Title: Getting nuclear DFT ready for the exascale age
1 Getting nuclear DFT ready for the exascale age
- N. Schunck
- Department of Physics ? Astronomy, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, TN-37996, USA - Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Oak Ridge, TN-37831, USA
J. Dobaczewski, G. Fann, R. Harrison, J.
McDonnell, W. Nazarewicz, N. Nikolov, H. H. Nam,
J. Pei, J. Sarich, J. Sheikh, W. Shelton, A.
Staszczak, M. Stoitsov
Ridge National Laboratory, February 23-25, 2009
2Nuclear DFT Why supercomputing?
DFT A global theory
Principle average out individual degrees of
- Correlations must be added ad hoc
- Lack of quantitative predictions at the 100 keV
- No limit theory from light nuclei to the
physics of neutron stars - Rich physics
- Fast and reliable
Ground-state of even nucleus can be computed in a
matter of minutes on a standard laptop why
bother with supercomputing?
- Why super-computers
- Large-scale problems fission, shape coexistence,
time-dependent problems - Systematic restoration of broken symmetries and
correlations made easy (QRPA, GCM) - Optimization of extended functionals on larger
sets of experimental data
Supercomputers DFT at full power
3Classes of DFT Solvers
Non-linear integro-differential fixed point
- Coordinate-space direct integration of the HFB
equations - Accurate provide exact result
- Slow and CPU/memory intensive for 2D-3D
geometries - Configuration space expansion of the solutions
on a basis (usually HO) - Fast and amenable to beyond mean-field extensions
- Truncation effects source of divergences/renormal
ization issues - Wrong asymptotic unless different bases are used
(WS, PTG, Gamow, etc.)
Computational package used and developed at ORNL
and estimate of the resources needed for a
standard HFB calculation
4Recent achievements
Microscopic description of nuclear fission
Even-even, odd-even and odd-odd mass tables
Systematics of odd-proton states in odd nuclei
Cf. Talks by N. Nikolov, J. Pei, J. Sheikh, A.
Staszczak, M. Stoitsov, S. Wild and J.
Moré Online ressources http//massexplorer.org/ h
5Petascale and beyond
- Hardware constraints
- Many cores (100,000) stacked into sockets -
Currently 4 cores/socket, evolution toward 8
cores/socket and more - Small-memory per core (shared memory per socket)
- Short, crash-prone, expensive runtime
- Consequences on the architecture of DFT solvers
- Optimize time of one HFB calculation reduce
number of iterations, use symmetries smartly by
improving/interfacing codes, parallelization,
etc. - Work on parallel wrapper load balancing,
checkpoints, error control mechanisms
6Computing platform for DFT applications
Interfacing codes
Parallelize solver
Load balancing
7Summary and Outlook
- Nuclear DFT adapted to global studies of nuclear
properties (at the scale of the mass table and
beyond) - Existing codes have demonstrated that they can be
ported and run on current leadership class
computers. - Future evolution of super-computing is dictated
by factors (economical, technological, political)
that have little to do with nuclear physics we
must adapt
- Physics
- Get new functionals of spectroscopic quality
- Clarify the role of correlations can they be
included at the level of DFT? Divergences?
- Computing
- Improve our algorithms faster, more reliable,
more stable - Learn how to take advantage of redundancy (load
- Community
- Change the way we program collaborative work
with CS/AM and among physicists - Be happy with it brand new physics within reach