Title: Civic Societies of Cardiff and Penarth Conference
1Cardiff Local Development Plan
- Civic Societies of Cardiff and Penarth Conference
- Saturday 18th October 2008
2Local Development Plans
- Statutory Requirement
- Land use development
- balancing development-conservation
- delivering sustainable development
- Key means of delivering the communitys vision
for the future of Cardiff - Development control toolbox
- Legislation and guidance
3Some key principles
- Delivery agreement
- Engagement and building consensus
- Evidence based
- Sustainability Appraisal Strategic
Environmental Assessment (SEA) - Examination of soundness
- Binding Report
4LDP Preparation Process
Review and Develop Evidence Base Annual
Monitoring Report/ 4-year Review
Delivery Agreement (Community Involvement Scheme
Community Involvement Sustainability Appraisal
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Plan preparation and Consultation
Inspectors Report
Plan Stages
Deposit Plan
Integral Process
If required, Plan Stage
Advertise New or Alternative Sites generated by
5Preferred Strategy ConsultationAutumn 2007
- Not full draft plan
- Vision and objectives
- Strategic options
- Preferred Strategy
- Key policies
- Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report
- To ensure Cardiff is a world class European
- capital city with an exceptional quality of life
- and at the heart of a competitive city region
- Heart of a sustainable, competitive and
integrated city region - Regeneration of deprived communities
- Regeneration of district and local centres
- Vitality, attractiveness and viability of the
city centre - Regeneration of Cardiff Bay
- Range and mix of new housing
- Range and choice of employment land
- An integrated transport system
- Network of green spaces and corridors
- High quality, locally distinctive and sustainable
8Housing growth scenarios 2007
9Developments since 2007
- Key Developments
- New WAG trend based projections
- Draft LHMA results
- One Wales Affordable Housing Target
- Revisions to the MYE Population estimates
- Council Response October 2008
- Adopt higher level of growth in draft deposit
plan 1829 p.a. (26,467 dwellings)
10Preferred Strategy Proposals
- No need for significant Greenfield release
- Accords with national planning guidance/WSP
- Supports regeneration Sustainability objectives
- Will need to ensure
- employment land is protected
- a range and mix of dwelling types is provided
- the need for affordable housing is addressed
- town-cramming is avoided
11Employment growth scenarios 2007
12Preferred Strategy Proposals
- A 10.7 growth in jobs in Cardiff (23,200 jobs)
- Accords with current trends and is in line with
the Councils Economic Strategy for Cardiff - Would enable the city to maintain its role within
the regional and national economies
13Preferred Strategy Proposals
- Accommodated on existing employment sites
- City Centre Bay
- Out of centre Business Parks
- Accords with national planning guidance
- Qualitative need to be examined including
potential for International Business Park
14International Business Park
- Need for IBP established in SE Wales
- Updated Wales Spatial Plan includes reference to
developing an IBP as a strategic employment
priority - Regional approach with key adjoining authorities
- Regional Study and Site Selection process
concluded Junction 33 preferred site - Council Response October 2008
- Include IBP in deposit LDP provided SA/SEA
supports this approach
15Preferred Strategy Proposals
- Develop an efficient, integrated sustainable
transport system - Proposals include
- New park and ride/share facilities
- Bus priority measures
- New public transport interchange at Cardiff
Central Station - New rail station to serve the St Mellons
- A new high quality public transport link between
the City Centre and Bay - An extension to the segregated public transport
network from the City Centre to the north west of
the city and beyond - Eastern Bay Link
16Preferred Strategy Proposals
- Designates and protect two areas of the
countryside as Green Belt - On the eastern boundary to prevent further
coalescence of the urban areas of Cardiff and
Newport - North of the M4 at Caerphilly Mountain to protect
the setting of the city - Designates five Special Landscape Areas which
merit special protection
17Preferred Strategy Proposals
- Protect Enhance interests of conservation and
environmental importance including - Biodiversity and nature conservation resources
- The historic environment
- The countryside and undeveloped coastline
- Open space including the river valleys
18Preferred Strategy Proposals
- Ensure new development addresses the causes of
climate change including - Reducing carbon emissions
- Responding to increased flood risk
- Efficient use of energy and water and renewable
energy - Make provision for new sustainable waste
management methods
19Preferred Strategy - Key Diagram
- Executive October 2008
- LDP Preparation Ongoing
- SA/SEA Ongoing
- Scrutiny/Planning Committee January 2009
- Executive/Council March 2009
- Deposit Full Plan April/May 2009
- Examination March/April 2010
- Adoption October 2010
21Content of Deposit LDP
- Introduction/Strategic Issues
- Strategy
- Vision, Aims Objectives
- Key polices and diagram
- Monitoring arrangements
- Policies
- Proposals Map/Constraints Map
- Background Papers/SPG
- Initial Consultation Report
- SA/SEA Environment Report
22Further information
- Council Website
- www.cardiff.gov.uk (Environment Planning
Development Plans) - Contact developmentplan_at_cardiff.gov.uk
- Register for e-consultation
- http//cardiff-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal