles at a fixed step size - Fine ROM has values of sine function for angles
in between those contained in the coarse ROM
106Hutchison Algorithm
- Any angle ? can be decomposed as ? ? ab
- sin(a) is contained in the coarse ROM and sin(b)
is contained in fine ROM - sin(? ) sin(a) cos(b) cos(a) sin(b)
- Example
- Coarse ROM has sine values from 00 - 900 in steps
of 100 - Fine ROM has values from 10 - 90
- To evaluate sin(55), a 50, b 5
107Sunderland Algorithm
- Partition the values of the sine function (of the
first quadrant) into 3 sub-ROMs - Any angle ? can be decomposed as ? ? abc
- sin(? ) sin(ab)cos(c) cos(ab)sin(c )
- sin(a) cos(b) cos(a) sin(b) cos(c)
- cos(a) cos(b) - sin(a) sin(b) sin(c )
108Sunderland Algorithm
- Modification to allow two ROMS (or one ROM with
phase shift) - If b and c are sufficiently small
- sin(? ) ? sin(a) b cos(a) c cos(a) - b c
109Use of DDS in Digital Communication
- Used to generate signals for paging radios,
mobile telephones, and multi-mode radios - Spread spectrum frequency hopping systems
require fast switching with good spectral purity - Used for creating custom and arbitrary waveforms
- Essential for software radios
110Use of DDS in Digital Communication
- Digitally generated signals with the help of
multirate filters can be used to perform digital
modulation and pulse shaping
111Pulse Shaping
- Used to minimize intersymbol interference (ISI)
and bandwidth - Nyquist Criteria
- Intersymbol interference can be eliminated by
using special pulse shapes - Magnitude of the impulse response of the pulse
shaping filter should be zero at multiples of the
sampling interval - can satisfy the Nyquist criteria
112Pulse Shaping
Sampling Points
- hp(kTs) C, k 0
- 0, k ? 0
- k is an integer, Ts is the sampling interval
- hp can have any non-zero value between the
sampling intervals - Infinitely long pulse shapes can satisfy the
Nyquist criteria
4 positive pulses
113Raised Cosine Filter
- Satisfies the Nyquist criteria for eliminating
ISI commonly used in pulse shaping - Ideal raised cosine pulse
- Infinite duration in time domain
- Practical applications
114Raised Cosine Filter
- Results in side lobes in the frequency spectrum
- Interpolating at the final stage minimizes the
computation up stream in the processing.
115Raised Cosine Filter
Impulse response
116Frequency Spectrum
f? B - f0, f1 f0 - f?, r f?/f0 fo
6dB Bandwidth of the raised cosine filter B
absolute bandwidth of the filter r roll off
factor determines the width of the transition
band in the frequency spectrum r 0, pulse
becomes rectangular in the frequency domain
117Use of Random Sequences
- Dithering
- Minimizing spurious components in DDS signals
- Spread spectrum systems
- Spread data in direct sequence spread spectrum
118Use of Random Sequences
- Choose the carrier frequency for frequency
hopping spread spectrum systems - Scramble data for security and bit synchronizers
119Generation of Random Sequences
- PN sequence
- Maximal length sequence
- properties and generation
- Gold codes
- Generation and properties
120Types of Random Sequences
- An ideal binary random sequence
- Infinite sequence of independent, identically
distributed, random variables each taking on
values 0 or 1 with probability 0.5 - Pseudo-noise (PN) sequences
- Finite length sequences, which closely
approximate an ideal random sequence
121Applications of PN Sequences
- Spread Spectrum Systems
- Users share the same frequency band
- Separated from each other by using different
spreading codes - properties of the codes determine how well the
user's are separated
122Applications of PN Sequences
- Data scramblers
- At transmitter multiply the PN sequence by the
data to randomize data and help maintain
synchronization - Also used for security purposes, where the PN
code is not universally known
123Generation of PN Sequences
Binary Digital Linear Feedback Shift Register
124Generation of PN Sequences
- Different sets of h gives rise to different
connection polynomial h(D) - m degree of the polynomial
- State of the PN sequence generator is defined as
the contents of the shift register - s(n) y(n-1) y(n-2) ....... y(n-m)
125Maximal Length Sequences
