Title: Consecration Sunday
1- In the last two weeks weve asked you to
- Review what you have given
- Reflect on how God has blessed you
Stewardship Education, Christian Stewardship
2Today we invite you to do the third R
Re-commit. Its about your estimate of your
giving for your church next year!
3Re-committing requires the right attitude!
James 4 13-15 says
13 Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we
will go to this or that city, spend a year there,
carry on business and make money."
4Re-committing requires the right attitude!
14 Why, you do not even know what will happen
tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that
appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15
Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's
will, we will live and do this or that."
5The attitude of a Steward!
- Understanding that all we have is entrusted to
us by the Lord. We are His stewards!
6The attitude of a Prayerful Steward!
- It is why we were asked to take the time to
review and reflect so that we may prayerfully
seek what Gods will is for us (as James teaches)
in our giving for the coming year.
7The attitude of a Humble Prayerful Steward!
- In making our re-commitment or commitment (for
the first time), we take the posture of a humble
child -
8The attitude of a Humble Prayerful Steward!
- offering our loaves and fishes what we have
and may expect from the Lord - trusting him fully
for His blessing.
It is by Gods grace that I may give!
9Review Reflect?Re-commit
Estimated Giving
Each man should give what he has decided in his
heart to give, not reluctantly or under
compulsion, for God loves a cheerful
giver. 2Cor. 97
10Next Sunday Consecration Sunday
Were asking you to do one more
R wRite-it-down! Why it encourages us to act
on our decision and allows us to present our
decisions to the Lord in a special offering of
Estimated Giving
11(No Transcript)