Title: National Disaster Management Framework
1National Disaster Management Framework
National Consultation Workshop
09 December 2006
2Presentation Outline
- Workshop Objectives
- National Disaster Management Framework
- Disaster Risks in Pakistan
- Gaps, Challenges and Opportunities
- Vision, Mission and Scope of Framework
- Priorities for Risk Reduction and Response
- Structure for Disaster Risk Reduction and
Response - Roles and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders
- Questions and Plenary Discussion
3Workshop Objectives
- To inform stakeholders about the National DM
Framework and get their feedback for
incorporating changes into the Framework to
finalize it - To raise awareness of stakeholders about NDMC
and NDMA formation and about the passing of
National Disaster Management Ordinance - To generate support from stakeholders for the
implementation of National Framework
4Context of the National DM Framework
- The Framework has been developed in the context
of recent priorities of the Government of
Pakistan regarding enhancing disaster risk
reduction capacities by setting up institutional
arrangements and policies - It provides guidelines for the work of multiple
stakeholders over the next five years - UNDP Pakistan has provided Technical Assistance
in the drafting of the Framework
51. Disaster Risks in Pakistan
6Seismic Vulnerability
1. 1. Hazards
8Tsunami 1945
9Floods-Indus Basin
10Other hazards in Pakistan
- Transport accidents
- Nuclear accidents
- Oil spills
- Urban fires
- Civil conflicts
- Internal displacements
- CNR (chemical, Nuclear, Radiological accidents)
- Landslides
- Cyclones/storms
- Glacial lake outbursts
- River erosion
- Pest Attacks
111.2. Vulnerabilities
- Poor construction practices
- Poor human and animal health
- Poor transport communications
infrastructure - Physical isolation of settlements
- Fragile natural environment
- Poverty in hazard prone areas
121.3. Dynamic Pressures
- Population size and speed of growth
- Degradation of environment
- Urbanization and industrialization
- Climate change
131.4. Pakistan Future Disaster Trends
- More people living in and around hazard-prone
areas - New settlements would continue to spring-up in
hazard prone areas - Frequency, severity and intensity of certain
hazards is on rise - Disaster frequency and impact would be greater
than before - Previously un-exposed regions might experience
142. Challenges and Opportunities
- Risk Reduction, a relatively new concept for
policy makers and development planners in
Pakistan -
- Lack of policy, institutional and legal
arrangements to deal with issues of risk and
vulnerability - Lack of technical and operational capacities in
risk analysis and risk reduction - Lack of locally developed building codes for
- Heightened awareness of highest level
decision-makers about disaster risks and
vulnerabilities -
- Enhanced commitment of donors and UN to
strengthen institutional arrangements for DRR - Approval of DM Ordinance, and establishment of
NDMC and NDMA - Commitment of NDMA leadership to change
173. Vision, Mission, Scope and Principles
18- Vision for a safer Pakistan
- To achieve sustainable social, economic and
environmental development in Pakistan through
reducing risks and vulnerabilities, particularly
those of the poor and marginalized groups, and by
effectively responding to and recovering from all
types of disaster events.
19- Mission
- To manage complete spectrum of all types of
disasters through a paradigm shift by moving away
from response and relief oriented approaches and
by adopting a disaster risk reduction perspective
from local government level upwards.
- To manage complete spectrum of any kind of
disaster at national level -
- To provide direction and guidelines to all key
national, provincial and local stakeholders. - Address vulnerability reduction and capacity
building of key institutions and communities to
address disaster risks. - To implement disaster risk reduction policies
21Guiding Principles
- Focus upon most vulnerable social groups and
promote sustainable livelihood practices - Promote community and local level preparedness
- Follow multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral
approaches - Integrate a risk-lens into development policy,
planning and implementation - Develop cultural, social, economical and
environmental relevant technologies -
- Establish and strengthen multi-sectoral
224. Institutional Structure for Disaster Risk
23National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC)
- Membership
- Prime Minister
- Opposition Leader in Senate and Assembly
- Ministers for Defense, health, Foreign Affairs,
Social - Welfare and Special Education,
Communications, Finance, - Interior
- Provincial Chief Ministers
- Prime Minister AJ K
- Governor NWFP (for FATA)
- Chief Executive Northern Areas
- Chairman JCSC
- Civil Society representatives
- Any others opted by the Chairman
24National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC)
- Functions
- Lay down policies
- Approve the National DM Framework and Plan
- Approve plans prepared by ministries, divisions
- and provincial DM authorities
- Ensure all ministries, division/authorities
strictly - follow the framework
- Ensure integrated national response in case of a
- calamity
25National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
- Act as secretariat to the NDMC
- Manage complete spectrum of DRM
- Develop national framework for disaster
management - Ensure implementation of national disaster
management - framework
- Map all hazards in the country and vulnerability
analysis on - a regular basis
- Organize training and awareness raising
26National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
- Serve as the lead agency for GoP in
international - cooperation
- Serve as the lead agency to coordinate with
civil society - Create the requisite environment in which media
will participate - in disaster risk management activities
- Perform any other function as may be required by
the National - Disaster Management Commission
27Provincial Disaster Management Commission (PDMC)
- Membership
- Chief Minister
- Leader of opposition
- A nominee of leader of opposition
- Others appointed by CM, may include following
- line ministry reps
- Civil defense, police, fire services,
university faculty - Research institutions, commerce reps , industry
and insurance reps.
