Title: GP Clinics a new paradigm in managing chronic disease
1GP Clinics a new paradigm in managing chronic
- Terry Rose
- www.opsun.com.au
- trose_at_opsun.com.au
2Who are we?
- Aberfoyle Park Medical Centre
- Southern Suburbs of Adelaide, S.A.
- 3500 patients (WPE Medicare stats)
- 5 doctors (3 FTE)
3GP clinics defined
- A clinic is a group of patients with a common
diagnosis or problem - E.g. cholesterol over 8, gout, eGFR under 60
- 1 - Creating GP clinics - What surprises lurk
within our medical records? - 2 Using GP clinics - Can we use them to improve
patient management? - 3 Engaging patients in the management of their
medical conditions - 4 Comments on data extraction
5Creating GP clinics
Open source shareware - download from
6Notes on searching the database
- The examples are from MD2
- MD3 and Best Practice are essentially the same
database - For this presentation patient names are
7Search the Measures table
8GP clinic - last cholesterol gt8
9GP clinic - last cholesterol gt7
10Creating GP clinics
31 August 2007 Warning on gout link to heart
disease MEN with gout have a greatly elevated
risk of death from cardiovascular disease,
researchers have found, leading to calls for more
aggressive management of risk factors in these
11Search the Past History table
12GP clinic -gout
13Creating GP clinics
1 in 7 adults have some sign of CKD Symptoms of
CKD may not appear until kidney function is
severely and irreversibly impaired.
14GP clinic -CKD
15GP clinic -Renal Failure
16Try again
17Calculate eGFR from creatinine, age and sex
eGFR 186 (Serum Creatinine 88.4)-1.154
18Search database for eGFR lt 60
19For eGFR lt 60 exclude old results
20Interpret data carefully
- July 2006
150 patients with coded diabetes - Dec 2006
80 patients with coded diabetes - Crude data extraction is fraught with substantial
21Using GP clinics
22Latest measures for the identified group
23Engaging patients
- By active feedback
- By targeted recalls
24Serial results for Mr R.E.
25Mr. R. E.These measures are used to help you
better manage your diabetes. Wednesday, 17
January 2007
26Return rates on mail-outs
- Diabetes clinic mail out inviting patients to
attend a clinic 5 return rate - Free 45 to 49 health checks (717) 10 return
rate - Latest targeted mail out over 50 return rate
27How do we do a mail-out?
- Choose our target group - e.g. last HbA1c over 6
months ago, or HbA1c over 10 - Enclose latest results with targets and reasons
for targets - Enclose path request form - Hba1c, cholesterol,
microalbumin etc - A letter specifically asking patients to get the
test done and see us a week after - Personally signed by the doctor
28Choose according to latest results.This patient
has a HbA1c of 14.8, BP 180/80 and cholesterol of
29Create the target group
30Check last date doctor seen
31Last date doctor seen
32This is our mail-out
33Comment on data extraction
- Crude data extraction is fraught with
systematic errors such as - In July 2006 - 150 people with diabetes
- In Dec 2006 80 people with diabetes
- The denominator problem
34HbA1c June 2006 to May 2007
35IHD BP June 2006 to May 2007
36Some parameters - average changes
37Take home pointWe are making a difference
- We can manage chronic diseases more pro-actively
by using the GP clinics concept - We can benefit from software that embraces the
concept of managing clinics of patients - We can provide serial results printouts to engage
our patients in owning their management
- Recalling targeted patients works
- For data extraction to be valid, patients will
need to identify with a single Practice
40Thank you