Title: What is FACET?
1What is FACET?
- FACET Flavourings, Additives (food), Contact
materials, Exposure Task - EU funded project 5.8 Mio.
- some Member State funding 1 Mio
- some industry funding 520,000
- FACET will be an exposure based, risk management
tool for - DGSANCO
- Member States
- Industry
2Outputs of FACET project - 1
- Databases/Lists
- Harmonised database on nationally available food
intake data (8 EU countries) - Database on occurrence of substances in food
packaging - Extended harmonised food consumption database for
regional modelling and risk assessment for
filling data gaps - List of all substances used in food contact
3Outputs of FACET project - 2
- Models/Tools
- Migration model for multi-layer and
multi-material packaging - QSAR tool to estimate toxicity of food contact
substances - Free, publicly available PC software for
estimating exposure to target food chemicals and
food migrants - Sustainability and acceptability ensured
- Filling data gaps by modelling
- 4 year project from 1st August 2008
- 20 partners, including an industry consortium
FIG Facet Industry Group - FIG currently consists of 14 trade associations
see later - Packaging covered
- Paper and board
- Plastics
- Metal
Short Name Country
KTL Finland
STFI Sweden
CFRI Hungary
FCNAUP Portugal
USC Spain
IZZ Poland
Short Name Country
UCD, CREMe Ireland
CEPE - FIG, CIAA Belgium
AFSSA France
TUM, FABES, Fraunhofer Germany
- 10 Work-packages to address diversity of project
- 1. Management UCD (M. Gibney)
- 2. Flavourings INRAN (C. LeClercq)
- 3. Additives AFSSA (J.L. Volatier)
- 4. Packaging CSL (L. Castle)
- 5. Food Intake UU (A. McKevitt)
- 6. Chemical Occurrence UCD (M. Gibney)
- 7. Regional Modelling FCRA (D. Tennant)
- 8. Databases Modelling CREMe (C. McNamara)
- 9. Concentration Data CIAA (B. Kettlitz)
- 10. Dissemination UCD (M. Gibney)
7Who is involved in WP4?
- Nine partners of packaging part of FACET
- CSL partner 03
- FIG partner 04
- FABES partner 09
- Fraunhofer partner 10
- STFI partner 12
- USC partner 16
- NIRDIM partner 18
- JRC partner 21
8Partners in FIG
- Today 12 Associations have signed up to FIG
- APEAL steel
- CEFIC-FCA additives for packaging
- CEPE/EuPIA coatings and inks
- CEPI paper and board
- CIAA food industry
- EAA aluminium
- EMPAC canmakers
- EUPC plastic converters
- EWF wax federation
- FEICA adhesives
- FPE multilayer plastic converters
- Plastics Europe plastic suppliers
9 10The role of food packaging in FACET - 1
- Packaging accounts for gt 50 of budget
significantly more if all of packaging industrys
in-kind contributions are taken into account. - FIGs main focus is WP4.1 - split into 5
- WP4.1.1 Compile an inventory list
- WP4.1.2 Occurrence / concentration
- WP 4.1.3 Linking packaging to foodstuffs
- WP 4.1.4 Linking substances to foodstuffs
- WP 4.1.5 Filling data gaps
11The role of food packaging in FACET - 2
- Whilst FIGs main focus is WP4.1, FIG also has
expertise in QSAR, stochastic modelling and
exposure assessments. - FIG will also be involved in
- WP4.2 migration modelling
- WP4.3 QSAR
- WP5 food intake (coding issues)
- WP6 chemical occurrence
- WP7 regional modelling
- WP8 databases and exposure modelling
- WP10 dissemination certainly to industry
12WP4. Food Packaging
- Objectives
- To obtain information on the chemical composition
of food packaging materials - To link foods consumed with concentration of
migrants from its packaging - To establish a migration modelling framework to
deliver realistic estimates of exposure for
subsequent use in risk assessment.
