Title: 10th PHOENICS User Conference Melbourne, Australia
110th PHOENICS User ConferenceMelbourne, Australia
- A CFD presentation by
- Dr. Paddy Phelps ( Flowsolve Ltd
- Mr. John Gibson Scott Wilson Ltd
May 2004
2Predicting the Dispersion Consequences of Gaseous
Releases from a University Research Facility in
an Urban Environment
- A CFD presentation
- on behalf of the authors by
- Dr. John Ludwig
- ( CHAM Ltd )
3Outline of Presentation
- Industrial Context
- Objectives of Study
- Benefits of using CFD
- Description of CFD Model
- Outline of simulations performed
- Sample Results Obtained
- Conclusions
4Consequences of release dispersion from an
urban university research facility
- Industrial Context
- Objectives of Study
- Benefits of using CFD
- Description of CFD Model
- Outline of simulations performed
- Sample Results Obtained
- Conclusions
5Industrial Context
- The research facility is housed in a
pre-existing building on the campus of a
city-based UK University. - The site is a built-up area with private and
college accommodation, shops, hospital and
university buildings in the immediate vicinity.
6Industrial Context
- The building contains research laboratories,
from which air and fume-cupboard extracts need to
be vented thoughtfully and considerately to
atmosphere . - Whilst not necessarily toxic, the releases can
occasionally be tainted by unpleasant aromas ...
7Industrial Context
- The building, at present a two-storey building
with roof-top plant room, is to be refurbished. - A third storey and a new plant room are to be
added. - Gaseous discharges from the labs will be vented
from tall stacks
8Industrial Context
- Opposite the research building, a major campus
re-development project is under construction . - New buildings will include a massive Glass
Pavilion and linked Plant Wall - Some adjacent street areas will become pedestrian
9Industrial Context
- There is a history of local complaints about poor
dispersion of unpleasant smells - The new buildings will create a local impediment
to airflow, and may significantly alter local air
flow patterns - Pedestrianisation of street areas will remove
vehicular air stirring and increase awareness of
ground-level concentrations
10Industrial Context
- Will releases from the roof-top stacks of the
research building have adequate dilution /
dispersion consequences ? - Could effluent plumes impinge upon openable
windows or HVAC intakes in nearby buildings, or
public access areas ? - If a hazard to the public exists, what is the
extent, and how may it be eradicated ?
11Flow Geometry Close-up
12Overview of Site as planned
13Consequences of release dispersion from an
urban university research facility
- Industrial Context
- Objectives of Study
- Benefits of using CFD
- Description of CFD Model
- Outline of simulations performed
- Sample Results Obtained
- Conclusions
14Objectives of Study - 1
- Use simulation tools to predict mixing of rooftop
extract releases from the research building with
the ambient airflow over the adjacent buildings - Provide input to the design of discharge
arrangements which will lead to acceptable
environmental impact
15Objectives of Study - 2
- What constitutes acceptable environmental
impact ? - Plume core is diluted and dispersed to a safe
level at nearby - HVAC intakes
- Opening windows
- Public access areas
16Criterion of Acceptability
- A safe level is taken as a dilution level of
1104 ( i.e. a concentration of 100 ppm ) from
stack release - The plume core is the spatial envelope of this
critical dilution / concentration
17Overview of Release Conditions
18Overview of Release Conditions
19Consequences of release dispersion from an
urban university research facility
- Industrial Context
- Objectives of Study
- Benefits of using CFD
- Description of CFD Model
- Outline of simulations performed
- Sample Results Obtained
- Conclusions
20Benefits of CFD Approach (1)
- No scale-up problem
- Three-dimensional, steady or transient
- Interrogatable predictions