28Provincial Disaster Management Commission (PDMC)
- Functions
- Lay down policies
- Develop plans
- Approve ministerial/departmental plans
- Review implementation of plans
29Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA)
- Manage complete spectrum of disasters in the
- province
- Coordinate and monitor implementation of DRR plan
- Monitor hazards, vulnerabilities, risk situation
- Develop strategies for risk reduction
- Lay down guidelines on DRR plans for
stakeholders - Evaluate preparedness levels of provincial
government at all - levels
30District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA)
- Composition
- Nazim
- District Coordination Officer
- District Police Officer
- Executive District Officer Health
- Others may include EDO education, Agriculture,
fire - services, reps. Of civil society, NGOs
31District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA)
- Functions
- Formulate district/municipal disaster risk
reduction and preparedness plans and ensure
implementation - Continuously monitor hazards, risks, disaster
threats and the conditions of vulnerabilities
within the district or municipality - Conduct education, training and public awareness
programmes - Set up and maintain district level early warning
and communication systems - In the event of a disaster take operational
control of the situation to deliver support
promptly to affected communities - Review development plans of government
departments and provide guidance on mainstreaming
disaster risk reduction measures.
325. Roles and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders
- Institutions covered
- - All federal and provincial ministries
- Technical departments
- Research institutions
- Media, Banks, Private sector
- UN agencies
- Civil Society Organizations
335. Roles and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders
- Responsibilities
- Conduct assessment of disaster risks related to
the - sector/ministry/department
- Develop technical and physical capacities of the
- department, ministry/section on DRR and
preparedness - (human and equipment)
- Integrate risk reduction into planning and
implementation - of sectoral programmes
- Prepare a disaster risk reduction/response plan
for the - sector/ministry/department
345. Roles and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders
- Responsibilities
- Conduct post disaster assessments of the damage
and - losses to the sector
- Organize emergency response as per the mandate
of the - department
- Organize recovery and rehabilitation as per the
- mandate
356. NDMA Priorities for Risk Reduction and Response
- 6.1. Establishment and Strengthening of NDMA
- Development of rules, regulations and SOPs
- Hiring of personnel and equipment
- Training
- Information management system for the NDMA
- Nomination of ministerial/departmental focal
points - 6.2. Provincial and District Authorities
Development - Support to establishing Provincial Disaster
- Management Commissions and Authorities
- Establishing District Disaster Management
Authorities in - 20 high risk districts/cities
- Technical and Coordination Committees on Early
- Warning Systems
- 6.3. Hazard and vulnerability assessment
- - Vulnerability Atlas of Pakistan
- - Disaster Inventory of 60 years
- 6.4. Training, education and awareness raising
- Curriculum for civil servants, armed forces
- - Provincial Media Orientation workshops (20
events) - - Stakeholder Orientation on Early Warning and
their - roles
- - Awareness materials for policy/decision
- 6.5. Promoting DRR and preparedness planning
- - National Emergency Response Plan
- Planning by Provincial (4) Regional (3) DM
- authorities
- District and municipal plans for 20 high risk
districts - 6.6.DRR programming in 20 high risk
districts/cities - Strengthen local institutions
- - Training awareness raising of communities
and - local stakeholders
- - Small scale mitigation (vulnerability
reduction) - schemes (infrastructure)
- - School preparedness programmes
- 6.7. Emergency response System
- National, Provincial Emergency Operations
Centers - (equipment)
- Emergency Operation Centers in 20 high risk
districts - (equipment)
- Four Search and Rescue Teams (equipment)
- Mobile Disaster Management Teams
- Specific equipment and capacities to manage
chemical - industrial disasters
- Fire Services in Major cities (Karachi, Lahore,
Gujranwala, - Sialkot, Quetta, Peshawar)
- Ambulance services for Baluchistan and NWFP
- 6.8. Mainstreaming DRR into development
- Guidelines on mainstreaming
- Orientation of selected line ministries on
mainstreaming - DRR
- Case studies on previous experience of line
ministries / - departments
- 6.1. Multi-hazard early warning system
- - Cyclone Forecasting and Warning
- - NWFP Flood Forecasting system
- - Fire monitoring capacity building
- 6.2. DRR and preparedness planning
- Plans of federal and provincial ministries
- Plans by other departments and private sector
- Plans for all hazard prone districts
- 6.3. Education and Training
- Training for municipal and district authorities
in other - districts
- Integrating DRR curriculum in educational
syllabus of - universities and colleges
- 6.4. Mainstreaming DRR into development
- Implementation of mainstreaming initiatives
- 6.5. Emergency response capacity
- Establishment of database on resources for
disaster response - National Disaster Management Revolving Fund
- Emergency Operations Centers in other districts
- Helicopters for emergency response
- 6.6. Post disaster recovery capacity
- Recovery needs assessment system and methodology
- Capacity analysis of various agencies
- Documentation on lessons learnt from earthquake
recovery - Training curriculum for recovery programme
44Cost Estimates
- Cost estimates for immediate priorities - US
25 M - Cost estimate for medium term priorities - US
20 M
45Recommendations to donors and UN agencies
- To provide technical and financial support for
the implementation of Framework in a coordinated
manner as per national priorities -
- To encourage their development partners in the
country to integrate DRR considerations into all
development planning and programming