13 Packaging
Usage data Coverage
issues Concentration data Updating
issues Treatment of uncertainty data gaps
Coding issues
Computation User interfaces
Documentation Validation
Consumer buy-in Modelling tools Treatment of high
consumers QSAR Correlation factors
Food consumption database
14 - Examples of data required
- 1. Packaging specific food groups
- 2. Packaging usage data
- 3. Concentration data
- of substance in packaging
- of migrant in food/simulant
- 4. Substance occurrence
- 5. Market shares for
- packaging type
- food type
- substance usage
- 6. Total surface area of packaging produced
- 7. Area / volume (S/V)
- 8. storage conditions
- 9. Pack size(s)
QSAR Modelling toxicology Structure of migrant
Usage data Coverage
issues Concentration data Updating
issues Treatment of uncertainty data gaps
Coding issues
Computation User interfaces
Documentation Verifica
Consumer buy-in Modelling tools Treatment of high
consumers, vulnerable groups Correlation factors
Food consumption database
Black box
Exposure estimate FACET Objective
15Data required - 1
- Lists of substances used in packaging
- Occurrence of substances in those packaging types
- Concentration estimates for each substance in
that packaging type for modelling - Packaging estimates (by type) for each foodstuff
consumed - Use market share of each packaging type within
each food group (sum to 100 within food group)
to give a range
16Data required - 2
- Consumption estimates for each food group
- Concentration estimates of migrant in each food
group - Exposure the sum of (migrant concentration x
weight foodstuff consumed) for each and every
individual over the lifetime of the survey - Packaging loyalty can be modelled in different
ways and at various levels. Needs further
discussion and some research
17Substance Lists
- What substances are used for food contact
materials? - Construct Lists from
- Plastics - 2002/72/EC amendments
- Coatings - AP(2004)1 CEPE C-o-P
- Paper board BFR
- Inks non-food contact surface coatings - EUPIA
inventory list - Adhesives BFR FDA
- Colorants?
18Occurrence Data - 1
- Which packaging materials could contain that
substance? - Use information about
- Plastic composition
- Paper composition
- Coating composition
- Adhesive composition
- Inks/externals composition
- Nature of packaged foodstuffs (i.e. restrictions
on use etc)
19Occurrence Data - 2
- What is the likelihood that the substance is in
that packaging/coating/adhesive? - Use market share data for the substance use for
each application and type of package i.e
antioxidant A has a 50 M/S for polythene, but
10 for polypropylene - NOTE that this is a different market share to the
amount of a foodstuff packaged in that FCM. -
20Occurrence Data - 3
- Substance occurrence input also needed could
it be in both fatty and non-fatty food packaging. - Look at use restrictions
21Concentration Data
- Concentration of substance in FCM for use in
modelling migrant concentration. Need - Typical concentration ranges (expert judgement)
- Layer thickness
- Time / temperature of storage
- Differentiate between food contact layer and
others. - Concentration of substance in simulants
- Concentration of substance in real foodstuffs.
22Packaging Usage Data - 1
- Define food groups relevant for packaging
- Link with WP5 (food intake)
- Link with HUB Codes
- Identification of types of packaging materials
used for each food group - MATRIX project may need to further subdivide
paper board and coatings - STFI project inks and coatings
- PITJIF for inks
- CSL pan-European model (for some?)
- Migresives project for adhesives?
23Packaging Usage Data - 2
- Estimation of market shares for each FCM for each
food group - Will need wherever possible to sub-divide to
avoid worst case assumptions i.e. split fish
into oily (fatty) and aqueous otherwise will
have to assume migrant concentration levels in
simulant D or D/X rather than A - Calculation of rigid packaging surface area to
volume (S/V) ratio range - Flexibles still unclear on S/V ratio but could do
average surface area vs weight packed
24Data required depends on final use - 1
- If the ideal objective is that user could enter
only substance name and get an exposure
assessment, then - Need to provide either data or default fallback
assumption for every type of input - Need to inform user what defaults are being used
and then they have the option to reject or modify
25Data required depends on final use - 2
- Realistically data cannot be provided for every
combination so need a wizard in software that
identifies essential gaps and requests user to
fill them in before completing assessment - Alternative would be for user to complete
assessment excluding affected food groups or
packaging types - In this case it should be made clear that the
exposure assessment is an under-estimate
26Exposure Model Outputs
- FIG to indicate options they want for migrants
from FCMs e.g. - Which percentile (s)
- Age and gender groups
- Vulnerable groups
- Europe or regional
- mg/kg body weight/day
- mg/person/day
- Exposure drivers (food groups)
- However outputs will depend on consumption data
available and its suitability for these needs.