- Handles effect of
- blockages in domain
- recirculating flow
- multiple inlets and outlets
- multiple interacting releases
21Benefits of CFD Approach (2)
- Technique allows for rapid and
cost-effective assessment
of alternative remedial strategies
22Consequences of release dispersion from an
urban university research facility
- Industrial Context
- Objectives of Study
- Benefits of using CFD
- Description of CFD Model
- Outline of simulations performed
- Sample Results Obtained
- Conclusions
23Solution Domain
- Solution domain encompasses the principal
neighbouring buildings for - at least one block on each side of the research
facility - PHOENICS VR objects (plus some bespoke objects
for roofs) used for blockages, in absence of CAD
models to import - Domain 216m by 243m by 68m high
24CFD Model Description - 1
- Representation of the effects of
- blockage due to the presence of internal
obstacles - multiple inlets and outlets for air/effluent
releases - Influence of buoyancy on plume trajectory
- ambient wind velocity, temperature and turbulence
25CFD Model Description - 2
- Dependent variables solved for
- pressure (total mass conservation)
- axial, lateral and vertical velocity components
- air / effluent mixture temperature
- effluent concentration in mixture
- turbulence kinetic energy
- turbulence energy dissipation rate
- Independent Variables
- 3 spatial co-ordinates (x,y,z) and time
26CFD Model Description - 3
- The set of partial differential equations is
solved within the defined solution domain and on
a prescribed numerical grid - The equations represent conservation of mass,
energy and momentum - The momentum equations are the familiar
Navier-Stokes Equations which govern fluid flow
27CFD Model Description - 4
- The equations may each be written in the form
- D(r j) /Dt div (r Uj - Gj gradj ) Sj
- Terms represent transience, convection, diffusion
and sources respectively - Equation is cast into finite volume form by
integrating it over the volume of each cell
28CFD Model Description - 5
- Guess and correct solution procedure used
iteratively to until convergence of scheme - Around 1500 sweeps of domain required for
convergence - Typical nodalisation level - 500,000
- Convergence therefore involves formulation and
solution of around 6 billion simultaneous linked
differential equations
29Boundary ConditionsAmbient Wind Specification
- Summer
- Ambient temperature - 18 deg.C
- Wind from SW
- Winter
- Ambient temperature - 5 deg.C
- Wind from NNE
30Boundary ConditionsAmbient Wind Specification
- Wind Speeds
- Still - 0.5 m/s
- Low - 2.5 m/s
- Medium - 8.0 m/s
- Wind Profiles
- Pasquill D stability profiles
31Internal SourcesRooftop Release Specification
- Laboratory Extract Stacks (2 off)
- Vertical stacks
- Stack diameter 0.95 m.
- Height 3 m. above plant room roof
- Release temperature - 24 deg.C
- Release velocity - 15 m/s
- Flowrate 2.84 m3/s each stack
32Boundary Condition Independent Region
33Consequences of release dispersion from an
urban university research facility
- Industrial Context
- Objectives of Study
- Benefits of using CFD
- Description of CFD Model
- Outline of simulations performed
- Sample results Obtained
- Conclusions
34Overview of Workscope
- Model build and
- 25 Simulations performed in
- 4 stages
35Workscope for Stage 1
- As Planned Building Geometry
- Model Construction Testing
- Initial Scoping Studies
- Objective
- Determine whether proposed arrangement leads to
adequate dilution / dispersion of effluent
releases under various wind conditions
36Workscope for Stage 2
- Original As Was Building Geometry
- Worst Case Wind Vector combinations
- Objective
- to predict consequences of new neighbour
buildings on plume dispersion if no refurbishment
is carried out - to provide base case data for comparison with as
planned post-refurbishment geometry
37Workscope for Stage 3
- 2-D Venturi Stack Design Model
- Model construction testing
- Parametric study of various design parameters
- Objective
