Title: Infant Social DevelopmentChapter 11, Vaughn
1Infant Social DevelopmentChapter 11, Vaughn
WatersNext time Infant Assessment
2 Emotions Temperament Attachment
3Contrasts with Perception and Cognition
- More work in natural setting
- More observational
- More focus on individual differences
- More longitudinal research
- Not infant in isolation
4 Attachment and Human Development
5Strange Situationpp. 220-222Attachment
Q-Setpp. 222-223
6- Table 11.2 The Eight Episodes of the Strange
Situation. NOTE Episodes two through eight last
for three minutes each, although separation
episodes may be cut short and reunion episodes
may be expanded for babies who become extremely
upset. BASED ON AINSWORTH et al., 1978.
7Attachment Categories
- Pattern BSecurely Attached
- Pattern AInsecure-Avoidant
- Pattern CInsecure-Resistant (Ambivalent)
- Pattern DDisorganized
8Examples of Items from the Attachment Q-SetItem
Number Description 1 Child readily shares with
mother or lets her hold things if she asks
to. 11. Child
often hugs or cuddles against mother without her
asking or inviting him to do so.21 Child keeps
track of mothers location when he plays around
the house. Calls to her now and then notices her
go from room to room.71 If held in mothers
arms, child stops crying and quickly recovers
after being frightened or upset.
73 Child has a cuddly toy or
security blanket that he carries around, takes to
bed, or holds when upset.
76 When given a choice, child would rather play
with toys than with adults.79 Child easily
becomes angry at mother.81 Child cries as a way
of getting mother to do what he wants.
9Issues re Individual Differences
10Issues re Individual Differences
11Issues re Individual Differences
12de Wolff, D. S., Van IJzendoorn, M. H. (1997).
Sensitivity and attachment A meta-analysis on
parental antecedents of infant attachment. Child
Development, 68, 571-591
13Issues re Individual Differences
- Origins
- Child rearing
- Temperament
14Issues re Individual Differences
- Origins
- Child rearing
- Temperament
- Consequences
15Issues re Individual Differences
- Origins
- Child rearing
- Temperament
- Consequences
- Short-term
16Issues re Individual Differences
- Origins
- Child rearing
- Temperament
- Consequences
- Short-term
- Long-term
17- Table 11.2 The Eight Episodes of the Strange
Situation. NOTE Episodes two through eight last
for three minutes each, although separation
episodes may be cut short and reunion episodes
may be expanded for babies who become extremely
upset. BASED ON AINSWORTH et al., 1978.