- Sequences have the maximum possible period ( N
2m-1) - Shift register will generate a maximal length
sequence only if its connection polynomial h(D)
is primitive - A necessary but not sufficient condition for a
connection polynomial h(D), of degree m, to be
primitive is that it be irreducible
126Maximal Length Sequences
- A polynomial is said to be irreducible if it
cannot be factored into the product of
polynomials with binary coefficients and degrees
of at least 1 - h(D) 1 D D4 is irreducible
- h(D) 1 - D4 is reducible
127Properties of Maximal Length Sequences
- Different settings of h gives rise to different
kinds of sequences - Maximal length sequences are common
- Number of 1s in a period of the sequence is 2m-1
- Number of 0s in a period of the sequence is 2m-1-1
128Properties of Maximal Length Sequences
- In a period of the sequence, there should be
- Sequence of consecutive m 1s, and (m-1) 0s
- 2m-k-2 sequences of consecutive k 1s and 0s, for
1 ? k ? m-2 - No sequences of consecutive (m-1) 1s or
consecutive m 0s - Periodic autocorrelation function
- R(n) 1, for n 0
- R(n) 0, otherwise
129Gold Codes
pn sequence generator 1
Code 1
Code 3
pn sequence generator 2
Code 2
Gold code generator
- Constructed by forming the modulo-2 sum of two
preferred maximum sequences of equal length
130Gold Codes
- Preferred m-sequences are maximum length
sequences that have certain specific desirable
correlation properties - Though constructed from a maximal sequence code,
it is not a maximal sequence code
131Properties of Gold Codes
- A different Gold code is generated by shifting
the one of the sequence relative to the other - Gold codes allow construction of families of 2m
-1 codes from pairs of m stage shift registers
132Properties of Gold Codes
- Gold code are useful because of the large number
of codes they supply although they require only
one pair of feedback tap sets - Multiple register gold code generator can
generate - (2m - 1)r non- maximum length sequences
- r maximum length sequences
- r number of registers, m register length
133Properties of Gold Codes
- Gold codes can be chosen so that over a set of
codes available from a given generator, the
cross-correlation between the codes is uniform
and bounded - m odd maximum value of the cross correlation
function between any pair of Gold sequences is
Rmax ?(2 N) - m even Rmax ?(N)
- DDS systems rapidly gaining importance
- Digital communication and software radios
- Advantageous in terms of size, switching
frequency, resolution, stability and accuracy - Available as convenient ASICs
- Various techniques used to generate DDS signals
- ROM lookup table most commonly used
- Techniques used to minimize spurs
- Hybrid architectures, randomization, ROM
- Applications
- digital communication systems, spread spectrum
systems, digital modulation, and pulse shaping - Future Trends
- Higher clock speeds
- Lower spur levels
- Dixon, Robert C, Spread spectrum systems with
commercial applications,Third edition,Wiley
Interscience, 1994 - Gilmore Robert, Kornfeld, Hybrid PLL/DDS
frequency synthesis, Proceedings RF Technology
Expo. 90, pp. 419 - 436, January 1990 - Goldberg, Bar-Giora DDS part 1, Reviewing
various techniques for synthesiszing signals,
Microwaves and RF, pp. 181 - 185, May 1996 - Goldberg, Bar-Giora, DDS part 2, Enhancing the
performance of DDS signal sources, Microwaves
and RF, pp. 110-116, June 1996
- Goldberg, Bar-Giora, Digital techniques in
frequency synthesis, McGraw-Hill, 1996 - Henry T. Nicholas, III, Henry, Samueli, An
analysis of the output spectrum of direct digital
frequency synthesizers in the presence of
phase-accumulator truncation, 41st Annual
Frequency Control Symposium, 1987 - Tierney, Joseph., Rader, Charles M., Gold,
Bernard., A digital frequency synthesizer,
IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics,
vol. AU-19, no. 1, pp. 48 - 57, March, 1971 - Viterbi, Andrew, J., CDMA, Principles of spread
spectrum communication, Addison Wesley Longman,
Inc, Reading, MA, 1995 - Wheatley, lll, C E., Spurious suppression in
direct digital synthesizers, Proceedings 35th
Annual Frequency Control Symposium, pp. 428 -
435, May 1981