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1Nayarit Huichol power point presentation
2(No Transcript)
3Much of this story takes place in Tepic,
Mexico. Tepic is located in the state of
4The state of Nayarit is on the Pacific coast of
5Tepic, the capital city of Nayarit is 30 miles
inland from the Pacific.
6The city of Tepic
7Tepic got its name from the indigenous name
Tepique which means place between the hills.
It is located at the foot of the extinct volcano
8This area of Mexico is the home of the Huichol
and Cora indians.
9The Huichol are the largest group of indigenous
people living in this area.
10The Huichols
- History The Huichols are descendents of the
Aztecs and are related to the Hopi Indians of
Arizona . - Language Uto-Aztecan, Spanish
- Daily Life Today the Huichols are
representatives of their remote past. Of utmost
importance to the Huichol is the sacred Peyote.
Peyote looks like a cactus and grows wild in the
desert. It has been used for medicinal purposes
as well as for spiritual visions and experiences
for thousands of years. They practice agriculture
and daily attempt to salvage every aspect of
their unique culture as they can.
11They grow corn and raise cattle.
12The Huichol produce beautiful art
13They use colorful yarn...
14And handmade Chaquira BEADS