Title: Shopping
4Car Seat
13Car Seat
21Car Seat
23Draw a line from the word to the picture.
- Blanket
- Bottles
- Car seat
- Clothes
- Crib
- Diapers
- Stroller
24Draw a line from the word to the picture.
- Blanket
- Bottles
- Car seat
- Clothes
- Crib
- Diapers
- Stroller
25- Checklist Shopping for Your Baby
- Check (v ) the items you have for your baby.
- Blanket
- Bottles
- Car Seat
- Crib
- Clothes
- Diapers
- Stroller
26South Carolina English LiteracyLesson
Plan Developed by Lisa Hartley AE Program
Union County Adult Education Lesson No.
___________ Title Shopping for Your Baby Level
ESL Beginning Skill Listening and
Speaking Goal/Objective The students will be able
to recognize and name seven items needed for
a baby. Material/Texts/Handouts Needed
Computer with Microsoft PowerPoint and a
projector Picture of items flashcards for each
group matching worksheet checklist LESSON
OUTLINE Introduction Review vocabulary words
have and need from the last lesson. Use a pen to
illustrate the point. You have a pen. I need a
pen. Question the other students. Do you have
a pen or do you need a pen? In todays lesson we
will name seven items you need for your
baby. Presentation Use the PowerPoint
Presentation Shopping for Your Baby to show and
name each item. Present the picture first and
then the word for the item. Repeat with each
item. Give each group a picture of an item. Let
the students discuss the item and how to
pronounce it in their group. Then use the
PowerPoint Presentation to show the vocabulary
word without the picture. Have all the students
in the group stand-up when you show the word for
their item. Have the students say the word.
Practice Give each student a set of flashcards
with pictures of the items. Have the students
hold up the picture for the item named. Give the
students opportunity to say each word. Give
students flashcards with the vocabulary words.
Have students work in pairs and match the picture
to the word card. Move around the room,
observing and assisting students as needed.
Debriefing/Evaluation Give each student a
worksheet to draw a line from the word to the
picture. Extension Activity Give each student a
checklist Shopping for Your Baby with the name
of each item. Have the students take the
checklist home and check the items they have for
their baby.