Title: PrePharmacy Society Fifth General Body Meeting
1- Pre-Pharmacy Society Fifth General Body Meeting
- November 24, 2008
- umdprepharm_at_gmail.com
- Welcome! Dont forget to sign in!
- Prior Authorization
- Upcoming Last Meeting of Semester
- Active Membership
- T-shirt Distribution
- Personal Statement Workshop
3Prior Authorization
- Prior authorization (PA) means that you need to
obtain approval from your health plan to receive
a medication before your prescription is covered
under your benefit. - Reasons you may be required to get PA include
- Medication prescribed
- Age of the patient
- Illness the medication is treating / Frequency of
use - Mostly, it ensures that the right drug is being
used for the condition, based on a combination of
safety, cost and effectiveness in certain
Information pulled from drugtopics.modernmedicine
4The Process
- Call the insurance company
- Call the doctor to call the insurance company
- Wait for the doctor to call the insurance company
- Meanwhile, the patient calls you every hour to
check on the progress. - Doctor/Insurance Company may or may not call you
back - Meanwhile, the patient is still calling you every
5The Issue
- According to a consensus of pharmacists,
securing prior authorization (PA) - Time-consuming / frustrating for professionals
- Irritateseven endangerspatients
- Cancer Patient Example
- According to a consensus of doctors, securing
prior authorization (PA) - Safety in long-term use (prevent adverse
reaction) - Certain drugs have a high risk of misuse or of
being prescribed inappropriately - Lower-cost brand or generic alternative
6Necessity or a Nuisance?
7 Last Meeting
- Dec 8 Interview Essay/Interview Workshop
- Next Semester
- Resumé Workshop
- Pharmacy Tech Information Session
- Guest Speaker Rite Aid Pharmacists
- UMB Student Panel QA
- UMB Faculty Panel
8 T-Shirts Are Here!
- Come meet Lena, Tina, and Brandon after the
meeting - Not too late to order! 12 Smalls, 3 Mediums, 2
Larges Left! First Come First Serve! Only 10!
Designed by Tina Nguyen
- Make sure you are on the Pre-Pharmacy Society
list-serve - Email umdprepharm_at_gmail.com to be added
- Join Pre-Pharmacy Societys Facebook group to
receive updates about meetings/events - Visit our website http//studentorg.umd.edu/prepha
rm - All past presentations have been posted and
todays presentation will be posted either
tonight or tomorrow - All newsletters will now be posted on our website
10- http//studentorg.umd.edu/prepharm/meetingppts.htm
11 Active Membership Requirement
- 3 Meetings and 3 hours of community service per
semester - Attending more meetings and events are HIGHLY
- December 12, 2008 will be the last day to
register for the January 24, 2009 PCAT - Remember to register before 859 pm!
- Register early to get your preferred testing
13 Personal Statement Workshop
- Step-By-Step Tips
- What is the Question?
- How should you answer it?
- Topic Ideas
- Things to Avoid
- What they look for
- Tips
- Examples
14 Step-By-Step Tips to Write a Good Personal
- Plan and organize
- Figure out the general theme
- Structure
- Begin writing
- Revise and rewrite
15 What is the Question?
- PharmCAS
- Your Personal Essay should address why you
selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor
of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and
long-term professional goals. Describe how your
personal, educational, and professional
background will help you achieve your goals.
16 What is the Question?
- PharmCAS
- Your Personal Essay should address why you
selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor
of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and
long-term professional goals. Describe how your
personal, educational, and professional
background will help you achieve your goals.
17 What is the Question?
- PharmCAS
- Your Personal Essay should address why you
selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor
of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and
long-term professional goals. Describe how your
personal, educational, and professional
background will help you achieve your goals.
18 What is the Question?
- PharmCAS
- Your Personal Essay should address why you
selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor
of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and
long-term professional goals. Describe how your
personal, educational, and professional
background will help you achieve your goals.
19 How should you answer it?/Topic Ideas
- The Chronological Method
- Talk about your accomplishments
- List your skills and personality traits
- Note major influences
- Goals What are your goals and why?
