Title: Mankiw 5e Chapter 3: National Income
1CHAPTER THREE National IncomeWhere it Comes
From and Where it Goes
2A Model for National Income
- How national income is determined
- How the prices of the factors of production are
determined - How national income is distributed
- How equilibrium in the goods market is achieved
- This chapter will propose a simple model to
address these issues
3Outline of model
- A closed economy, market-clearing model
- Supply side
- factor markets (supply, demand, price)
- determination of output/income
- Demand side
- determinants of C, I, and G
- Equilibrium
- goods market
- Financial market (loanable funds market)
4The Circular Flow
Factor payments
Market for factors of production
Private Saving
Financial Markets
Public Saving
Government Purchases
Firm Revenue
Market for goods and services
5Factors Production
- Assume that there are only two inputs in this
economy capital (K) and labor (L) - For now, assume full employment and that these
inputs are in fixed supply
6Factors of production
- K capital, tools, machines, and structures
used in production - L labor, the physical and mental efforts of
7The production function
- denoted Y F (K, L)
- shows how much output (Y ) the economy can
produce fromK units of capital and L units of
labor. - reflects the economys level of technology.
- exhibits constant returns to scale.
8Returns to scale a review
- Initially Y1 F (K1 , L1 )
- Scale all inputs by the same factor z
- K2 zK1 and L2 zL1
- (If z 1.25, then all inputs are increased by
25) - What happens to output, Y2 F (K2 , L2 ) ?
- If constant returns to scale, Y2 zY1
- If increasing returns to scale, Y2 gt zY1
- If decreasing returns to scale, Y2 lt zY1
9Assumptions of the model
- Technology is fixed.
- The economys supplies of capital and labor are
fixed at
10Determining GDP
- Output is determined by the fixed factor supplies
and the fixed state of technology
11Marginal product of labor
- Decreasing marginal products
- Marginal product of labor
- I.e., extra amount of output from one extra unit
of labor, holding the amount of capital fixed
12Marginal product of labor
- MPL is the slope of this curve
- MPL is decreasing in L
High MPL
13Marginal product of capital
- Similarly
- Marginal product of capital
- I.e., extra amount of output from one extra unit
of capital, holding the amount of labor fixed
14Marginal product of capital
- MPK is the slope of this curve
- MPK is decreasing in K
High MPK
15Cobb-Douglas Production Function
- A overall level of efficiency
- (relative importance of capital)
- Constant Returns to Scale
16Cobb-Douglas Production Function
- Diminishing marginal products
- (decreasing in L)
- (decreasing in K)
17Distribution of Income
- What determines capital and labor income?
- Neoclassical theory of distribution factor
prices are determined such that factor demand
equals factor supply
18Factor Demand
- We suppose that a typical firm in this economy is
competitive, i.e., takes factor prices and output
prices as given - Given prices, firms choose capital and labor
inputs such that their profit is maximized
- W nominal wage
- R nominal rental rate
- P price of output
- W /P real wage (measured in units of
output) - R /P real rental rate
20Factor Demand
- Firm revenues PY PF(K,L)
- Firm costs labor costs capital costs
- w L R K
- w wage rate R rental rate of capital
- Profits Revenues Costs
21Factor Demand
- Firms choose amounts of capital and labor such
that profits are maximized, taking prices as
22Factor Demand
23Factor Demand
- P x MPL revenue from an extra worker
- w cost of extra worker
- Firm hires labor until additional revenue equals
additional cost. Similarly for capital.
24Factor Demand
- Rewriting
- Labor Demand
- (marginal product of labor real wage)
- Demand for Capital
- (marginal product of capital real rental rate)
25Demand for labor
- Basic ideaA firm hires each unit of labor if
the cost does not exceed the benefit. - cost real wage
- benefit marginal product of labor
26Labor Market Equilibrium
Labor supply
Equilibrium Real wage
Labor demand MPL w/P
27Labor Market Equilibrium
- An increase in the number of workers
28Labor Market Equilibrium
- An improvement in technology (which makes all
factors equally more productive)
29Determining the rental rate
- We have just seen that MPL W/P
- The same logic shows that MPK R/P
- diminishing returns to capital MPK ? as K ?
- The MPK curve is the firms demand curve for
renting capital. - Firms maximize profits by choosing K such that
30Division of Income
- Dollar value of output (P x Y) is divided between
labor payments (w x L), capital payments (R x K)
and profits (?) - If technology is constant returns to scale,
profits are zero -
31Division of Income
- Or
- Output is divided between payments to capital and
payments to labor, depending on their marginal
32Division of Income
- Cobb-Douglas case
- Capital Share
- Labor Share
- In the Cobb-Douglas case, output is split between
capital and labor, and the shares are constant. -
33Division of Income
- Indeed, labor share is roughly constant around
70 for the U.S. (see figure 3-5, p.57) - Because of this, the Cobb-Douglas production
function is often used by macroeconomists (with
parameter ? .3 or 1/3)
34Expenditure Side Demand for goods services
- Components of aggregate demand
- C consumer demand for g s
- I demand for investment goods
- G government demand for g s
- (closed economy no NX )
35Consumption, C
- def disposable income is total income minus
total taxes Y T - Consumption function C C (Y T )
- Shows that ?(Y T ) ? ?C
- def The marginal propensity to consume is the
increase in C caused by a one-unit increase in
disposable income.
36The consumption function
- We assume that investment is a decreasing
function of the real interest rate (r).
Investment function -
- r real interest rate cost of borrowing money
- High interest rate ? fewer profitable investment
projects ? lower investment
38The investment function
39Government spending, G
- G includes government spending on goods and
services. - G excludes transfer payments
- Assume government spending and total taxes are
40The market for goods services
- The real interest rate adjusts to equate demand
with supply.
41Equilibrium in Financial Markets (loanable fund
- Rewrite the above problem as an equilibrium in
financial markets, i.e., supply and demand for
funds -
- National saving
42Equilibrium in Financial Markets
- Substituting expressions for C, I, G and T
- In equilibrium
- supply of funds demand for funds
43Equilibrium in Financial Markets
- The equilibrium interest rate is such that the
market for funds clears
Equilibrium Interest rate
I, S
44Fiscal Policy I An increase in G
- ? higher G implies lower S
I, S
45Fiscal Policy I An increase in G
- Interest rate increases to restore equilibrium
between savings and investment - Government expenditures crowd out investment ?
investment falls by the exact amount as the
increase in G - There is no change in income (GDP)
46(No Transcript)
47Fiscal Policy II A tax cut
- A fall in T leads to an increase in consumption
(given that disposable income is higher) ? total
saving falls - As in the previous case, interest rate increases
? investment falls by the same amount as the
increase in consumption
48The U.S. Federal Government Budget
49The U.S. Federal Government Debt
Fun fact In the early 1990s, nearly 18 cents of
every tax dollar went to pay interest on the
debt. (Today its about 9 cents.)
50Increase in the Demand for Investment
I, S
51The special role of r
- r adjusts to equilibrate the goods market and
the financial market simultaneously - If financial market in equilibrium, then
- Y C G I
- Add (C G ) to both sides to get
- Y C I G (goods market eqm)
- Thus,
52Saving and the interest rate
- Why might saving depend on r ?
- How would the results of an increase in
investment demand be different? - Would r rise as much?
- Would the equilibrium value of I change?
53An increase in investment demand when saving
depends on the interest rate