Title: Inverse kinematics for our 2link robot'
1Inverse kinematics for our 2-link robot.
2The goal is to place P on the target
3The goal is to place P on the target
4Let xtargetx, ytargety
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7Note that there is a quadrant ambiguity for q2.
8Note that there is a quadrant ambiguity for q2.
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10Choice of sign determines elbow-up or elbow-down
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12A two-argument function Resolves quadrant
13sin positive and cos positive.
14sin positive and cos negative.
15sin negative and cos positive.
16sin negative and cos negative.
17c12 c1c2-s1s2
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35Inverse kinematics for a digging task.
36We seek a kinematic solution for a portion of the
motion of a nonholonomic system
37 one that will duplicate the effect of the
following holonomic sequence.
38 one that will duplicate the effect of the
following holonomic sequence.
39Inverse kinematics for a digging task.
40Let point P track the target path.
41Let point P track the target path.
42Let point P track the target path.
43At the same time, keep the knife edge aligned
with the tangent to the target path.
44This is a three-degree-of-freedom task.
45We seek, at each juncture along the length of the
trajectory to control 2 components of position of
point P ...
46 and one component of end-of-arm-tool
47We have three degrees of robot freedom in order
to realize these three objectives.
48We have three degrees of robot freedom in order
to realize these three objectives.
49We have three degrees of robot freedom in order
to realize these three objectives.
50We have three degrees of robot freedom in order
to realize these three objectives.
51We assume that the
Although q3 does entail rotation, it is not a
revolute joint in the sense that we have
considered such degrees of freedom in Craig.
52We assume that the
Nevertheless in this limited context (of
simultaneous action of both wheels with no slip
on a flat surface) we could create a T(q1,q2,q3)
matrix to describe the forward kinematics of the
blue shovel
53We assume that the
although it could not be made to fit the
Denavit Hartenberg convention, for example.
54We assume that the
Rather than do that as the basis for our inverse
kinematics, we instead will work with a direct
model for the kinematics of P, as per HW1.
55This is a planar task, and we assume that
previous action of the base has been conducted in
order to place the robot in the desired (near-)
vertical plane.
56We will take x0, y0 to be the juncture at which
P would begin its action of traversing the red
dashed line.
57We will take x0, y0 to be the juncture at which
P would begin its action of traversing the red
dashed line.
58The coefficients Co C1 C2 of the path of the
line y(x)CoC1xC2x2 have been chosen in order
to produce a particular scoop volume.
59Forward kinematics of OPX OPY and f.
63f -q1 q2 - Y
64f -q1 q2 - Y
65 OPY yp(q1,q2) L1 sin(q1) L2 sin(q1-q2)
66 OPY yp(q1,q2) L1 sin(q1) L2 sin(q1-q2)
67 OPX xp(q1,q2,q3) L1 cos(q1) L2
cos(q1-q2) Rq3 x0
68 OPX xp(q1,q2,q3) L1 cos(q1) L2
cos(q1-q2) Rq3 x0
69 OPX xp(q1,q2,q3) L1 cos(q1) L2
cos(q1-q2) Rq3 x0
70 OPX xp(q1,q2,q3) L1 cos(q1) L2
cos(q1-q2) Rq3 x0
x0 is known
71 x0 is known, together with y0
72 Also, L1 L2 and Y are known
x0 is known, together with y0
73 Note that, as things are defined, Co will always
be zero.
74 y(x)C1xC2x2
Note further that, as shown, C1 is negative, and
C2 positive.
75 y(x)C1xC2x2
Take xfinal to be the nonzero x such that
76 y(x)C1xC2x2
Take xfinal to be the nonzero x such that
y(xfinal)0, i.e. xfinal-C1/C2
77 y(x)C1xC2x2
Prob. 1a. For any x, 0ltxltxfinal, determine the
target angle f as defined herein. Be sure to
avoid quadrant ambiguities by using the
dual-argument inverse tangent of Craig. Generate
results in terms of C1 C2
78 y(x)C1xC2x2
Prob. 1b. For any x, 0ltxltxfinal, determine the
robot angles q1 q2 as defined herein. Do this in
radians and in terms of given yo L1 L2 Y C1 C2.
79 y(x)C1xC2x2
Prob. 1c. For any x, 0ltxltxfinal, determine the
robot angle q3 as defined herein. Do this in
radians and in terms of given xo yo L1 L2 Y C1 C2.
80 y(x)C1xC2x2
Prob. 1d. For all x, 0ltxltxfinal, given R150mm
L1300mm L2450mm Y1.0 radian C1-1 x018mm
y0150mm C2(500mm)-1, use your
inverse-kinematics relations of 1a-1c to make a
single plot superimposing each of the three robot
angles as functions of x.