Title: Simple File IO
1Simple File I/O
Week 7
- Component objectives
- Create a Simple text File.
- Open and Close Files from a program.
- Read,Write and Manipulate Data held in a text
- File can be
- simply a text file created in Notepad
- or else they can be generated by C/C programs.
- referred to as External or Physical Files.
- When referring to Files the two operations
associated are - Outputting to a File (Writing or creating the
file) - Inputting from a file (Getting the contents of
the file)
3Outputting to a File
- The following steps are necessary to successfully
output to a file. - The file must be declared.
- The file must be opened
- The file can be written to.
- The file must always be closed.
- If a file exists with the same name that you are
outputting to then it will be overwritten.. so
4An Example of Outputting
- ofstream myoutfile //Declare
- myoutfile.open(test.dat) // Open
- myoutfile ltlt iAge //Write
- myoutfile.close() //Close
5A Full program for Outputting
- void main(void)
- ofstream outfile // Declare File
- char Filename test.dat //Variable
(Filename) to hold name of external File - char cContinue y
- char Name21 // Variable to hold an inputted
name - int iAge // Variable to hold an inputted age
- outfile.open(Filename) // Open File
- if (outfile.fail()) // Error checking routine
in case file cannot be opened. - cout ltlt Failed to open output file
- // End of error checking
- else
- while(cContinuey) // Loop while
user enters a y to continue - strcpy(Name,
) //clears the string - cout ltlt Please enter name
// prompt user to enter a name - cin.get(Name,21,\n) // Store
name in Variable Name - cin.ignore(20,\n)
- cout ltlt and an age please
// prompt user to enter an age - cin gtgt iAge // store age
entered in Variable iAge
void WriteString(ofstream outfile,char
sString,int iCount) for(int iLoop
char Again(void) char cReply int
valid0 while (!valid) cout ltlt Do you
wish to continue (y/n)? cin gtgt
cReply cin.ignore(1,/n) valid
(cReply y) (cReply n) //end
while //end of function
Rick Shaw 37 Sandy Shore 60 Morris
Minor 45
Contents of test.dat
6Input Files
- The following steps are necessary to successfully
read from a file. - The file must be declared.
- The file must be opened
- The file can be read.
- The file must always be closed.
- If the file you are trying to open does not exist
then you will get an error. - Use eof function from ltfstream.hgt to check for
en of file.
7Declaring an Input File
- ifstream myinfile //Declare
- myinfile.open(test.dat) // Open
- myinfile gtgt iAge //Read
- myinfile.close() //Close
8A Sample program for Reading
- void main(void)
- ifstream infile // Declare File
- char Filename test.dat //Variable to
hold name of external File - char Name21 // Variable to hold a read name
- int iAge // Variable to hold a read age
- infile.open(Filename) // Open File
- if (infile.fail()) // Error checking routine
in case file cannot be opened. - cout ltlt Failed to open input file
- // End of error checking
- else
- while(!(infile.eof())) // Loop until
end of file is reached - ReadString(infile,Name,21) //
read in 21 characters - infile gtgt iAge // read in
numeric value for age - ReadEoln(infile) // move to
next line - cout ltlt Details are ltlt Name
ltlt ltlt iAge ltlt endl //display details - // end of while loop
- infile.close() //close opened file
- // end of if
Void ReadEoln(ifstream infile) infile.ignore(70
,/n) //end of function Function to cope
with reading EndofLine marker
- This lecture has covered
- User-definable data types
- How to code simple structures.
- How to code nested structures.
10Appendix Slide for 2 Examples
This code needs to be added to the 2 example
programs in order that you can compile them (both
programs courtesy Helen Ashdown 1994)
- include ltiostream.hgt //Writing Data to A File
- include ltfstream.hgt
- include ltfstring.hgt
- include ltconio.hgt
- include ltiomanip.hgt
- void WriteString(ofstream outfile,char
sString,int iLen) - char Again(void)
include ltiostream.hgt // Reading Data from a
File include ltfstream.hgt include
ltfstring.hgt include ltconio.hgt void
ReadString(ifstream infile,char sString,int
iLen) void ReadEoln(ifstream infile)