Title: The Awe photometric pipeline
1The Awe photometric pipeline
2Photometric pipeline class model
3Photometric pipeline equation to solve
4Photometric pipeline source catalogs
PhotSrcCatalog association between standard
star catalog and
Sextractor catalog
photsrccat.refcat PhotRefCatalog() photsrccat.fr
ame ScienceFrame() photsrccat.transform
PhotTransformation() photsrccat.make()
rawzero photsrccat.photsourcelist3.get_raw_zer
opoint() rawzero_list photsrccat.get_list_of
5Photometric pipeline color terms
Color terms are dealt with in photsrccatalog.make(
photsrccatalog.transform PhotTransformation()
? the mag_id is the primary key through which the
system identifies the photometric band
Examples JohnsonV, CousinsR, SloanU, SloanG
6Photometric pipeline extinction
Atmospheric extinction is treated as a pluggable
algorithm ? three different algorithms
implemented at present
atmospheric_extinction AtmosphericExtinctionFram
es() atmospheric_extinction.polar
photsrccat_list_1 atmospheric_extinction.equat
photsrccat_list_2 atmospheric_extinction.extcurve
PhotExtinctionCurve() atmospheric_extinction.mak
? system easily extended with new ways to derive
the atmospheric extinction
7Photometric pipeline zeropoints
The zeropoints are derived by and contained
within a PhotometricParameters object.
photsrccatalog photometricparameters.extinct
atmospheric_extinction photometricparameters.make(
? a PhotometricParameters object represents the
Calfile that is used in the image pipeline
8Photometric pipeline illumination correction
- software has to be implemented
- current scheme is to apply the correction on
frame level in the image pipeline - the input frames for the photometric pipeline
are, therefore, already corrected for this effect
9Photometric pipeline a general recipe
photsrccatalog.refcat PhotRefCatalog() photsrcca
talog.frame ScienceFrame() photsrccatalog.transf
orm PhotTransformation()
atmospheric_extinction BaseAtmosphericExtinction
() atmospheric_extinction.make()
atmospheric_extinction photometricparameters.photc
at photsrccatalog photometricparameters.make()
10Photometric pipeline a use case (1)
Available resources for (rough) photometric
during the night, for every filter only ONE
observation was made of a standard field
standard stars are present on only ONE of the
chips of the N-chip camera
a standard extinction curve has to be used
no illumination correction is known, nor can it
be derived
Conclusion the prospects are bleak
11Photometric pipeline a use case (2)
the_photsrccatalog.refcat PhotRefCatalog() the_p
hotsrccatalog.frame ScienceFrame() the_photsrcca
talog.transform PhotTransformation() the_photsrc
photsrccatalog.frame ScienceFrame() photsrccatal
12Photometric pipeline a use case (3)
atmos_extinction AtmosphericExtinctionCurve() at
mos_extinction.filter scienceframe.filter atmos_
extinction.extcurve PhotExtinctionCurve() atmos_
extinction.report PhotometricExtinctionReport()
? Note the dependency on a Filter object ? Note
the dependency on a PhotometricExtinctionReport
13Photometric pipeline a use case (4)
the_photometricparameters PhotometricParameters(
) the_photometricparameters.photcat
the_photsrccatalog the_photometricparameters.extin
ct atmos_extinction the_photometricparameters.ma
photsrccatalog photometricparameters.extinct
atmos_extinction photometricparameters.set_zeropoi
nt(zp, zp_err)
14Photometric pipeline resources
- /cvsroot/catalog/
- /cvsroot/opipe/Toolbox/photometry
- /cvsroot/opipe/docs
- /cvsroot/opipe/astro/main
- Yours truly (ronald_at_astro.rug.nl)