- Any other motivations A type of lifestyle that
you want.
20 How should you answer it?
- Determine your purpose in writing the statement
- Persuade the admissions committee that you are an
applicant who should be chosen. - Determine the content
- Analyze the question completely
- Answer ALL of the question
- Admissions Committee knows nothing about you
unless you tell them.
21 How should you write it?
- Direct
- Simply answer the question
- E.g. I want to be a Pharmacist because
- E.g. My long term goal with the Doctor of
Pharmacy Degree is - Indirect
- Tell a story
22 How should you write it?
- Introduction
- Attention Getter
- Detailed Supporting Paragraphs
- Answer the questions
- Conclusion
23 Other Things to Keep in Mind
- 4500 characters (NOT words!)
- Around 1.5 page single-spaced
- Tips
- Write your essay in Word first
24What to Avoid?
- Assuming the reader is familiar with the rest of
your application. - Do not begin too many sentences with I
- Cliches
- Going off topic
- More than one topic per paragraph
- Contractions
- Grammatical and spelling errors
- Negativity of any sort
25What to Avoid?
- Obvious exaggerations.
- Parentheses
- Repeating phrases
- Slang
- Wishy-washy phrases
26 What do they look for?
- Motivation
- Originality
- Clear intellectual ability, analytical, and
critical thinking skills - Evidence that you will make a good pharmacy
student - Evidence that you will make a good pharmacist
27 What do they look for?
- Treating Patients
- Compassion/Empathy/Sensitivity
- Integrity
- Communication Skills
- Solving Problems
- Creativity
- Initiative
- Independence
- Curiosity
- Critical Thinking Skills
28 What do they look for?
- Extras
- Sincerity
- Maturity
- Passion/Dedication
- Be positive!
- Be humble!
- Be enthusiastic!
- Start with an attention getter
- Show your personality
- Do not write what you think they want to hear.
- Ask people to look at your essay!
- Answer ALL of the question!
30 Tips from Deanna
- PLEASE PLEASE read the prompt carefully.
- Worry about word count and formatting LAST.
- Ask yourself
- Have you answered the prompt?
- Did you answer in every paragraph, WHY you want
to become a pharmacist, or answer what your
short/long term goals are? - Did you remove all paragraphs and/or sentences
that talk about your characteristics, your skills
that makes you a good pharmacist? (yes, they are
good to have, but that doesn't help answer your
prompt!!) - Did you remove all the paragraphs and/or
sentences about your weaknesses, your
semester/class that were especially poor? (they
are important too, but not for this prompt!)
31Good Example of Attention Getter
Slip. Peck. A second later I had a four
millimeter wide hole on the corner of my mouth.
At the age of three, I had my first traumatic
experience I was bit by a chicken. I wont go
into the embarrassing details of how it happened
but what resulted was an endless number of visits
to the hospital. I received round after round of
antibiotics and was injected with who knows what.
Being the dramatic pre-kindergartener I was, I
thought I was on the verge of death and was
precociously skeptical of the bitter candies the
nurses were feeding me. How were these small
pills going to help me get better, I wondered,
but since no one really cared about the questions
a little girl had asked, over time I forgot about
the inquiries myself. Little did I know, this
curiosity would be my first step into the world
of pharmacy.
32Good Example of Attention Getter (Dental)
Shake vigorously and pour over ice. Bring to a
boil and add two pinches of salt. Is Windows not
starting up? Not a problem, just reformat.
Bartending, cooking and computer maintenance are
activities that are not usually seen as being
related to one another. Despite their
differences, these are hobbies that I thoroughly
enjoy. Over time, I began to notice that these
activities accentuated certain skills that I
possessed, especially manual dexterity. Though I
had little career direction upon entering
college, deeper consideration while volunteering
in India, followed by an internship as a dental
student, enabled me to find my own social
conscience and the passion and confidence to
pursue a career in dentistry
33 Resources
- http//www.english.umd.edu/index.php?optioncom_co
ntenttaskblogcategoryid146Itemid455 - http//www.amsa.org/premed/premedguide/pstatement.