- to investigate effectiveness of various designs
of venturi stack, subject to given constraints
38Workscope for Stage 4
- As Planned Geometry Venturi Stack
- Worst Case Wind Vector combinations
- Objective
- to investigate dispersion effectiveness of as
planned post-refurbishment geometry with
venturi stack
39Consequences of release dispersion from an
urban university research facility
- Industrial Context
- Objectives of Study
- Benefits of using CFD
- Description of CFD Model
- Outline of simulations performed
- Sample Results Obtained
- Conclusions
40Stage 1 Simulations
- Initial Scoping Studies
- As Planned Building Geometry
- Twin Vertical Stack releases
- Summer (180C ambient, 240C release)
- Winter (50C ambient, 200C release)
- Wind velocities 0.5, 2.5, 5 and 8 m/s
- Various wind directions
41Stage 1 Simulation Matrix
42Stage 1 Simulations Predictions for Case 7
- Wind vector 0.5 m/s from NNE
- Ambient temperature 50C
- Release temperature 210C
- Vertical release through twin stacks
- Release velocity 15 m/s
- Chiller air curtain OFF
43Stage 1 As Proposed Results Winter wind
vector 0.5 m/s from NNE
44Stage 1 As Proposed Results Winter wind
vector 0.5 m/s from NNE
45Stage 1 As Proposed Results Winter wind
vector 0.5 m/s from NNE
46Stage 1 As Proposed Results Winter wind
vector 0.5 m/s from NNE
47Stage 1 Simulations Predictions for Case 4
- Wind vector 8.0 m/s from SW
- Ambient temperature 180C
- Release temperature 240C
- Vertical release through twin stacks
- Release velocity 15 m/s
- Chiller air curtain OFF
48Stage 1 As Proposed Results Summer wind
vector 8 m/s from SW
49Stage 1 As Proposed Results Summer wind
vector 8 m/s from SW
50Stage 1 As Proposed Results Summer wind
vector 8 m/s from SW
51Stage 1 As Proposed Results Summer wind
vector 8 m/s from SW
52Stage 1 Simulations Outcome of Predictions - 1
- The imminent construction of the massive new
buildings on the opposite side of the street will
irrevocably change the ambient air flow patterns
in the vicinity of the release site. - With new pedestrian precincts, moving vehicular
traffic can no longer be relied upon to generate
dilution mixing at low elevations - Pedestrians will be more sensitive to the impact
of odour-tinged discharge plumes
53Stage 1 Simulations Outcome of Predictions - 2
- The plume trajectories at higher wind speeds were
flatter than their low-wind counterparts, and
dispersed more rapidly. - At lower wind speeds the core envelope was more
erect at the point of release in the winter
case, this was assisted by a contribution from
buoyancy-driven uplift.
54Stage 1 Simulations Outcome of Predictions - 3
- For the as proposed geometry release
configuration, predictions indicated that
releases from stacks could be entrained into the
recirculation regions in the lee of the downwind
buildings . - Effluent concentrations in excess of recommended
limit could thus occur at ground level and over
building surfaces with openable windows.
55Stage 1 Simulations Outcome of Predictions - 4
- Under low wind conditions in winter, the street
level concentrations were above the 1104
acceptable dilution criterion - Under high wind conditions in summer, the plume
core just failed to clear roof and upper storey
regions in adjacent downwind buildings
56Stage 1 Conclusions
- Need to change release conditions and / or
location to get acceptable dispersion at higher
wind speeds in summer low wind speeds in winter. - How would dispersion patterns compare if no
refurbishment was done ? - How can dispersion patterns be improved during
refurbishment ?
57Stage 2 Simulations Objective
- The Masterly Inactivity Option
- How would the original discharge concept have
coped, given the large-scale buildings being
constructed across the Street ?
58Stage 2 Simulations Geometry Representation
- Removal of third floor and new plant room
- Substitution of original plant room on
second-floor roof - Removal of vertical discharge stacks
- Discharge from basement extract arranged through
louvred sides of plant room.