27What will FACET do?
- Estimate EU consumer exposure to
- Food Additives
- Food Flavourings
- Migrants from food contact materials, including
those from non-direct food contact layer - Offer a risk management tool for migrants from
food packaging, through the use of - Exposure estimates
- Other exposure toxicological tools e.g. Cramer
28Structure of FIG - 1
- Paper board (PB)
- Laminated
- Non-laminated
- Plastics (P)
- Monolayer
- Multilayer
- Metal (M)
- Coated
- Uncoated
- Externals (E)
- Adhesives (A)
- Glass (?)
29Structure of FIG - 2
- FIG consists of
- Admin - FIG
- Steering FIG
- FIG task forces
- Sector groups
- All of which need to interact with each other
and other partners to ensure consistency of
30Steering - FIG Structure
- Work Package Leader non-industry project
manager - Laurence Castle (CSL) Aine Hearty (UCD)
- Chair and deputy chairs
- Chair Peter Oldring (PO)
- Deputy chairs - Nigel Barnwell (NB), Bart Brands
(BB), Fred Savrij Droste (FD) - Sector groups
- Paper and board NB, John Swift ?
- Plastics BB, Dario Dainelli, Mark Vints
- Metal FD, Ron Colwell, Thomas Dirnberger
- Externals Sandro Leuenberger ?
- Business Martin Reynolds Ralf Eisert ?
- Secretariat Anne Marie Hamelton, Christian
Jassogne, Jacques Warnon
31Responsibilities of Steering FIG
- To manage overall technical activities of FIG
- Co-ordinate activities of the different sectors
- Set up ad hoc-task forces, as necessary
- Liaise with other project partners, including the
non-packaging partners - To ensure full integration with existing projects
Matrix, CSL, STFI. - Co-opt experts as and when appropriate
- Disseminate information to FIG membership
- Prepare reports etc, as required by DGRESEARCH,
in a timely manner - Ensure that submissions for milestones and
deliverables are prepared and submitted on time
32FIG Task Forces
- FIG task forces
- Will be set up to achieve specific tasks
- Not a purely technical exercise market data
needed - Some task forces will be specific to a sector
group - Others across all packaging sectors
33Rigid Metal Sector Group - TSC 30
- Joint Industry Group for light metal packaging
(JIG) has fully supported the use of exposure to
derive realistic risk estimates (TSC 4) - The participation of JIG in FIG will be through
TSC 30 chaired by Ron Colwell. - TSC 30 group being formed
34Position of DGSANCO
- DGSANCO were involved in the call for FP7 and
suggested appropriate wording for FCMs - At last Member State meeting DGSANCO stated that
they would consider exposure driven legislation
when a suitable tool was available
35Potential Consequences of FACET
- Exposure driven legislation will bring EU closer
to FDA approach with end uses rather than
substances being approved. - Exposure rather than substance driven approach
- Reduced dossiers could be accepted when migration
exceeds 50 ppb, provided that exposure doesnt
exceed 50 µg/person/day. - Reduction in (management of) scares relating to
substance of the month - A standardised risk measurement tool which will
give same answer to industry and regulators
36Coatings Code of Practice FACET
- In order to comply with Art. 3 of 1935/2004 we
need an accepted (EFSA, DGSANCO, Member States
and industry) tool to deal with NIAS - Tool needs to combine different approaches
- TTC (Threshold of Toxicological Concern) ILSI
group active - Use of Cramer Classes
- Use of QSAR
- Use of exposure
- FACET risk management tool