Title: Using Bayesian Networks to Analyze Expression Data
1Using Bayesian Networks to Analyze Expression Data
Nir Friedman, Michal Linial, Iftach Nachman
Dana Peer
Dept. Electrical Engineering Computer
Science University of Kansas
2Bayesian Networks
- Representation of a joint probability
distribution - A directed acyclic graph - Random variables-
Conditional distribution - Conditional independence assumption- Each
variable is independent of its none-descendants
3Conditional independence assumption
- Any joint distribution can be decomposed into
product form
4Bayesian Networks
Conditional independence
I(A E), I(B D A, E), I(C A, D, E B) I(D
B, C, E A), I(E A, D)
P(A,B,C,D,E) P(A)P(BA,E) P(CB) P(DA) P(E)
5Specifying conditional distribution
parents of a variable of
- Discrete variables- Using table that specifies
the probability of values - - For binary variable, the table specifies
distribution - Continuous variables- Using linear Gaussian
6Equivalence Classes of Bayesian Networks
- Ind(G) the set of independence statements- if
more than one graph exactly same sat of
independencieswhereHow can be distinguish
between equivalent graph?
- Two directed acyclic graphs are equivalent if
only if they have the same underlying undirected
graph and the same v-structure (Pearl Verma
1991).- converging directed edges into the same
7Learning Bayesian Networks
- Training set - finding a network which
best matches D - Score function- evaluating the posterior
probability of a graph given the data
- Marginal likelihood
8Property of priors
- Structure equivalent if graph G and G are
equivalent graphs then they are guaranteed to
have the same posterior score. - Decomposable the contribution of variable
to the total network score depends only on its
own value and the values of its parents in G - Local contributions for each variable can be
computed using a closed form equation.
9Learning Causal Patterns
- Bayesian network model of dependencies between
multiple measurements. - A causal network having stricter interpretation
of the meaning of edges (i.e., the parents of a
variable are its immediate causes.)
10Using Bayesian Networks to Analyze Expression
Data (Nir Friedman et. al.)
- Goal- Building Bayesian networks which can be
applied to model interactions among genes - - Examine 1. Markov relation 2. Order
11Estimating Statistical Confidence in Features
sampling N instances from D with replacement
Apply the learning procedure on to induce a
network structure
for each feature , calculating
12Sparse Candidate algorithm
Choosing most promising candidate parents for
Searching a high network in which
End if
Until is no changeable
13- Measuring the relevance of potential parent
to .
14Application to Cell Cycle Expression Patterns
- Data set S. cerevisiae ORFs- 76 gene expression
measurements of the mRNA levels of 6177. - Sparse candidate algorithm with 200-fold
bootstrap - Experiment- the discrete multinomial
distribution- linear Gaussian distribution
15Markov features
Local map for the gene SVS1
16(No Transcript)
18Linear Gaussian
- Friedman, N., Linial, M., Nachman, I., Peer,
D. Using bayesian networks to analyze expression