59Masterly inactivity as was facility geometry
60Stage 2 Simulations Predictions for Case 21
- Wind vector 0.5 m/s from NNE
- Ambient temperature 50C
- Release temperature 210C
- Horizontal release through plant room louvred
sides - Release velocity 0.4 m/s
- Chiller air curtain OFF
61Stage 2 As Was Results Winter wind vector
0.5 m/s from NNE
62Stage 2 As Was Results Winter wind vector
0.5 m/s from NNE
63Stage 2 As Was Results Winter wind vector
0.5 m/s from NNE
64Stage 2 As Was Results Winter wind vector
0.5 m/s from NNE
65Stage 2 Simulations Predictions for Case 22
- Wind vector 8.0 m/s from SW
- Ambient temperature 180C
- Release temperature 240C
- Horizontal release through plant room louvred
sides - Release velocity 0.4 m/s
- Chiller air curtain OFF
66Stage 2 As Was Results Summer wind vector
8 m/s from SW
67Stage 2 As Was Results Summer wind vector
8 m/s from SW
68Stage 2 As Was Results Summer wind vector
8 m/s from SW
69Stage 2 As Was Results Summer wind vector
8 m/s from SW
70Stage 2 As Was Results Summer wind vector
8 m/s from SW
71Stage 2 Conclusions - 1
- These stage 2 predictions confirm that the
dispersion plume consequences - would have been unacceptable if the discharge
arrangements at the research building had
remained unaltered once the major building works
are completed opposite . . .
72End of Stage 2 Status 1
- The modified discharge arrangements, proposed
for the refurbishment of the building, result in
considerable improvements in dilution
dispersion. - Under still Winter conditions, street-level
concentrations would be reduced by two orders of
73End of Stage 2 Status 2
- Despite the improvements, concentration levels
at ground elevation would still not be acceptable
under worst case wind conditions - Dilution of effluent at point of release would
ameliorate this situation - A venturi stack arrangement might provide a low
cost solution . . . .
74Stage 3 Simulations Background
- A venturi-type stack discharge concept has no
moving parts - It uses the momentum of the discharge jet to
induce dilution mixing with the surrounding
(free) ambient air flow
75Stage 3 Simulations Objective
- What dilution level might be achieved using a
venturi-type stack discharge concept in the
present instance?
76Stage 3 Simulations Venturi Stack design
- Discharge pipe diameter
- Discharge nozzle diameter
- Venturi sheath bottom diameter
- Venturi sheath top diameter
- Venturi sheath length
- Internal baffles ?
77Stage 3 SimulationsVenturi Stack Design
78Stage 3 Simulations Venturi Stack design
- Total height not to exceed 3 m.
- Discharge velocity not to exceed 15 m/s
- Venturi sheath diameter maximum 1.2 m.
- Fixed (high) effluent flowrate
- Single Venturi sheath for each pipe
- ( max. two on roof )
79Stage 3 SimulationsOutline of Simulations
- 2-D stand-alone venturi stack model
- 2-D (small sector) model from symmetry
considerations - BFC grid configuration
- Influence of various design parameters
investigated, subject to stated constraints - 36 different arrangements compared
80Stage 3 SimulationsStack parameters
entrainment rates
81Stage 3 SimulationsStack parameters
entrainment rates
82Stage 3 Predictions Results for Stack Design 8
- Supply pipe diameter 0.8 0 m.
- Supply nozzle diameter 0.49 m.
- Sheath entry diameter 1.20 m.
- Sheath exit diameter 1.20 m.
- Venturi Sheath length 3.00 m.
- Sheath internal baffles ? NO
83Stage 3 SimulationsVenturi Stack Design 8
84Stage 3 SimulationsVenturi Stack Design 8
85Stage 3 Predictions Results for Stack Design 28
- Supply pipe diameter 0.60 m.
- Supply nozzle diameter 0.36 m.
- Sheath entry diameter 1.20 m.
- Sheath exit diameter 1.60 m.
- Venturi Sheath length 3.00 m.
- Sheath internal baffles ? NO
86Stage 3 SimulationsVenturi Stack Design 28
87Stage 3 SimulationsVenturi Stack Design 28
88Stage 3 Predictions Results for Stack Design 36
- Supply pipe diameter 0.60 m.
- Supply nozzle diameter 0.35 m.
- Sheath entry diameter 1.20 m.
- Sheath exit diameter 1.20 m.
- Venturi Sheath length 3.00 m.
- Sheath internal baffles ? YES
89Stage 3 SimulationsVenturi Stack Design 36
90Stage 3 SimulationsVenturi Stack Design 36
91Stage 3 Conclusions - 1
- The results obtained from using a venturi stack
device represent a balance between the discharge
velocity, the entrainment rate and the degree of
mixing possible in the sheath - The constraints on the installation mean that
effluent concentration levels at the point of
discharge can only be reduced to around 40 .
