Title: 1 Corinthians 9:25
1A Rewarded
1 Corinthians 925
2A CrownThat Cannot Be Tarnished
31. It requires discipline.
42. It involves discipleship.
53. It reflects determination
6A CrownThat Will Be Given forHoly Living
7 Obedienceto the commandsof God.
82. Surrender to the will of God.
93. Submission to the call of God.
10A Crown That Is Given for Soul Winning
111. Faithful to witness to others.
12 Passionate for the soulsof the lost.
13 R eaching our friends with the message of
salvation. (Friendship) E xpanding ministry
involvement at TCN. (Partnership) A
ctivating a deeper commitment to Christ.
(Discipleship) C elebrating hope within our
community. (Worship) H onoring God with
our personal resources. (Stewardship)
Our Vision
Extending our REACH to greater Oklahoma City
14A Crown That Cannot Be Taken Away
151. Protected in heaven.
162. Preserved until the day of His appearing.
17A Crown That Will Last for All Eternity
181. We will realize our crowns belong to Jesus.
192. We will crown Jesus as the King.