Title: Verbatix Automated analysis of consumer transcripts Datops Technologies
1Verbatix Automated analysis of consumer
transcriptsDatops Technologies
2Automated Analysis of Consumer Transcripts
- Capture of transcripts on audio channels
- Email and newsgroup message processing
- Indexation and archive
- Content analysis of consumer transcripts
3Automated Analysis of Consumer TranscriptsInputs
- Capture of transcripts on audio channels
VERBATIX INPUTS --- Capture of transcripts on
audio channels
4Automated Analysis of Consumer TranscriptsInputs
- Capture of transcripts on audio channels
- The transcript is captured directly on the Call
Centres audio channels. - The voice recognition technology uses the most
reliable possible identification of the essential
elements of the speech
5Automated Analysis of Consumer TranscriptsInputs
- Capture of transcripts on audio channels
- Two main qualities to preserve in the customers
feedback - Context
- Reliability/spontaneity
One of the principal qualities which must be kept
by content analysis is the richness and
spontaneity of the consumer feedback. The tools
must preserve the original content of the
transcripts as much as possible without reduction
or simplification. The high resulting quality
thus makes it possible to use this analysis as a
complementary tool to your usual customer surveys.
6Automated Analysis of Consumer TranscriptsInputs
- Capture of transcripts on audio channels
- Two main qualities to preserve in the customers
feedback - Context
- Reliability/spontaneity
- Semantic Network
- Linking the current consumer transcripts to the
existing Semantic database - (Blue color)
- Semantic Network
- Building associations (associations of idea or
qualitative relationships) according the consumer
transcripts, in a spontaneous way - (yellow color)
7Automated Analysis of Consumer TranscriptsOutputs
- Content analysis of consumer transcripts
- ---
- Content analysis of consumer transcripts
- Precise understanding of consumers likes and
dislikes - Detection and follow-up of trends and weak
signals for marketing purposes
8Automated Analysis of Consumer TranscriptsOutputs
- Content analysis of consumer transcripts
The Aim
Statistical and logical processing to
highlight Consensus And Dissensus
- from Insights to Outsights
- Analysis of consumer insights and identification
of positive and negative consensus
- Matrix of Consensus
- Product/Brand Profiles
- ? Mental connections
Tone measurement
Semantic network
9Core Technologies
10Automated Analysis of Consumer TranscriptsOutputs
- Content analysis of consumer transcripts
from Insights to Outsights
? Matrix of Consensus
Analysis of consumer insights and identification
of positive and negative consensus
Positive Consensus
Negative Consensus
11Automated Analysis of Consumer TranscriptsOutputs
- Content analysis of consumer transcripts
from Insights to Outsights
? Product / Brand Profiles
Qualitative analysis of the image components of
brand or product
12Technologies for consumer verbatim analysis
Outputs - Content analysis of consumer
from Insights to Outsights
? Product / Brand Profiles
Benchmark of brands or products
13Automated Analysis of Consumer TranscriptsOutputs
- Content analysis of consumer transcripts
from Insights to Outsights
? Psychological connections
Psychological connections revealed