92Stage 3 Conclusions - 2
- Predictions indicate that an entrainment rate of
1.5 ( i.e. stack outflow rate of 2.5 times
discharge rate, making mean outlet concentration
40 ) combined with a mean outlet velocity of
around 12 m/s is a realistically attainable
design target.
93Stage 4 SimulationsObjective
- To determine the extent of improvement in
ground-level footprint which would be obtained by
fitting a typical venturi extract device to the
discharge stack from the BSU
94Effect of Venturi Extract Stack Consequence
Comparisons - 1
- CASE 25
- Wind vector 0.5 m/s from NNE
- Ambient temperature 50C
- Release temperature 210C
- Chiller air curtain ON
95Stage 4 As Planned Venturi Discharge Stack
Winter wind vector 0.5 m/s from NNE
96Stage 4 As Planned Venturi Discharge Stack
Winter wind vector 0.5 m/s from NNE
97Stage 4 As Planned Venturi Discharge Stack
Winter wind vector 0.5 m/s from NNE
98Stage 4 As Planned Venturi Discharge Stack
Winter wind vector 0.5 m/s from NNE
99Effect of Venturi Extract Stack Consequence
Comparisons - 2
- CASE 24
- Wind vector 8.0 m/s from SW
- Ambient temperature 180C
- Release temperature 240C
- Chiller air curtain OFF
100Stage 4 As Planned Venturi Discharge Stack
Summer wind vector 8.0 m/s from SW
101Stage 4 As Planned Venturi Discharge Stack
Summer wind vector 8.0 m/s from SW
102Stage 4 As Planned Venturi Discharge Stack
Summer wind vector 8.0 m/s from SW
103Stage 4 As Planned Venturi Discharge Stack
Summer wind vector 8.0 m/s from SW
104Stage 4 As Planned Venturi Discharge Stack
Summer wind vector 8.0 m/s from SW
105Stage 3 Conclusions - 1Influence of Venturi
- Using a venturi stack device with the as
planned geometry, the plume core clears adjacent
buildings and has a safe ground level footprint,
for worst case winter wind vector. - For the summer high wind vector condition, the
plume core just brushes downstream rooftops but
has safe ground level footprint
106Stage 3 Conclusions - 2Influence of Chiller
Air Curtain
- Horizontal discharge provided by chiller air
outlet will have a small a positive influence on
keeping plume clear. - Bonus effects
- entrainment dilution of release into
upward-moving air curtain - buoyant uplift, due to mixing of release with
warm chiller exhaust flow
107Consequences of release dispersion from an
urban university research facility
- Industrial Context
- Objectives of Study
- Benefits of using CFD
- Description of CFD Model
- Outline of simulations performed
- Sample results Obtained
- Conclusions of Study
108Study Conclusions - 1
- Construction of large new structures adjacent to
research facility will adversely affect airborne
plume dispersion patterns. - The worst case ambient conditions were found to
be - Still wind conditions (0.5 m/s NNE) in winter
- High wind conditions (8.0 m/s SW) in summer
109Study Conclusions - 2
- If a venturi-type dilution discharge stack were
to be fitted, the plume core would clear regions
with opening windows, and give acceptable ground
level concentration footprints
110Study Conclusions - 3
- The environmental impact of the laboratory
stack releases is a substantial improvement over
the existing arrangements, and effluent levels
meet exposure criteria which have been accepted
at similar research establishments.
111Points of Contactfor further information
- Flowsolve Ltd
- Dr. Paddy Phelps
- 130 Arthur Rd.
- Wimbledon Park
- SW19 8AA
- 0208 944 0940
- cfd_at_flowsolve.com
- Scott Wilson
- Mr. John Gibson
- 127 Friars House
- 157-168 Blackfriars Rd
- SE1 8EZ
- 0207 401 3933
- john.gibson_at_scottwilson.com